Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

Home for Health Lifestyle Center

Home for Health Lifestyle Center

Image source: https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/f38a9e39dabcdcb5b7c422e4ba9825f9b41bca89/c=204-0-3396-2400&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/2017/02/28/Naples/Naples/636238933913734956-aqua0305.jpg

Nestled in the hilly areas of Kentucky, Home for Health is a Christian organization that educates and demonstrates to people how live healthy and to overcome diseases. It is a lifestyle center that works on a hands-on basis though it is a wellness haven, Home for Health utilizes spiritual beliefs and faith which provides encouragement, joy and hope to people who attend different rejuvenation and rehabilitation programs organized by this lifestyle ministry. Along with different techniques for improving the immune system of every individual, Home for Healths most recognized program is the Christian based Gerson Program which is offered by only a limited number of organizations.

Gerson therapy is a high demand, non-toxic healing technique that has shown promising results for cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. For successful execution of this program, a Gerson diet needs to be followed which helps immensely in recovery. Organic coffee, nutrient rich fruits and vegetables and plenty of fluids, like water and fresh juices, are highly recommended for Gerson therapy. This program is almost similar to the program practiced by the San Diego based Gerson Institute. Though the program is similar, Gerson therapy costs around $5,000 per week at the Gerson Institute, while at Home for Health the rate is less than half that per week. Moreover, their Kentucky wellness center offers scholarships to make the program even more budget-friendly.

If a guest at Home for Health needs to attend this low cost Gerson therapy as a high priced Gerson alternative but still has a shortage of funds, the organization works it out to make the program accessible for the person because Home for Health believes in Bible ideology, freely ye have received, freely give which asks everyone to help as many people as possible.

At Home for Health, guests usually start their day with morning prayers, devotions, preparing healthy recipes based on the Gerson diet, relaxing, and attending health classes. Staying at this wellness center is very enjoyable and recreational for every guest, and patients can actually enjoy the Gerson plus program instead of nurturing stress and fear of the disease in their mind. The Christian based Gerson Program goes on for one week to three weeks according to individual needs. But if necessary, guests can also stay for six weeks without worrying about the expenditure, because the low cost Gerson therapy here is reasonable and pocket friendly for all!

Home for Health types itself as a Christian based lower cost Gerson therapy. But this does not imply that non-Christian communities will be left at bay. This organization welcomes every individual looking to attend this lower cost Gerson therapy as a Gerson alternative so that they can return home healthier and self dependent to take care of their health. Apart from Gerson therapycosts, another difference between these two US organizations is their way of working. Home for Health believes that devotional prayer to God ushers the most powerful blessings on every individual that are the best balm for all pains and diseases very easily as spiritual blessings are the most powerful treatment for any disease.

Jumat, 09 Februari 2018

Your Belief Systems Are In Control

Your Belief Systems Are In Control

Image source: http://www.mrconroy.com/images/belief-system.png

The following is an exercise, or process, you can use to explore the depths of your being. It is an exercise to discover your belief systems-what you believe to be true about yourself, about God, about life.

All of your actions are rooted in your belief system. Although most of your beliefs were formed as a child, they are in fact a choice. If you do not like what you believe, you can change it. As an adult, you have full control of your beliefs. In order to change, however, you must take a long, scrutinizing look at your particular belief structure.

Probe closely into your childhood beliefs. Look for the strong messages you received as a child. You may not yet realize that these strong messages usually constitute a major portion of your core belief structure and hold an incredible amount of power. Write these beliefs, or messages, down on paper in a list form. Keep the sentences short for easy reading. Again, you are searching for the core or foundation of a belief, not the philosophy behind it. After you have completed your list, write down what you would rather believe, what you would rather have heard as a child. This is the time to be co-creative and to use your imagination to construct a list that is ideal. Create the perfect God in your mind and on the paper-a belief system that will support you, love you, and work for you, not against you. There are no rules, except that you do this exercise in its entirety.

The following is a composite of the common belief statements I hear from my clients:

Common Beliefs about God from Childhood

1. God is external, lives in heaven, and is separate from myself.

2. God is male and has male characteristics.

3. God has lots of rules. I had better not break a rule or I will be punished.

4. God does not always give me what I want. I have to deserve it, and if I mess up, He will hold it against me.

5. I can only pray for the will of God. If my prayer does not line up with His will, my prayer will not be answered.

6. I am selfish if I pray for myself and God does not like it when I do. Besides, I am too unworthy to pray for myself.

7. God punishes me and withholds my prayers to teach me a lesson. I deserve hard lessons.

8. God gets disappointed in my behavior.

9. God has human feelings such as anger, disappointment, revenge, and judgment.

10. There is only one way to God and heaven, and that is through Christianity.

11. All things in the Bible are true in the literal sense.

12. I need to be respectful of God. If I do not pray "right," my prayers will not be answered.

13. God watches over me with a critical eye, seeing all the things I do. He waits for me to mess up, so that he can teach me another lesson.

14. It will be difficult to enter heaven if I do not keep God first and follow the rules.

15. I deserve to have it tough in life because I have done lots of bad things.

Kamis, 08 Februari 2018

You Needs a System to Attract Clients

You Needs a System to Attract Clients

Image source: https://yourchicgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/5-Things-Your-Blog-Needs-to-Attract-Clients.png

All businesses need systems in order to function successfully. Even businesses that are primarily sales. You needs sales systems in place too. You need to know that you can attract clients every month in your life coaching practice. You need to know how you can get more clients regularly. And you should develop a system to follow as a life coach.

Most life coaches dont have systems for finding clients. In fact, many people who start out end up failing primarily because they dont know how to find clients. Fear gets the best of them. In the end, they just dont have the absolute certainty that they know how to find clients every month. And you get absolute certainty by having a system that works.

But first, in order to get to a system, you have to overcome your fear and be committed to your life coaching practice just like a business. Coaches dont build sales systems because they dont have a business background, and they dont have a business mentality. They dont believe that they can regularly find clients, so they dont even know that its possible to develop a system of finding clients.

But thats what life coaches are looking for. They just want to know they can find clients consistently every month. The system part is the easy part. The mindset and overcoming your fears are the more challenging aspects. Your system just need to track a few things that Ill list below.

-You need to know how many sales conversations you are having weekly.-You need to know how many of those conversation are converting to paying clients.

Thats about it. Once your business gets rolling, there are more components you can add in to your system. But the basics are how many people you talk to every week. Here are the main three reasons coaches dont develop a system.

-Life coaches dont have absolute certainty they know where to find clients in their market.-Life coaches dont have absolute certainty that they can convert their sales conversations into paying clients.

If coaches had certainty on those two aspects, they would feel confidence in their ability to find clients without struggle. The reason they dont have certainty is because of the following beliefs and fears:

-They dont believe people will pay for their services.-They dont believe they are valuable enough. Not good enough. Not worthy enough.-Theyre too afraid to make a stand for their coaching and the value they provide-Theyre afraid of rejection and failure.

There may be other variations, but these are the most common too. The good things about fears, though, is that you can also develop a system for overcoming your fears. I do. Fears are not final. Beliefs can always change. You just have to know how. You dont usually question your fears because you dont know that you can. You dont know that it can be different.

But fears are simple things that once you examine them and experience them, they can dissolve right away. And you can develop a system for that too. Theres nothing you cant develop a system for. And systems are your key to having absolute certainty that you can attract clients consistently and be successful in your life coaching practice.

What Is The Epstein Barr Virus And How Could It Affect Your Oral Health

What Is The Epstein Barr Virus And How Could It Affect Your Oral Health

Image source: http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-step-by-step/ds-photo/getty/article/178/2/86516298_XS.jpg

The Epstein Barr virus (or EBV) is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world, and transmission is done through the exchange of saliva. As a part of the herpes family, the Epstein Barr virus can be easily transmitted and can spread within a few days or weeks.

While reported cases usually have adolescents and adults being infected, there is also the possibility of children and especially babies getting the disease. Some of the physical manifestation of the disease are sore throat, heightened temperature resulting to fever at around 102 F, swollen lymph nodes, and disorientation. There is also the possibility that these inconveniences may become severe, and you might find yourself with rashes, or your lymph nodes painful and swollen.

The Epstein Barr virus can cause some risks in your lifestyle, especially since infection of the virus can cause mononucleosis, commonly known simply as "mono". Although this disease is also well-known as "the kissing disease", it is important to realize that while transferring of saliva through kissing is one of the ways to get infected. It's very easy to transmit this disease, as one other way is through sharing of utensils, drinking from similar glasses, or even simply touching something that the mouth of someone infected has touched.

Because the Epsten Barr virus and the transfer of mono is highly concentrated on the mouth, this disease can also pose some problem on your oral health. Besides limiting your actions to prevent the disease from spreading, you may find yourself having some mouth sores and also some lesions at the front and side parts of your tongue. This is called hairy leukoplakia, and it manifests when the person infected has a low immune system, which is usually when the Epsten Barr virus has made its way through your body.

