Kamis, 01 Februari 2018

Serotonin Boosters -- Habits and Foods

Serotonin Boosters -- Habits and Foods

Image source: https://myzenda.ph/images/featured_images/good-habits.jpg

In our modern world serotonin boosters are essential. Because of just how poor the Standard American Diet has become, it's so easy to have a chemical deficiency or imbalance, effecting your mood, your energy, and your overall health. Serotonin is at the top of the list of important body chemicals because serotonin regulates happiness, depression, and other emotions. If you have a serotonin imbalance or deficiency, you'll just plain feel lousy. But let's get back to diet for a moment.

One of the biggest downfalls of modern diets is that corporate farming methods have reduced the amount of the essential fatty acids known as Omega 3s by 10-20 times. Our diets only include 5-10% of what they used to of one of the most vital compounds for brain function. This has come about mostly due to grain feeding cattle instead of grass feeding them, which causes the meat to produce Omega 6s instead of Omega 3s. Omega 6s are needed as well, but the body is supposed to get a balance of 1:1 between Omega 3s and Omega 6s. According to studies the modern diet contains between 10 to 20 times more Omega 6s than Omega 3s. So you can imagine why brain function might be impaired. That's why serotonin boosters are essential. So what are some serotonin boosters?

Here are some natural serotonin boosters that will help in the healthy production and release of brain hormones.

1. Diet. Like we discussed in the above section, a good diet is absolutely vital to proper chemical balance and brain function. Eating things like Omega 3 fatty acids and amino acids, which are the building blocks of most chemicals in the body, is a great first step. A few amino acids in particular, 5-HTP and L-Theanine, are directly linked to the brain. Omega 3 fatty acids comprise the working outer surface of your brain. They're essential to proper brain function. You can also take supplements which promote and enhance brain function, things like ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and st johns wort. There are many dietary supplements out there that claim to have a good blend of vitamins and minerals that support serotonin production.

2. Exercise. Now I'm starting to sing the same tired old song. Diet and exercise right? We've been hearing it for years. Well guess what, that's because it's still true. Exercising causes the body to release serotonin. Studies have shown that people who exercise more are generally happier and more content in life. Do yourself a favor and go on a nice sunset walk a few times a week.

3. Sunlight. Make sure you get enough sunlight. Not only is sunlight vital to the production of vitamin D, sunlight is also vital to the healthy regulation of chemicals in the body. Disorders like Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) come about because of a lack of daily sunlight. Depression and the general feeling of the blues will come about if you don't get enough daily sunlight. Not only that, but the more research that's being done on sunlight, the more scientists are beginning to admit the wondrous healthy properties of the sun. Sunlight has been heavily demonized by dermatologists for years. Now scientists are finally starting to admit that chemical sunscreens and a lack of sunlight might be more dangerous than actually getting out in the sun and absorbing it, like human beings have been doing for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

4. Sleep. Sleep is essential for the body's regulation of chemicals. Things like the adrenal glands only have the chance to replenish themselves during sleep. If you're not getting enough sleep, your hormones and chemicals will eventually become imbalanced.

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