Senin, 30 April 2018

How are sustainability and the increased interest in food miles affecting the catering industry

How are sustainability and the increased interest in food miles affecting the catering industry

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Local produce has become important to many consumers according to GS1 UK, 63% of consumers claim that they thought about the source of their food some of the time. 16% went as far as to say they thought about it all the time, while three-fifths of shoppers admitted that place of origin was at least as important as other influencing factors, such as price and quality.

For businesses operating in the catering or hospitality industry, those who have started to embrace local produce and take an interest in food miles are one step ahead of the game in appealing to the UKs consumer demand for British food and drink.

Retailers of catering equipment, Nisbets, investigate how consumer's interest in food miles and sustainable products are affecting how chefs source their food and create their menus. Are they willing to appeal to their customers demand, or is it costing too much to source?

What are food miles?

The term food miles refers to the distance that food produce has been transported from point of production until it reaches the consumer. The UK typically rack up quite the distance, with more than half of the UKs food sourced from overseas. In fact, a huge 95% of all our fruit is imported from abroad, along with half of our vegetables.

We transport the majority of this on our roads too, contributing a large amount of carbon emissions on a daily basis these journeys actually account for 25% of the UKs CO2 emissions. Of all goods transported by HGVs in the UK, 30% is food produce and the amount of food flown by plane has risen by 140% since 1992. That still only accounts for 1% of food that is transported as well!

What does the industry think?

According to a recent pulse survey by Nisbets, 20% of businesses said they considered consumer demand when changing their menus. With 65% of consumers thinking about the source of their food, local produce and sustainable products could be the next evolving trend and it seems industry professionals agree. 10% of survey respondents claimed locally sourced produce was having an impact on their company because of the rise in consumer interest. But what does this mean for business costs?

37% of businesses said the cost of ingredients was a big influencing factor when changing their menus. So, what does a potential increase in cost to appeal to the demand for local produce mean for catering businesses? 37% of respondents believe that customer demand was impacting their margin/costs. However, clearly, customer demand is more important to chefs; so, with high costs of ingredients, in particular healthy, organic and locally sourced produce, finding the right balance between the two is the best way to keep control of margin.

Brexit too, could potentially impact the rise in local produce into catering businesses across the UK as the future of importing and exporting produce remains uncertain for now. If the UK lose access to freely imported and exported goods to and from the EU, the industry might have no choice but to convert to local produce and imported goods could potentially witness an increase in costs too.

In the Nisbets survey, it became apparent that some industry professionals had a positive outlook where local produce was concerned though, with some respondents stating they looked forward to more emphasis placed on buying local and better quality local produce.

Food Industry Sustainability Strategy

The governments strategy for sustainability throughout the food industry could also have an impact on the rise of local produce. The aim of the strategy is break the link between economic growth and environmental impacts a major shift is needed towards delivering new products and services with lower environmental impacts across their lifecycle. The answer? Fewer food miles and more local produce.

The interest in and knowing about food where it is from, how it is produced, what effect it has on our health, and how to prepare and store it are all likely to lead to a better diet that is both beneficial to our health and the environment. With 30% of respondents in the Nisbets survey categorically stating healthy eating as one of the biggest food trends theyve witnessed in their establishments this year, it suggests we are already contributing to the strategy.

Overall, the industry seems aware of what is driving customer demand right now and it looks as though this could be a trend that continues through 2018. If the industry continues to focus on customer demand when it comes down to their menus, local produce is likely to become a big influential factor. We could expect to see local produce being used in more restaurants across Britain than in previous years as a result of both consumer demand and the potential increase of overseas importing costs as a direct result of Brexit.

Homemade Detox Remedies Your Healthy Guide towards Physical Fitness

Homemade Detox Remedies Your Healthy Guide towards Physical Fitness

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We obsess over our weighing scale readings. People with flat tummies and thigh gaps are envied and epitomized. Society has turned us into fitness freaks, people who would go to any lengths to let lose those extra pounds.  Millions have been made from ideas, some extremely misleading, sold to us. Slim pills, dieting, liposuction, hunger strikes all in the name of looking and feeling fit.

Here is the thing, for you to lose weight, you must keep tabs on your calorie intake. All these other ideas and theories are just gibberish. The internet is flooded with ridiculous articles offering guidance on how to lose that tummy overnight,' that, my friend, is utter nonsense.