There is currently no treatment for hairy leukoplakia, but it will fade in time while you continue with your anti-viral medication to treat mono. Be aware, however, that because the Epsten Barr virus can become dormant, hairy leukoplakia can return once medication stops. However, there is the possibility that this disease will also become dormant after some time, although may occasionally return.

Your lifestyle may change due to this disease. It means you have to be more careful about possibly transferring your condition to someone else. You will also have to be careful and continue taking some medications as long as the virus continues to manifest. Yet, despite this, there is no reason for your lifestyle to suffer. With proper medication and careful planning, you can make sure that you're taking care of yourself and your oral health. Especially avoid irritating your mouth sores, and also make sure that you're taking medication to curb the other effects of the viral infection.

Taking care of your oral health may seem like an unlikely step upon discovering EBV in your system, but it's also important that you maintain proper hygienic acts, not only to prevent its spread but also to make sure that your condition won't worsen and affect the other parts of your body. EBV is also commonly thought to be a possible cause of nasopharynx cancer-that is, cancer that affects the nose and throat. Making sure that you have all the facts and continue to take care of yourself will go a long way in making sure that you will continue to stay healthy and happy.

Vital Life-Saving Information On Heart Disease

Vital Life-Saving Information On Heart Disease

Image source: https://draxe.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/HeartDiseaseGraphic-1.jpg

Eating good food is more important than paying the mortgage. If you don't eat good food, you may not live long enough or be healthy to reap the benefits of having paid off the mortgage.

So here are my examples of a heart friendly diet, which I strongly recommend for avoidance of cardiovascular disease and for a healthy vitality.

Vitamin B6 - Found in fish, poultry, vegetables and whole grains. Vitamin B6 reduces high levels and homocysteine, which could lead to heart disease.

Vitamin B12 - Found in eggs and other dairy products. This can also reduce high levels of homocysteine.

Folic acid - Another vitamin B, found in leafy green vegetables and legumes.

Vitamin C - This is very important, since a long-term deficiency has shown to be linked to heart disease. Look up the studies and the unified therapy to prevent and reverse heart disease by Linus Pauling and Matthius Rath. Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables. As well as having a hand in building good blood vessels, vitamin C is an antioxidant that mops up potentially damaging free radicals.

Vitamin E - This vitamin is found in seeds, nuts and vegetable oils. It is an excellent antioxidant and helps the function of omega-3 fats.

Omega-3 fats - Present in fish, such as cod liver oils, walnut and flax seed oils. It has a varied and very effective role in metabolism. This wonderful source of nutrition can protect against so many other diseases. Sadly, many western world dieters are lacking this.

Enzyme CoQ10 - Is naturally occurring and is found in fish, meat or it can be bough as a supplement. It is a good antioxidant, can help lower blood pressure and prevent congestive heart failure.

L-Glutamine - Promotes healthy heart muscle. This can be bough as a supplement. Heart patients have been found to be lacking in this.

Magnesium - Nuts are an excellent source of this mineral. Magnesium helps to reduce atherosclerosis (plaque formations on the inner walls of arteries). Heart patients have been found to be lacking in this.

Remember, all the above nutrition acts synergistically. For example, Vitamins A, C and E when taken together can greatly reduce the risk of heart disease.

On a more general note for diet

-Try looking at a vegetarian option. Meats such as beef and pork contain high levels of nasty toxic chemicals.

--Try to avoid dairy products. Look at the option of Soya instead.

-Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

-Eat organic food

Food to avoid -Fast foods; processed foods; cans of; packets of; cartons of...denatured foods with all those chemical additives; preservatives, mysterious E numbers, artificial flavourings, artificial sweeteners, refined sugars... -Foods with high fat content. -Don't smoke. -Avoid too much alcohol. Drink only in moderation.

It should not be forgotten that as well as good nutrition, exercise could reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease by improving circulation and strengthening heart muscle...

Exercise about half an hour a day.

Outlook on life... -Focus on dealing with stress effectively: Take a close look at the things that you find stressful... -Avoid anger -Learn to switch off for set times during the day. Find things you like doing that are relaxing. Perhaps you may want to try meditation. Evidence has shown that this is a great health promoter. For example it is very effective at lowering blood pressure.

-Sleep well.


'The Natural Cure of Coronary Heart Disease' was published a few years ago in a journal entitled Nutrition and Health. From it, Dr Alan Withnell said this: 'It strongly suggests that lifestyle and particularly diet are the cause and the cure of coronary heart disease.'

-To this end I rest my case!

Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

Veterans Day Resources

Veterans Day  Resources

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiUdgGF65plT8hZWmjS0fhEWxpWfGaJqMIz4MPeo1XMzgf95FqDYFLZjGz4L4xdlXqCHqIHky2M7oyNKL3-sg6a2KVLNB_J3-wFVUXYood9skXkTd0e2y57cO9AHSwVSlTG-H2p6TtKtolR/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/New+Veterans+Day+Blog+Button.jpg

Veterans Day aims to honor military veterans. This day remind us to be thankful for all those who served in the United States Armed Forces. It is also an opportunity to express our gratefulness towards those who are actively serving and risk their well being for this country on the continuous basis.
I am not only thankful this holiday, but day-in-and-day-out for all those who serve. Most times, we live our hectic lives and do think about the sacrifice being made by all the members of the armed forces. I want to take this opportunity to officially THANK YOU ALL for your service!!!

Negative Consequences
Besides being an honorable position, being part of the Armed Forces is extremely strenuous. Unfortunately, serving can have negative after-effects for some. It can take a toll, not only physically but mentally and emotionally. Obviously, physical injuries are devastating but there are deeper scars than the visible ones.
It is estimated that veterans have about a 50 percent higher rate of suicide than civilians. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, it looks like roughly 22 veterans commit suicide per day. Some believe that this is an exaggerated number while others suggest that this figure undercounts suicides. Either way, the bottom line is that the rates of suicide are higher among veterans than for the rest of the population. And thats indisputable!
You may ask how is this possible.. Well, the majority of veteran suicides can be attributed to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Having a mental health background, I have seen first hand the horrible effects of PTSD.
This disorder takes place sometimes after experiencing a traumatic event and involves four cluster of symptoms:
symptoms dealing with intrusion (flashbacks, nightmares, recurring thoughts)
symptoms of avoidance (avoiding places/people/objects that are a reminder of the trauma)
negative alterations in cognitions and mood (negative thoughts about themselves/ others/ the world, feelings of guilt and blame, difficulty remembering facts about the event, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities or people, feelings of depression)
alterations in arousal and reactivity (being easily startled, feeling tense, edgy or anxious, having outburst of anger, difficulty sleeping)
PTSD is devastating for the individuals experiencing it, as well as for their loved ones. Unfortunately, it is often accompanied by substance abuse, which itself can increase depression and suicidal thoughts. Drinking and/or using drugs as a way to cope with the internal anguish should be avoided since it only worsens the situation.

Veterans Day aims to honor military veterans. This day remind us to be thankful for all those who served in the United States Armed Forces. It is also an opportunity to express our gratefulness towards those who are actively serving and risk their well being for this country on the continuous basis.
I am not only thankful this holiday, but day-in-and-day-out for all those who serve. Most times, we live our hectic lives and do think about the sacrifice being made by all the members of the armed forces. I want to take this opportunity to officially THANK YOU ALL for your service!!!

Negative Consequences
Besides being an honorable position, being part of the Armed Forces is extremely strenuous. Unfortunately, serving can have negative after-effects for some. It can take a toll, not only physically but mentally and emotionally. Obviously, physical injuries are devastating but there are deeper scars than the visible ones.
It is estimated that veterans have about a 50 percent higher rate of suicide than civilians. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, it looks like roughly 22 veterans commit suicide per day. Some believe that this is an exaggerated number while others suggest that this figure undercounts suicides. Either way, the bottom line is that the rates of suicide are higher among veterans than for the rest of the population. And thats indisputable!
You may ask how is this possible.. Well, the majority of veteran suicides can be attributed to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Having a mental health background, I have seen first hand the horrible effects of PTSD.
This disorder takes place sometimes after experiencing a traumatic event and involves four cluster of symptoms:
symptoms dealing with intrusion (flashbacks, nightmares, recurring thoughts)
symptoms of avoidance (avoiding places/people/objects that are a reminder of the trauma)
negative alterations in cognitions and mood (negative thoughts about themselves/ others/ the world, feelings of guilt and blame, difficulty remembering facts about the event, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities or people, feelings of depression)
alterations in arousal and reactivity (being easily startled, feeling tense, edgy or anxious, having outburst of anger, difficulty sleeping)
PTSD is devastating for the individuals experiencing it, as well as for their loved ones. Unfortunately, it is often accompanied by substance abuse, which itself can increase depression and suicidal thoughts. Drinking and/or using drugs as a way to cope with the internal anguish should be avoided since it only worsens the situation.

Using Correlation in Pair Trading

Using Correlation in Pair Trading

Image source: http://www.forex.in.rs/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/forex_stocks_correlation_2.png

The concept of the correlation of financial instruments is familiar to many traders. But at the same time, few of them fully understand all the possibilities of this powerful tool of statistical analysis and represent how it can be applied in practice. Meanwhile, correlation is an indispensable tool for successful trading on the strategy of pair trading. Consider why.

So what is the correlation of financial instruments? Correlation is a quantity reflecting the degree of similarity of the graphs of the two instruments. In fact, the introduction of a correlation is an attempt to express the degree of similarity of graphs with just one value, called the correlation coefficient. The value of this coefficient varies from -1 to 1. Where 1 denotes the maximum degree of similarity, when growth on one graph is always accompanied by a similar increase in strength on the other, 0 is the absence of similarity, and -1 is the reverse similarity, when growth on one is accompanied by a proportional fall on the second.

Since the correlation, in fact, reflects only the degree of similarity of the graphs, it is not at all necessary that in the presence of a high correlation coefficient, there will be some real interconnection between the trading instruments. It is quite possible that two graphs for absolutely random reasons will be similar to each other. But if the number of graph points is large enough, i.e. The correlation is statistically reliable, then the probability of accidental coincidence becomes negligible. In this case, we can talk about the existence of a relationship between financial instruments, which ensures the similarity of their schedules.

It is the ability of correlation to measure the interrelation between financial instruments makes it an extremely useful tool for pair trading. Recall what is pair trading. This is a multidirectional trade of interrelated tools, where profit is extracted by playing to eliminate imbalances that periodically arise between these tools. The key word here is "interconnected", since the success of the strategy will depend directly on how strong and real the relationship between the pair of instruments is. But how to discover interconnected tools among the hundreds of options available on various exchanges? And here the correlation coefficient comes to the rescue. It is enough to sort through all possible pairwise combinations of trading instruments, calculate the correlation coefficients for them and select those from which this indicator will be quite high (for example, more than 0.8).

In order not to do such complex calculations yourself, you can use online services to calculate the correlation. One of the most convenient free services is Correlation of pairs on the site megatrader.org. This service displays pairwise correlation of tools in the form of a correlation table, allows you to specify tool lists and time frames. He is also interested in the fact that, in addition to the correlation itself, it is possible to immediately calculate the weight coefficients for the instruments that make up the pair, and also to plot the spread of the pair. To do this, just click on any correlation value in the table, and the page with a spread graph and automatically calculated weights will open on the site. By the way, these coefficients can be adjusted manually and see how this will affect the spread schedule.

Of course, among the selected pairs with high correlation there will most likely be some percentage of pairs with a false dependence. There are two ways to combat this. First, during selection, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that both instruments are from the same sector of the economy. In this case, the probability of accidental coincidence is significantly reduced. Secondly, it is worthwhile to trade not with one pair, but with a portfolio of pairs. Then, even if some pairs turn out to be random, their losses will be compensated by the rest of the pairs, and the total return on the portfolio will remain positive.

Trekking Tours (And Other Things to Do in Vietnam)

Trekking Tours (And Other Things to Do in Vietnam)

Image source: http://www.trekkingsapa.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Sapa-Vietnam-4-compressor.gif

Who doesnt like going on holiday? A few weeks in a far flung place where you can immerse yourself in rest, relaxation and other cultures.

One country that may not be the top of your list, but certainly should be, is Vietnam.

A country filled with culture, history, and relaxing places to truly unwind, there is something for everybody to do there.

Lets take a look now at some of the great things to do in Vietnam.

Experience Culture the Ultimate in Relaxation When You Visit Vietnam

When you visit an exotic location, it is always handy to have an idea of what you want to do. You dont need a to-the-minute itinerary, but a general plan never hurts.

What sort of things are there to do in Vietnam, you may ask?

Lets take a look right now.

Trekking Tours Help You Explore this Majestic Country

What better way is there to explore a country than on foot. Get up close to the scenery, out into the fresh air and experience the beauty of this hidden gem. Vietnam trekking tours are a popular way to see the country. However, some of the very best are in the northern part of the land. Here you can leave mainstream tourism behind and stay with locals in their homes, and experience the true Vietnam.

Visit the War Remnants Museum

The Vietnam war museum is a stunning and poignant place to visit. Depicting the brutality of the conflict and the impact of civilians. If you love culture, then this is for you.

Pagoda Trips Offer a Relaxing Cultural Experience

There are several different pagoda based excursions and day trips that you can take, which offer you a stunning way to explore the country, see the sights and get a feel for the tranquility that is Vietnamese culture.

Day Trips Galore Mean You are Never Short of Things to do in Vietnam

With so much to see and do, day trips are a great way to make sure you see everything you need to see in a country like Vietnam.

From touring the Mekong Delta to Halong Bay and even excursions to the north of the country to places like Hoa Lu and Tam Coc. You will be hard pushed to run out of great things to do in Vietnam.

Hit the Caves if You Are Feeling Adventurous

For those that want to get a bit of adventure while on holiday, there are several caves in Vietnam that offer exactly what you are looking for.

From the vastness of Han Son Doong, the largest cave in the world to the caves of Tu Lan, where a day trip will see you walk and swim through the caverns before you reach a secluded beach where you can relax and enjoy the scenery.

Vietnam Offers a Vacationers Paradise

Whether you want to sit and relax in hanging pool, trek through the forests and enjoy a laid back cultural experience, Vietnam is one of the few holiday destinations that offer you all of that in one single package.

Covering both tropical and temperate weather conditions, it has sun, rain, and humidity, so having a game plan of things to do in Vietnam means you never need to be caught unprepared.

A land of mystery and intense spirituality, you will find something special waiting for you when you arrive in this great country.

Selasa, 06 Februari 2018

Top 10 Benefits Of Lifelong Learning

Top 10 Benefits Of Lifelong Learning

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/advantagesanddisadvantagesoftechnology-141104164041-conversion-gate01/95/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-technology-12-638.jpg?cb=1415119264

Scientific research from the 1990s now reveals that more than ever before, a challenged, stimulated brain may well be the key to a vibrant later life. As 78 million Baby Boomers prepare to redefine their own retirement, news that staying active and keeping their brains constantly engaged may help stave off mental and physical ailments and diseases has many asking how best to do so. The answer is simple: lifelong or later-life learning.

Lifelong learning is the continued educational experience that utilizes non-credit academic courses, educational travel, and community service and volunteerism to fully engage the brain, heighten physical activity, and maintain healthy social relationships.

Lifelong learning guru Nancy Merz Nordstrom advocates this three-pronged approach as a vital ingredient for the Baby Boomer lifestyle or anyone in their after-50 years. When you look at the benefits gained from keeping your mind sharp, its incredible. Lifelong learning is like a health club for your brain. And an active mind can stimulate physical activity and keep your spirits high. Its an all-around fantastic tool for better health. Scientific experts agree. According to Paul Nussbaum, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychologist & International Consultant on Aging and Health Promotion, "In Learning Later, Living Greater: The Secret for Making the Most of Your After-50 Years," Nancy Merz Nordstrom has correctly championed lifelong learning as a proactive lifestyle for overall personal development and a primary factor for brain health!"

Courtesy of her groundbreaking book, Learning Later, Living Greater: The Secret for Making the Most of Your After-50 Years published by Sentient Publications (ISBN: 1-59181-047-7) Nordstrom offers the Top Ten Benefits of Lifelong Learning.

10. Lifelong learning helps fully develop natural abilities.

We all have innate natural abilities, says Nordstrom. Some of which might not be readily apparent. Once were no longer working full time, we have the opportunity to fully explore and develop these abilities.

9. Lifelong learning opens the mind.

An integral part of lifelong learning is the free exchange of ideas and viewpoints among older learners. Says Nordstrom, Theres nothing like listening to or taking part in stimulating discussions to help us see the other side of an issue. That give-and-take opens our minds and brings us to a whole new level of enlightenment.

8. Lifelong learning creates a curious, hungry mind.

The more older learners discover about history, current events, politics, or the culture of other countries, the more they want to learn. According to Nordstrom, Theres a big world out there just waiting for our exploration. Our drive and desire to learn fuels itself and we keep going, constantly looking for more to feed our hungry minds.

7. Lifelong learning increases our wisdom.

Lifelong learning enables us to put our lives in perspective, says Nordstrom. It increases our understanding of the whys and the whats of previous successes and failures, and it helps us understand ourselves better. We more fully develop the wisdom that can come with later life.

6. Lifelong learning makes the world a better place.

Through the community service aspect of lifelong learning, older learners can give back to their communities and to the world. Weve spent 30, 40 or more years interacting with the world, says Nordstrom. What weve learned during that time can be translated into real value for the betterment of society. Our wisdom, insight its all of tangible benefit to the world around us.