Detox, however, is a weight loss means that lots of people could vouch for. There are so many benefits to rip from this simple pocket-friendly method. Here is a well thought out list.

Benefits of using self-made Detox 

  A lot of people tend to give up on the method after trying it out for just a short period. Homemade detox solutions are different. That is, they will only be effective if you use them for an extended period, preferably not shorter than two months. This is because these detoxes only do away with the water instigated weight in your body.

Continuous use has, but is not limited to, the following advantages

Removal of toxins

Detoxes hasten the toxin removal processes in the liver and the colon. The functionality of these body organs is strengthened.

A boost to your immunity

Detoxes are nutritious. Vitamins, anti-oxidants are only, but a few of the nutrients that detoxes introduce into our bodies. These nutrients come a long way in fighting off fungal and viral infections. Homemade detoxes are also rich in minerals and phytonutrients. This, therefore, helps fight diseases such as anemia and vitamin A deficiencies.

A rise in energy levels

This is the reason why they help lose weight in the first place. When your energy levels are on the rise, your appetite levels are usually on the low. It therefore, reduces your food intake which after that shrinks your calorie intake leading to weight loss.

Your brain functions much faster

There are times we feel so lazy and tired despite having not accomplished much within the day. An increment in your energy levels leads to an increased brain functionality.

Reduce stress levels

The hormone cortisol is the stress indicant in our bodies. A diseased or dysfunctional liver is high in cortisol levels. As previously highlighted, detoxes help make our organs healthier. This results in the plunging of this hormone into our bloodstream.

A regulated yearn for food

Most of us think that cravings are all in our minds, that all we have to do to beat them is to make a healthy choice. If we only knew how wrong we were. Hormonal imbalances often result in cravings. Self-made detoxes help to reduce these needs.

The question should be, what are some of these home-brewed detoxes? Below is a list of drinks for detox smoothie diet that will help you achieve those body goals faster than you expected, not in a day though.

Best Weight Loss Home-brewed Detox Drinks
Lemon beverage

A lot of people identify with these drinks. Nutritionists highly recommend it to those on a water diet. It is straightforward and quick to come up with the juice. All you have to do is to squeeze freshly bought lemons in a beaker. Go on to add cinnamon and cayenne pepper. If the mixture is too sour for your taste, then skip the last procedure and settle for slicing your lemon and soaking it in water overnight.

The cabbage broth and juice

 It is not as bad as you would imagine it to be. Blend peas, carrots, and cabbages to make the cabbage juice. For the broth bring to boil, cabbages, carrots and onions. Someone is probably wincing at this, but hey, this is your best bet to lose those extra pounds.

Tea as a detox

Green tea is a peoples favorite. There are, however, other types of beverages such as the ginger tea and the dandelion tea.  Such tea is rich in anti-oxidants - popularly referred to as catechins. Your metabolism is also significantly improved by consuming this tea. 

Cucumber as a detox

This detox helps you shed the extra pounds. Blend the cucumber with a fresh lemon for amazing results.

Cranberry beverage

It is a must try for those who smoke or live around people who do. It aids in eliminating toxins brought about by cigarette smoke. The drink also helps in weight loss; this is through the conversion of those stored up fats into energy.

The magical salt-water mixture.

Add one or two teaspoons of water to form the mixture. The mixture should be drunk on a daily basis. You should, however, use hot or warm water to have all your salt dissolve into the water.

These drinks are somewhat interdependent. They will not work or bring out the desired results unless paired with the other. Choose the drink you like most and convert it into your daily beauty regimen, it always works.

Homemade Detox Cleanse that is best for you

This is highly dependent on what you aim to achieve with the detox. The green tea, for example, is best for people who desire to lose weight. How effective the detox is also dependent on how faithful you are to it, it is impractical to expect to see changes within a week.


These homemade detoxes will also not be as useful if you do not exercise healthy living. Stay away from junk foods and hit the gym once in a while. Additionally, these methods are not the best for those who wish to shed off a considerable amount of weight.

Although there is no need to consult your doctor while using the homemade recipes, it is essential for you to, if you notice any side effects such as severe diarrhea, to seek medical intervention.

Magnetism and Your Health

Magnetism and Your Health

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What Is Magnetism?