5. Lifelong learning helps us adapt to change.

Society is in a state of constant flux. Often as we age we might feel like the proverbial old dog that cant learn new tricks. Not true at all, says Nordstrom. Lifelong learning enables us to keep up with societys changes - especially the technological ones. A learning environment with our peers not only makes it possible to stay abreast of change, it also makes it fun.

4. Lifelong learning helps us find meaning in our lives.

Sometimes its difficult looking back on our lives, says Nordstrom. But lifelong learning gives us the benefit of real perspective and enables us to find true meaning in the hills and valleys of our past.

3. Lifelong learning keeps us involved as active contributors to society.

No longer content to sit in a rocker on the porch wiling away the hours, todays retirees and Baby Boomers about to retire want and demand more from their later years. Were out and about, says Nordstrom. Were taking part in educational programs, traveling all over the world, and offering our expertise to society through meaningful community involvement. Were not a strain on society; were an incredible asset.

2. Lifelong learning helps us make new friends and establish valuable relationships.

No one enjoys loneliness. And through lifelong learning, older adults are meeting new people, forging friendships and relationships with others, and enjoying an active social life. Lifelong learning is a brilliant way to keep in touch with people, meet new friends, and enjoy life surrounded by the company of folks who are truly embracing the excitement of our later years.

1. Lifelong learning leads to an enriching life of self-fulfillment.

According to one lifelong learner from New York, We base everything on the belief that our capacity to learn and grow does not decrease as our years increase. Concludes Nordstrom, Through academic learning, educational adventure travel and our renewed sense of volunteerism, we expand our awareness, embrace self-fulfillment, and truly create an exciting multi-dimensional life. It doesnt get any better than that!

For more information on lifelong learning for older adults please visit www.learninglater.com

"Learning Later, Living Greater: The Secret for Making the Most of Your After-50 Years," can be purchased at www.amazon.com

The Trilogy andthensome by Dan and Dave Buck Revealed (Free Download)

The Trilogy andthensome

Image source: http://kardsgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/the-trilogy-andthensome-07-670x390.jpg

Just a few years ago, Dan & Dave Buck set the magic world ablaze with release of their collection of tricks, flourishes, and everything else. It was entitled The Trilogy. Today, we prepare for the release of the FOURTH Trilogy DVD - andthensome.

andthensome is a DVD collection of over 2.5 hours of all new tricks, flourishes, everythingelse. The disc is jam packed with goods shot, edited, and produced over the past year by Dan & Dave.

Following in the footsteps of the Trilogy, andthensome takes you even further from the norm - directly into the minds of Dan and Dave as they offer their most out of the box thinking yet. With over 50 brand new creations and countless bonus features (including +yourstuff).

Whether beginner or professional, this Trilogy Bonus Disc contains something for everyone. Each item is broken down step-by-step, with expert multi-camera instruction for a seamless learning experience.

Armed and loaded with countless tips, improvements, and subtleties, andthensome is an essential component in your library of tricks, flourishes, and of course - everythingelse.

>>> at: http://magicrevealed.freehostia.com

andthensome - The Contents:

Portal - a visual teleportation of a selected card from one hand to the other. The effect combines a rhythmic display of cardistry and magic.

Osh Negash B'gosh - imagine a card selected by being propelled through mid-air and caught between two mates. The card is noted and the packet placed on the table. Another selection is openly made and instantly changes into the first selection. When the sandwiched card on the table is turned over by the spectator, they find it to be the second selection. An extremely powerful table-hopping effect!

Encore - perhaps the most direct handling of Dr. Daley's Last Trick ever devised. The method here is far more devious than any previous version of this effect. Two red Aces are cleanly set on one spectators palm while the two black Aces are set on another spectators palm. With a snap they instantly transpose and the spectators can turn them over.

Hedberg All Over - variation of Hedbergs Peak, this multi-phased routine demonstrates the transposition of two playing cards throughout the deck with each transposition becoming more impossible looking. On the final phase one of the cards is placed between the spectators hands and the transposition is carried on.

Flic - maybe the easiest boomerang card technique you will ever learn. This age old method allows you to flick a card 10 feet away from you only to have it return to your hand.

Flirt - don't blink! You'll miss the fastest flourish ever invented.

M4 Hollywood - in this variation of Molecule 4, packets rotate, twist, and spin around each other demonstrating a chaotic flourish.

Goat - a card is placed protruding face up in the deck. With the snap of the fingers the card instantly changes. The change can be done completely surrounded and you end clean with nothing but the changed card sticking out from the deck.

Shepherd Change - a card is placed protruding face up in the deck. On spinning it around it appears to morph into another card. You're left clean with only the changed card sticking out from the deck.

Orbit - this unique technique for propelling a double from one hand to the other will attract attention from across the room. Use it as a double lift or a flourish, And Many more...

>>> at: http://magicrevealed.freehostia.com

The Simple Truth about Scientific Weight Loss

The Simple Truth about Scientific Weight Loss

Image source: http://atheismandme.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/There-is-no-god.jpg

Weight loss science suggests that weight is lost by consuming fewer calories than one burns in a day. Conversely, weight gain occurs by eating more calories than one burns in a day. The accumulation of days suggests the trend of gain or loss.
This concept seems so simple that anyone should be able to lose weight without expending much effort. The truth is that this is simply not the case. People of all kinds struggle with dieting to lose weight. We believe this is because people choose a diet with far too little information. This means they often select a plan that does not suit their makeup. When this is the case, diets are doomed to failure.

Many proponents of miracle diets make claims as if they were snake oil salesmen traveling the country in a horse-drawn wagon. My own opinion is the more the claims made by a diet plan, the more likely it is to be unsustainable in the long run. This is, however, a general rule that is often proven by contrary evidence. Not that all the claims are false, but that the diet may be rather effective in taking unwanted pounds off and maintaining a healthy weight in the future.

My own ideas begin with the calorie in/calorie out principle. In spite of the many claims that some calories are better than others, in fact, a calorie is a calorie; no more no less. If you consume 100 calories from a piece of prime steak and 100 calories from a spoonful of sugar, the body makes no distinction. Either way, you consumed 100 calories. In designing a diet plan, the source of calories is important. One wants the greatest benefit from the fewest calories. Calories come from protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The balance of these three calorie contributors is important as you think about how to distribute those calories.

Some diets lean heavily to protein and fats, generally limiting or totally eschewing carbohydrates. Other diets suggest the complete elimination of fats or sugar or grains or meats and so on. I'll talk a lot about the consequences of different diet plans along the way. For now, however, I wish to emphasize the following foundational truth: The only way to diet successfully is to consume fewer calories than you burn over a long period of time. The diet you select, however, will fail if you don't choose wisely. This is just plain Weight loss science at work.

The number one cause of failure is not enough variety in the plan. The second main cause of failure is that diet foods often taste poorly (I am trying to be kind here). Another cause for failure is that diets often so drastically change your eating habits that you can't wait to put down that protein shake and return to 'regular' eating. These are other ideas that I will discuss in future articles. For now, all I am concerned with is that you begin to think critically about these ideas as you come to a decision to finally lose those unwanted pounds for good.


Sara Dawson is the owner of The Science of Permanent Weight Loss. She currently helps private clients to manage individualized weight loss programs. She also writes a BLOG focusing on planning and executing a healthy and sustainable weight loss plan. Her company is one of The Fischel Group of Companies a design firm specializing in internet marketing.

Senin, 05 Februari 2018

The Endless Benefits Of Hiring Airport Car Service In Minneapolis

The Endless Benefits Of Hiring Airport Car Service In Minneapolis

Image source: http://www.aggarwalgoods.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/limo-business.jpg

Travelling by air is being common nowadays but when it comes to arriving at the airport on time then airport taxi service can be fruitful. Rental taxi service is considered to be the most effective way of transportation. It helps you travel from one place to another with no hassle and also ensure you will arrive at the airport well on time of your flight. These services are really helpful for everyone to travel from one place to another. If you need convenient option to travel from place to another then make sure you hire the airport car service in Minneapolis.

Airport taxi service will be your good choice while traveling from one place to another. It will give you the comfort and also ensure safety during travel. The professional drivers will operate the vehicle and lets you arrive at the desired destination before the time. Especially, when you need to arrive at airport for your flight then you need to be on time and the rental taxis are always attentive will ensure you to reach anywhere on time. There are number of taxi companies which provide you the rental taxi when and where you need. It is also recommended to book your rental taxi in advance to ensure your timely ride. If you are looking for the leading and trusted taxi company for airport taxi in Minneapolis then Airport Taxi MN is the name you can trust.

Airport taxi is the most affordable and effective choice. People who need to travel from one destination to another comfortably should prefer to airport car service in Minneapolis. And to rent airport car service, if you are looking for the taxi service provider then make sure you prefer Airport Taxi Car or Airport Taxi MN.

It provides professional and specialized taxi services to businesses and other needs. Whether you just need to travel in and around the city or you have to reach the airport on time but taxi service from Airport Taxi MN or Airport Taxi Car will definitely exceed your expectations. These both companies have good reputation in Minneapolis for premier taxi services. They have over 400 cars in the fleet which are always available to meet your travelling needs. Apart from this, these taxis are luxurious and standardized will give you great travelling experience. All the vehicles are fitted with meters so you dont need to bargain for price.

For Minneapolis airport transportation, if you want to book your taxi through call then call at: 612-999-9999. Airport Taxi Car is always available to serve its clients and you can hire taxi service 24/7 or can avail it anywhere you need. This is most comfortable option will definitely give you the great experience. Professional and reliable service will never disappoint you and you can hire it anytime when you need to reach anywhere in emergency. You can contact Airport Taxi Car or Airport Taxi MN for the quick pickup from the place of your choice. For more detail visit at: http://www.airporttaxicar.com/

The Dance of Intimacy 5 Key Steps for a Closer Relationship

The Dance of Intimacy 5 Key Steps for a Closer Relationship

Image source: http://www.drnancyanderson.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Screen-Shot-2016-01-08-at-5.09.49-PM.png

A loving connection is the bedrock of a committed relationshipall couples are trying to find ways to remain emotionally close to one another as they navigate the complexities of life. When people feel deeply connected to their partners, they often describe feeling "complete," "whole" or fully "understood" by their partners. This is one of the remarkable gifts that only intimacy can bring.
Jane, a fifty-three-year-old flight attendant, describes the emotional connection she shares with her husband:

"It's like we're dancing to our favorite song. You know how a song you love makes you feel really alive? When things are going well, our steps are in tune and I can almost anticipate my husband's next move and he can anticipate mine. This lifts me up in ways I can't fully explain."

Dancing is the perfect metaphor to describe intimacy. It involves being in sync with each other, attuned to the needs and emotional rhythms of your partner.

Let's look at ways to nurture intimacy.

5 key ingredients to keep your relationship dance in top form and you and your partner in step:

1. Effectively communicating your needsletting your partner know what works and doesn't, what is helpful and unhelpful.

Healthy communication needs to exist alongside healthy and realistic expectations about your partner. If you expect your partner to meet all your needs, or to intuit your needs without direct communication, you are setting the stage for frustration. Focus on communicating what you need, rather than attacking your partner when s/he fails to meet your needs.

2. The ability to compromise and accept the differences that exist between you and your partner.

No matter how attuned you and your partner are to each other's needs and desires, the fact that you are separate beings will be felt in your relationship (e.g., you might have different ways of handling stress or you may express your needs differently). When you and your partner accept the inherent differences that will always exist between two people, you create a relationship atmosphere that allows each other's essence and uniqueness to unfold.

3. The ability to forgive your partner.

Forgiveness plays an important role in your marriage or relationship. Even with the best intentions, partners end up hurting each other. This is heightened when you bring the most vulnerable and raw parts of yourself into the relationshipintimacy requires this level of emotional exposure. Without the ability to forgive your partner for his/her blunders and relationship missteps, resentments build. There is no greater obstacle to intimacy than pent-up grievances. When forgiveness is part of your relationship terrain, space is created for the missteps that are inevitable. This gives you the freedom to be yourselfan imperfect human who is trying his/her best to be a loving partner.

4. Affirming each other's strengths and vulnerabilities.

When your and your partner affirm each other, your uniqueness is recognized and appreciated. Marriages and relationships that include affirmations are more robust. Consider for a moment how you feel when your partner acknowledges your victories as well as when s/he is compassionate and supportive when you feel insecure. Couples often report greater levels of intimacy when meaningful affirmations are a regular part of their relationship.

5. Be a consistent and reliable presence for your partner.

Trust is the foundation of intimacy and if you want to build a stronger connection with your partner, you need to follow through on your word. Don't make promises you can't keep. Obviously we all mess up now and then, but repeatedly failing to be a responsible partner will only erode the foundation of intimacy. When you do what you said you were going to do, and you respond to your partner in a consistent way, the dance of intimacy is likely to proceed smoothly.

Remember, even the best dancers (like the best relationships) fall out of step with each other, and if you're like most people, your relationship dance will stumble from time to time. Disagreements, misunderstandings and life's stresses may drive wedges between you and your partner, temporarily weakening your connection.

All marriages and relationships involve cycles of closeness and distance, intimacy and loneliness. You will only set yourself up for disappointment if you assume that you should always feel intensely connected with your partner. Even "soul-mates" clumsily step on each other's feet.

When your relationship dance falls out of step (which it will), try to remember the following:

~It is perfectly normal that you and your partner bounce between connection and disconnection.

~As long as you both give your relationship the attention it deserves, these missteps will be temporary.

~During moments of disconnection, give each other the time needed to regain your emotional footing.

~When you're both ready, work toward understanding why these missteps occurred.

Problems can arise when you allow the natural disconnections that occur in your marriage or relationship to linger indefinitely. Don't use the frequency of these normal relationship tangles as a diagnostic tool for your relationship, but instead use the fact that you and your partner are committed to working on repairing these natural missteps as a sign of a strong union. So whether you have two left feet or are a skilled dancer, learn to appreciate and enjoy the dance of intimacy as it unfolds in your relationship.

To discover other ways to create a deeper, more intimate relationship visit http://StrengthenYourRelationship.com/ and sign up for Dr. Nicastros free Relationship Toolbox Newsletter.

As a bonus, you will receive the popular free reports: "The four mindsets that can topple your relationship" and "Relationship self-defense: Control the way you arguebefore your arguments control you."

Richard Nicastro, Ph.D. is a psychologist and relationship coach who is passionate about helping couples protect the sanctuary of their relationship. Rich and his wife founded LifeTalk Coaching, an internet-based coaching business that helps couples strengthen their relationships.

The Choice of Oneness Returning Home

The Choice of Oneness Returning Home

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/81/17/76/811776536b47e57c4523555703033ec4.jpg

My spiritual quest fell in place when I understood that reincarnation allows my conscious choice and action for a total relationship with God. This commitment provides the means to release past destruction, self-centered motivation and reaction to the tangible world surrounding me. I tried to use the principles of Jesus for forty-five years. This is another chance.

First, learning to focus on God, the worry, fear, doubts, and skepticism diminished. Faith and trust replaced the emptiness. Over time, I moved from the tornado into its peaceful eye of serenity.

When pain overwhelmed me, I fell on my knees and asked for help. Going within was something I avoided like a child afraid of the dark. Now the priority was an assessment of my dis-ease or obstacles, known as "My will be done which blocks God's connection.

Realizing that "I reap what I sow", a personal inventory showed what was happening, not what I thought was happening. Fooling myself doing good deeds to compensate for untold guilt and shame needed to change. Although I didn't want to believe it, I had barriers (this life and past ones). It became time to work on "self."

Praying for assistance brought my openness for truthful solutions. Opportunities for biological and physical balance happened in appropriate sequence. Help to replace my misperceptions, alter defensive communication, and discard false beliefs, fear, and anger appeared with funds to support the work. I found no time, money, or energy are excuses to not search for truth.

With prayers and meditation, I located accepting environments with permission to talk honestly. Secrets no longer supported suffering and dis-ease. As I trusted my true feelings with others, I became more comfortable inside.

Ready to put 100% faith and trust in God instead of people, places, and things of the past, I visualized childhood perceptions and resentments with false beliefs sailing away in the basket of a hot-air balloon. This willingness initiated action to continue the path home. Edgar Cayce is the Father of Holistic Health. He has many readings available to people on health issues. One of his famous quotes is, "Do it".

Supported by my best friend, God, I took responsibility for my thinking, feelings, and behaviors. I claimed my inheritance as perfect, protected, loved, and safe in God's image. Self-defensive walls fell like the walls of Jericho. As Edgar Cayce says, "The mind is the builder." It became time to build a foundation of truth.

Self-searching, prayer and meditation showed me that resisting God's will is the pain and problem. I need to cooperate with God, letting go of obstructions. Jesus said, "Satan get thee behind me."

Meditating in the Great Pyramid last May, I discovered my channel cleared. I love to talk, teach workshops and counsel sharing tools that turn on the light in darkness to grow beyond fear and other blockage.

My forgiving Creator gives me opportunities to correct my mistakes, improve my motives, clear debris of negative emotions and attitudes. I stay in dis-ease by not replacing fear with His Love. Forgiveness heals; it puts me at-ease--rational, loving, and honest. When I respond in God's will, "Thy Will Be Done", I'm home.

A few of Cayces quotes that support this spiritual journey to return home are:

1.(At-onement) is making selfs will one with the Creative Forces. 262-45

2.All souls were created in the beginning, and are finding their way back to whence
they came. 3744-4

3.For without passing through each and every stage of development there is not the correct vibration to become one with the Creator. 900-16

4.There is no shortcut to a consciousness of the God-Force. It is part of your own consciousness, but it cannot be realized by the simple desire to do so. Too often there is a tendency to want H and expect it without applying the spiritual truth through the medium of mental processes. This is the only way to reach the gate. There are no shortcuts in metaphysics, no matter what is said by those who see visions, interpret numbers, or read the stars. These may find urges, but they do not rule the will. Life is learned within self. You don t profess it; you learn it. 5392-1

The path of our experiences leads us back to our oneness from where we began. What a trip!

Minggu, 04 Februari 2018

The 4 A's of Healthy Relationships

The 4 A's of Healthy Relationships

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi-xcE3RCVJbZaWhC_gykrPo47toEzWa2x1doimRfJ4-8sSPtSXO6xCq_1xzemnCauveZJYifyBWYA1he5PVM_eVrNcUUra7Yt5wKW2cGExo9FGusZ-ew6ea9vadRg6q5k5ibKT8NpfI8p0/s640/healthy-relationships.png

One of the more challenging aspects of recovery from an eating disorder is learning to navigate through our relationships with family, friends, and co-workers. One certainty that exists for people regarding their ongoing relationships prior to entering recovery is that no relationship will stay the same once they begin and maintain their recovery from an eating disorder. Its not unusual for people who care about us to want our eating disorder to end but are not necessarily prepared for the other changes that usual follow. These can include becoming more independent, and therefore less dependent on those who took on responsibilities for us, gaining a voice in decision making when we may have been inclined to let others make decisions for us, and setting new boundaries and limits on how people are treating us. These may be a few of the more obvious changes but there are many subtle shifts in our personalities as we emerge from the ashes of self-hate and isolation. Sometimes in a family system or social network we can find that any act of independence (e.g. independent thinking) can be looked upon as an act of betrayal and experience resistance to some of these changes as we begin to become our real selves. In effect, its important to anticipate that many of our relationships will go through growing pains with the result being either a permanent parting of the ways or a temporary parting with a coming back together with a newly defined relationship(s). Either way, our relationships will be stressed and tested in the short run but, in the long run, more healthy and satisfying.

Although no one is really the ultimate authority or expert on relationships, I would offer some suggested guidelines as to what elements need to exist for a relationship to be reasonably healthy I like to refer to these as the 4 As The 4 As are the following criteria to be tested: 1. Attraction, 2. Affluence, 3. Availability, and 4. Appropriateness. Attraction refers to either the physical and/or personality aspects of a person. What is it that makes us attracted to this person, their character, their personality, their appearance, etc. Affluence not only refers to their wealth but, more importantly, their ability to be self supporting or self sufficient. Being affluent has to do with wanting to be with someone rather than needing to be with someone. Availability is about being both physically present as well as emotionally present. Someone who is physically there but emotionally distant is not an example of someone who is available. People who are active with an addiction or eating disorder tend to be unavailable compared to people who are in recovery. Appropriateness is about exhibiting acceptable behaviors in the context of any situation. What may be appropriate behavior or language in the locker room may not be appropriate for the dinner table, etc. Being appropriate is about exercising sound social judgment. In asking yourself if someone is appropriate you might consider whether you are proud to be with this person in all circumstances (e.g. with family, friends, co-workers).

When examining our existing relationships, we might consider whether the person or persons who are important to us exhibit these 4 As. If not, which are missing? Whether we would like to admit it or not, most relationships that fall short of any one of these elements are likely to not work well for us. Sometimes we find that the problem exists with someone in our family, perhaps a parent. In such instances we are bound to experience the stress involved with re-formulating and redefining the relationship from our end. Key to this remains our accepting that we are not likely to change others as much as we have the power to change ourselves. This brings us to the concluding point, namely that it is no so much about finding a person who has the 4 As but rather becoming the 4 As ourselves. Recovering from an eating disorder is the beginning.

Teenage Obesity

Teenage Obesity

Image source: http://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/teen-obesity-900x440.jpg

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Synthetic Grass San Diego

Synthetic Grass San Diego

Image source: https://www.installitdirect.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/synthetic-turf-san-diego-4.jpg

Home Turf (800) 966-TURF is San Diego's most reputable artificial grass dealer/installer. We are all familiar with the term curb appeal, the buzz word in re-sale of homes. Realtors know the first impression of a prospective homebuyer is the most important. Additionally, every homeowner wants the most coveted lawn in the neighborhood. Artificial grass can really make a house pop and look much better than others on the market. In todays competitive housing market this can mean the difference between sale and no sale. With Californias environmental concerns, having the perfect lawn can be a challenge. Many municipalities are imposing restrictions on what days of the week a homeowner can water their lawn. If they are caught watering their lawn on days not designated, a hefty fine will be imposed. Perfect lawns are also not environmentally conscious.
Besides wasting thousands of gallon of prescious drinking quality water when there are many places around the world with no quality water available; it is wasteful of personal resources such as your money spent on the water bill. Fertilizer which is a necessity for a healthy lawn washes away with rain water and runs into the San Diego waterways and contaminates them. Add mowing, a shady gardner lurking around your house, fertilizing, aerating, weeding, seeding, edging, and watering, and you've got a real hastle on your hands beyond the environmental factor. The perfect answer to growing, mowing, and environmental problems is artificial grass. San Diego has been one of the biggest markets for artificial turf because it's residents are generally financially secure and environmentally conscious. Artificial lawns look and feel like natural grass. They can withstand the harshest weather and will stay uniform and beautiful year round.

No more pesticide or herbicides! Artificial grass lawns are soft and a great idea for people with kids since it is allergen free and a great shock absorber. Home Turf offers up to a two inch pad which is installed underneith your San Diego artificial grass to protect kids from injuries, or if you just want to feel like you're walking on the moon (like having the very best padding beneith your carpet). With synthetic grass, animals cant dig through, and it is resistant to bacteria. Say goodbye to brown/muddy spots and holes resulting from pets. Artificial grass is non-toxic and provides no home for fleas or other creepy insects/critters. Artificial grass requires almost no maintenance unless you have pets, and if so it is still very low maintenance. Simply hose down the area after picking up after your pet. If you live in the San Diego area, including Sorrento Valley, Scripps Ranch, Poway, Rancho Penasquitos, Santa Luz, Rancho Bernardo, Carmel Mountain, Carmel Valley, Rancho Santa Fe, Del Mar, La Jolla, University City, Clairemont, Mira Mesa, La Mesa, Santee, El Cajon, Northpark, Hillcrest, Old Town, Mission Hills, Point Loma, Ocean Beach, Mission Valley, Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, Bay Park, Linda Vista, College Grove, Normal Heights, Coronado, San Carlos, Del Cerro, Allied Gardens, Serra Mesa, Linda Vista or somewhere else, rely on Home Turf to serve your area.

Look for San Diego water rebate programs currently being offered in a select number of areas. Artificial lawns go by a number of terms: synthetic grass lawns, artificial grass lawns, synthetic turf, artificial turf, fake turf, fake grass, putting green, putting greens, synthetic putting greens, artificial putting greens, easy turf, Home Turf, Astro turf/astroturf, or waterless grass. Whatever term you use, an artificial grass lawn will give you years of lush looking, maintenance free lawn and leave you time and money to do the things you really enjoy. Another great way to use synthetic turf is for artificial putting greens. Home Turfs synthetic putting greens provide San Diego homeowners with convenient and inexpensive entertainment for friends and family. Your private putting green will have a true roll and play like a natural bent grass putting green. San Diego water rebates are available call Home Turf (800) 966-TURF for more details. Artificial turf has commercial applications as well and can save businesses a lot of headaches.

Sabtu, 03 Februari 2018

Spiritual Healing Of Heart Disease

Spiritual Healing Of Heart Disease

Image source: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/tabs.web.media/a/v/avc8/avc8-square-1536.jpg

I have spent 29 years as a technical researcher facilitating healings on a variety of illnesses. In the beginning, my understanding ofenergy was strictly that taught in engineering school. There was no mention of energy associated with the human body.

Those of us studying energy today view the human body as complex, unseen energy fields (subtle energy bodies) composed of energetic particles. As I worked with my subtle energy mentor, a world renowned scientist, many important benchmark discoveries were made and documented. Some of these were reported in the May 2008 edition of the International Journal of Healing and Caring (IJHC) whose editor is a well know psychotherapist. The article, Experiences in Energy Healing and Love Based Spiritual Healing, is available at: www.ijhc.org.

Some of you may have had a limited exposure to healing or may be operating with definitions that no longer apply. To me energy healing is someone doing something to your subtle energy fields using universal energy and possibly an intention of personal love that may or may not involve devices. The Creator is not generally included.

Our definition of Spiritual Healing is this. It is the assistance that a group of ordinary people, plus the Creator, offer to your subtle energy fields, without devices, using a non contact healing method that utilizes the Creators Love (Divine Love). You can access our World Service Institute (WSI) website at www.worldserviceinstitute.org for a free course on spiritual healing techniques for correcting all kinds of problems in your life once you understand and correctly apply Divine Love.

While today there are more health care professionals getting involved, the principles of subtle energy healing are still confused and misunderstood. We tried to clarify and distinguish between Energy Healing and Spiritual Healing in the IJHC article, where 13 energy principles were documented through scientific experiments and experiences. Here are six you need to know about.

1. We can all transmit energy through space with directed intention.

2. A loving intention facilitates healing.

3. Use the Creators Divine Love in all that you do to avoid transmitting limited love energy to those you are helping.

4. Energy follows thought.

5. Directed thought energy is not limited by distance.

6. Spiritual Healing does not require physical tools or elaborate ceremonies.

How can these Energy Principles help you? The answer is:

We are all made of energy particles that construct, energize and sustain the molecules, cells and atoms in our bodies. These particles can be adversely influenced by our experiences that eventually manifest in us as diseases or emotional disorders. It is within your power to readjust these energy particles to maximize your health.

To help you, we have developed the Divine Love Group Healing Process that can be used alone, with a friend, or in a large group of well intentioned people willing to help you. The Process is available at no cost at: http://www.worldserviceinstitute.org/

As you review the Process, it looks almost too good to be true! However, as you look at the list of successful healings, realize that many of them represent illnesses where no other means of recovery was available. As you examine the Process in depth or try it for yourself, keep the following in mind:

1. You are responsible for initiating your healing - no one else.

2. You experience Divine Love in a non judgmental, non threatening environment.

3. The Process is painless.

4. Therapists can use the Process to help patients accelerate results. Thus more people can be helped which will help relieve the overload in population centers that are exhibiting increased needs as civilization continues to exhibit health problems.

5. The Process offers people with no insurance or limited health options a way of getting help.

Heart disease presents in several forms. Each has its own diagnosis. We do not do spiritual healing work based upon clinical diagnosis. Instead we let the individual receiving help define his/her symptoms and use that as the problem to address.

Our contribution is to offer assistance to individuals with heart problems where no conventional medical relief exists such as heart transplant or bypass candidates.

Be aware that the onset of heart disease is often caused by poor lifestyle, particularly emotional upsets, stress and poor dietary practices. We have helped many people release their emotional traumas and watched them recover rapidly. We have done the same thing repeatedly where people have allowed stress to accumulate in their bodies to the point that their heart and nervous systems are affected.

Hopefully, you have gained sufficient understanding to put your mind at ease. Try the Process - it works. Then share your experience with others. Help a friend

Souleye, New Age Hip Hop Rapper, Announces the Eagerly Awaited Album WILDMAN Releasing September 2

Souleye, New Age

Image source: http://cdn01.cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/alanis-mario/alanis-morissette-mario-treadway-real-food-daily-01.jpg

On September 22, 2017, veteran hip-hop rapper Souleye will release his long awaited full-length record, Wildman.
Los Angeles, CA, September 20, 2017 On September 22, 2017, veteran hip-hop rapper Souleye will release his long awaited full-length record, Wildman. The Los Angeles based artist teamed up with house duo Crush Effect, comprising of Jess Molloy and Dave Veith, to produce an exceptionally eye-opening hip-hop and electronic fused album.

Wildman represents a mindful and musically engaging listening experience. A socially conscious artist, Souleye delivers an innovative and intense lyric flow that drips with passion. His clever references outline a positive sense of being. In Follow Your Heart, the debut single from Wildman, Souleye discusses overcoming hesitations with self-awareness and self-motivation in order to follow your own passions. His rhythmic lines weave in and out of the down-tempo grooves and musical stylings of Crush Effect. Molloy and Veith blend elements of electronic, R & B, hip hop, and trip-hop to create a psychedelic and atmospheric album that occupies the space between a traditional compilation record and a concept album.

One of the reasons so many pop and hip hop albums dont sound cohesive is that those 12 tracks were recorded in 12 different studios with 12 different producers, says Veith, of Crush Effect. It was nice to do a full record, to build that sound from song to song.

In addition to Crush Effect, the album features guest appearances by an array of upcoming and renowned artists, incorporating fresh, melodic hooks into each song. The album includes focus tracks such as, Snow Angel (Ft. Alanis Morissette), Hip Hop Medicine (Ft. Dustin Tavella), Classic (Ft. Chantal Kreviazuk, Chachillie), Fountain of Youth (Ft. Wade Morissette) and the latest single and title-track, Wildman (Ft. Lynx).

Souleye is a one-of-a-kind artist making a statement in the hip hop and electronic scene. He continues to shape his signature style with inspiring and poetic rhymes. His carefully selected collaborators offer creative instrumentation that only enhances Souleyes enlightened lyrics.

About Souleye Souleyes musical journey began when he was a teenager in rural Massachusetts, freestyling around a camp fire to entertain his friends. Blending traditional elements of hip hop, EDM and numerous other styles; Souleyes music crosses the boundaries of genre, defies convention and inspires listeners with uplifting lyrics coupled with both traditional and unusual hip hop beats and samples. His first album, Soul Sessions was released in 2002. Since then, Souleye has released eight studio albums and numerous singles. Souleye has toured extensively with Bassnectar, shared the stage with the Glitch Mob, Tipper, Michael Franti and his wife, Alanis Morissette, with whom he has two children. For more information, visit souleye.net.

Souleye Discography: Shapeshifting (2015) Identified Time (2014) Iron Horse Running (2013) Music For People with BLVD (2008) Balance in Babylon (2007) Intergalactic Vibes (2005) UniverSoul Alchemy (2004) Flexible Morality (2003) Soul Sessions (2002)

For more information on Souleye, please visit: Facebook




Press Inquiries: Chip Schutzman Miles High Productions Chip@mileshighproductions.com

Other Inquiries: Kevan Schwartz kevanschwartz@me.com

Contact: Chip Schutzman Miles High Productions PO Box 93157 Hollywood, CA 90093 323-871-4821 Chip@mileshighproductions.com http://souleye.net/

Jumat, 02 Februari 2018

Soak Up More Sun Sunlights Benefits!

Soak Up More Sun  Sunlights Benefits!

Image source: https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2017/July/FB/getting-more-screenlight-than-sunlight-hs-fb.jpg

You may be wondering what I am talking about since you hear everywhere that you must protect yourself from the sun. You are right! The widespread message demonizes the sun and demands that you to avoid it!

Nevertheless, the current pervasive message to stay away from the sun has negative effects on the population. Cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis, asthma, depression, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes mellitus, and other major health conditions are associated with vitamin D insufficiency. Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency has been raising, with now 3 out of 4 American lacking adequate levels.

Did you know that Sunlight is essential for optimal health??

Benefits of Sunlight

Your body needs sun exposure in order to function at its best. Here are some benefits related to sun exposure:

Sunlight assist in the production of Vitamin D.
Increases oxygen content, translating into higher stamina and fitness ability.
It increases your endorphins, allowing you to feel those positive vibes like elation, joy, as well as serenity.
It positively affects mood disorders, such as depression.
Helps to kill bad bacteria, even disinfecting and healing wounds.
Boosts the immune system.
Positively affects the skin, dealing with acne, psoriasis, eczema and fungal infections.
Enhances anti-inflammatory activity.
Cleanses the blood and blood vessels.
Suns rays lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Sunbathing (along with implementing a whole food and supplement protocol) has been used to treat cancer patients (Dr. Zane Kime has researched and practiced for years emphasizing the necessity of sunlight).
Note that vitamin D levels [the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D)] should be above 30 ng/mL. However, levels of 60 ng/mL help maintain superlative blood concentrations and maximize health. It is recommended to supplement with at least 1000 IU a day of vitamin D.

Soak Up more Sun!

Dr. Joseph Mercola, a famous osteopathic physician and alternative medicine proponent, emphasizes the importance of vitamin D in disease prevention.

He recommends unprotected sun exposure. Yes, unprotected in order to allow the rays to penetrate the skin.

Here are some of his healthy sunbathing tips:

Expose yourself to the sun slowly and avoid sunburn
Build up your tolerance, aiming for 20-30 minutes of exposure 2-4 times a week
Have an healthy-fat (fish oil, avocado, coconut oil, etc.) and antioxidant (all berries, green tea, green powders) rich diet to boost your internal sunscreen. This strengthens your skin cells, helping to protect you from sun damage.
The more skin displayed, the better
Best to expose yourself to the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Keep in mind that you make much lower levels of vitamin D between November through February. So take advantage of the summer and spring periods.

Skateboarding Has Its Benefits

Skateboarding Has Its Benefits

Image source: https://copenhagenhostellife.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/lady-ice-skating.jpg

Skateboarding is gaining popularity in many places around the world. Children, teens, and young adults alike are all becoming fascinated with the sport. Skateboarding parks are being built in many cities and towns around the world and kids are trading traditional sports like baseball or soccer for time spent enjoying the extreme activit of skateboarding.

Most people have a picture in their minds of the kinds of people that enjoy skateboarding, and their pictures are not always pleasant. Skateboarding is usually reserved for teens and young adults that haven't quite connected with other people or activities and who are looking for a place of identity. And while in some ways this is true for people who love skateboarding, isn't this what we love about so many of the sports and activities we choose to participate in? We love to try new and sometimes extreme things and we love to be identified with a group of people who all enjoy similiar things.

Skateboarding, like many other sports and activities, has its benefits. For starters, skateboarding gets people off the couch and outside being active. We all know that inactivity is one of the most dangerous lifestyles to adopt. I'd suggest that a teen or young adult who spends hour after hour doing hobbies that are inactive is actually in more danger than a teen or young adult doing an extreme activity like skateboarding. Children who begin skateboarding at an early age learn to love physical activity and will often enjoy the health benefits of that activity for years to come.

Skateboarding is also a great way for kids and teens to make friends and connect with people with similar interests. Everyone knows that a good friend isn't easy to come by, and that is why it is great for kids to enjoy a safe and healthy activity like skateboarding because it helps them improve social and relational skills greatly. Not every kid is cut out to play the sports that our mainstream culture glorifies, and choosing skateboarding instead can be a great alternative for many kids.

For the most part, skateboarding is an inexpensive hobby to enjoy. Beginners usually can start with an inexpensive and simple board to learn skateboarding. Grabbing a skateboard and a few pads is really all a kid needs to begin learning skateboarding. Parents will love that their children can get involved in something fun and active that doesn't cost tons of money.

So forget the picture of skateboarding you've always had and allow your children to get involved in an activity that will promote health, friendships, and identity. And plus, the more time your children are outside practicing skateboarding the more quiet time you can enjoy without them!

Simple Suggestions To Sell Info Products Online

Simple Suggestions To Sell Info Products Online

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/h8YiO3gmKFw/maxresdefault.jpg

You are able to discover how you can sell information goods on the net, but not every effort will work out so it is essential to just maintain moving forward every day. Within the following article we will probably be discussing three simple suggestions that you can use correct away to get the most out of your info product company.

Perhaps the very best thing about selling info online is that you do not need to limit your self to any single niche; you are able to follow whatever suits your fancy. Of course, you'll have to take quite a targeted approach in the event you want to pursue much more than 1 niche marketplace. It is essential to focus and target your attention simply because if you don't you won't be able to correctly and solidly develop your company. Instead, begin with 1 niche and then go for the second one only when you have reached a particular level with the first one. This will give you time to learn from your mistakes and at the same time grow your business one step at a time, instead of rushing in. In the event you use this approach to your company, you need to see some good growth in just a couple or few months. When you are new to information goods, begin small. Course building doesn't need to be carried out right away. Start with short and targeted guides and reports which will offer your buyers immediately adoptable and outcomes guaranteed tips. For instance, if you have chosen the acne niche, a little report about tips to get rid of acne naturally ought to be well received. Once you gather a customer base from your initial launch, you are able to produce and sell much bigger information products later on in the backend.

Finally, do not get stuck in all of the technical details whenever you sell your product. There are lots of individuals who get bogged down in details like shopping cart software and hiring designers. This is nothing but a waste of time; improvements can always be made after your launch, it is the actual launch that's the most essential. Select your solution based on what works right now, even if it does not feel ideal. You can search for a much better choice later after you've started making sales. To sum up, this article clearly illustrates the require for a strong foundation in the event you truly want to build a reputable info product business. No matter just how much smart planning you do, unless and until you put in the effort to create a dependable foundation, you will not be able to generate much profits. So put these tips to use correct now to ensure that you can truly grow your business on-line and take it to the level you desire most.

Kamis, 01 Februari 2018

Should You Have Chia Seeds In Your Pantry

Should You Have Chia Seeds In Your Pantry

Image source: http://s3.amazonaws.com/etntmedia/media/images/ext/120405683/superfoods-chia.jpg

The short answer to this question is yes because Chia Seeds offer so many advantages that you will not even know how to begin consuming it sooner. The same goes if you have been reading about Coconut Oil and do not really know if you should use it for more than just adding flavour to your food. The truth is that these super products can change your eating habits and even your skin and hair care routine.
One of the many reasons why you should consider giving Chia Seeds a try is that you will be able to get all sorts of vitamins, minerals and even fiber. You should switch white rice or any other unhealthy side dish that you usually choose when enjoying your favourite meals. Before you know, you are going to realize that these seeds have changed your life. Besides helping you become healthier, you will also be able to lower your risks for all sorts of diseases.
When it comes to your appearance, you should know that these seeds have a role in making your skin look amazing and slowing down the aging process. At the same time, if you have been dealing with digestive problems, the same food can help you solve quite a few of them. Overall, these seeds promote digestive health. So, why not give them a try? When it comes to adding another useful product to your pantry, you should consider Coconut Oil, which has so many uses you will not know where to start.
First of all, you can add it to any food you want. It will definitely make your meals tastier due to its amazing flavour. At the same time, even though this sounds too good to be true, you should know that this kind of oil can help you burn more fat on a daily basis. Besides ingesting it, you might also want to be aware of the fact that this oil is great for your hair, your scalp and your skin. You can use it everywhere without having to worry about any side effects.
It is a known fact that this oil kills bacteria, which means that you can use it on the skin when dealing with common issues. At the same time, if your hair seems to be too fragile and it just looks dry, you can apply the oil to your hair and wash it off the next morning. After drying your hair, you will notice a big difference. You can also use it to nourish your skin on a daily basis. Just make sure that you get it from a reliable source such as a reputed online organic store.
It is pretty obvious that when it comes to making healthier choices, the best idea you could have would be to add two special products to your pantry - Chia Seeds (https://www.inlakeshlivingfoods.com.au/Organic-Chia-Seeds-500g) and Coconut Oil (https://www.inlakeshlivingfoods.com.au/Organic-Cold-Pressed-Extra-Virgin-Coconut-Oil-1L). The good news is that you can find both of them in our online shop that you can visit with just a few simple clicks!

Serotonin Boosters -- Habits and Foods

Serotonin Boosters -- Habits and Foods

Image source: https://myzenda.ph/images/featured_images/good-habits.jpg

In our modern world serotonin boosters are essential. Because of just how poor the Standard American Diet has become, it's so easy to have a chemical deficiency or imbalance, effecting your mood, your energy, and your overall health. Serotonin is at the top of the list of important body chemicals because serotonin regulates happiness, depression, and other emotions. If you have a serotonin imbalance or deficiency, you'll just plain feel lousy. But let's get back to diet for a moment.

One of the biggest downfalls of modern diets is that corporate farming methods have reduced the amount of the essential fatty acids known as Omega 3s by 10-20 times. Our diets only include 5-10% of what they used to of one of the most vital compounds for brain function. This has come about mostly due to grain feeding cattle instead of grass feeding them, which causes the meat to produce Omega 6s instead of Omega 3s. Omega 6s are needed as well, but the body is supposed to get a balance of 1:1 between Omega 3s and Omega 6s. According to studies the modern diet contains between 10 to 20 times more Omega 6s than Omega 3s. So you can imagine why brain function might be impaired. That's why serotonin boosters are essential. So what are some serotonin boosters?

Here are some natural serotonin boosters that will help in the healthy production and release of brain hormones.

1. Diet. Like we discussed in the above section, a good diet is absolutely vital to proper chemical balance and brain function. Eating things like Omega 3 fatty acids and amino acids, which are the building blocks of most chemicals in the body, is a great first step. A few amino acids in particular, 5-HTP and L-Theanine, are directly linked to the brain. Omega 3 fatty acids comprise the working outer surface of your brain. They're essential to proper brain function. You can also take supplements which promote and enhance brain function, things like ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and st johns wort. There are many dietary supplements out there that claim to have a good blend of vitamins and minerals that support serotonin production.

2. Exercise. Now I'm starting to sing the same tired old song. Diet and exercise right? We've been hearing it for years. Well guess what, that's because it's still true. Exercising causes the body to release serotonin. Studies have shown that people who exercise more are generally happier and more content in life. Do yourself a favor and go on a nice sunset walk a few times a week.

3. Sunlight. Make sure you get enough sunlight. Not only is sunlight vital to the production of vitamin D, sunlight is also vital to the healthy regulation of chemicals in the body. Disorders like Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) come about because of a lack of daily sunlight. Depression and the general feeling of the blues will come about if you don't get enough daily sunlight. Not only that, but the more research that's being done on sunlight, the more scientists are beginning to admit the wondrous healthy properties of the sun. Sunlight has been heavily demonized by dermatologists for years. Now scientists are finally starting to admit that chemical sunscreens and a lack of sunlight might be more dangerous than actually getting out in the sun and absorbing it, like human beings have been doing for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

4. Sleep. Sleep is essential for the body's regulation of chemicals. Things like the adrenal glands only have the chance to replenish themselves during sleep. If you're not getting enough sleep, your hormones and chemicals will eventually become imbalanced.

How to Use Goat Milk Products for Body Care

Image source: http://www.lipstiq.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/GoatMilkLotion_175-e1477452882947.jpg With the upsurge in natural and organi...