Magnetism is a force of attraction (or repulsion) that acts at a distance. Any time a charged particle moves, it creates a magnetic field around its path of travel. The term magnetism refers to the phenomenon associated with a magnetic field, and the magnetic force that it causes. The magnetic force exerted between two magnetic poles can be beneficial or detrimental depending on the circumstance.

What Does Magnetism Have To Do With My Health?
To be honest, there are many conflicting views when it comes to magnetism, and its relation to our health and well being. Human beings are in fact magnetic beings, and we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields that can influence our health, both positively and negatively. Read on to see how different types of magnetism can affect you

Sources of Magnetism
Magnetism is a universal source. It has been established that all living cells are electromagnetic by nature. There are two sources of magnetism:

Natural Sources (Positive Source)
There are only two sources of natural magnetism available to us our brain and the earth.

Our Brain as a Magnetic Source
Our brain cells have the capability to generate electricity and produce a pulsed, electromagnetic field with efficiency. When the brains pulsed magnetic frequency matches the frequencies of various tissues and organs, the brain and the Earth work together to create magnetic resonance. When magnetic resonance occurs, this allows the body to repair damaged cells, make enzymes and enhance immunity.
Magnetic resonance is what enables MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to allow us to view inside our bodies. The MRI measures the vibrations within our bodies thereby creating an image.

The Earth as a Magnetic Source
The Earth is meant to provide a steady magnetic field that our bodies can draw upon to enhance molecular reactions.

Scientists have recorded a decline in the strength of the Earths magnetic field over the past 165 years. Today the magnetic field of the Earth is about 0.5 Gauss. It is estimated that 4000 years ago, the strength of the Earths field was 5.0 Gauss. This is a significant decline. Since the Earths magnetic field is depleting, our bodies are not always able to achieve the magnetic resonance necessary to restore and rejuvenate our organs and tissues. This leaves us at risk for illness.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) (Negative Source)
An electromagnetic field is a combination of an electric field and a magnetic field that is produced by an electrically charged object. EMFs can have a much higher and harmful frequency than natural sources of magnetism and they can also pollute our air, water and food.

The Danger of Too Much Exposure to EMFs
The technological age that we live in has us exposed to negative EMFs everyday and at higher and stronger levels than ever. Being overexposed to EMFs can have some harmful effects on your health and well-being:
You can put yourself at risk for developing chronic ailments as the magnetic resonance in your body can be overridden by electric frequencies, thus impeding the ability of your organs and tissues to repair themselves.
Electromagnetic fields can cause electromagnetic stress on our bodies.

What Magnetic Sources Do You Encounter Daily?
Think of all the sources of magnetism you are exposed to on a daily, or nearly daily basis: cell phones, microwaves, televisions, computer monitors, fluorescent lights, power lines, and the list goes on and on! Though their negative affects may not be imminent, they are present. Te following provides you with a few steps you can take to decrease your exposure to EMFs:
Avoid buying a house near high voltage power lines or a power site;
Avoid unnecessary computer usage they emit electromagnetic ?elds from all sides;
Avoid carrying your cell phone or personal assistant device on your person all day;
Use your cell phone on speakerphone when possible;
Find a headset that offers electromagnetic radiation reduction (air tube). Do your research on this one, as some technologies will emit even more radiation;
Choose a device with the lowest SAR (Speci?c Absorption Rate) possible that measures the strength of the magnetic ?eld absorbed by the body. SAR rankings are available online;
Avoid sleeping with an electric blanket;
Avoid being in an environment of ?uorescent light all day incandescent light is much less harmful;
Limit your use of a microwave oven as it may even affect the molecules of the food you eat. If you do, use safe materials like glass to microwave your food;
Limit your TV use and avoid sleeping in front of one all night;
Limit your use of personal electric appliances such as electric razors and hairdryers.

How to Attract Better Health
A magnet is made up of one positive and one negative pole North and South. Since each pole attracts molecules with an opposing charge, and since our bodies are made up of molecules that are both positively and negatively charged, it is believed that a magnet on our body can lead to improved blood ?ow. By improving blood ?ow, our cells are better able to absorb oxygen, get access to more essential nutrients, clear the body of toxic waste, and speed up the repair of damaged tissues.
Besides increasing blood circulation, other theories on why magnets bene?t the body include:

Having an effect on iron in the blood
Altering the bodys pH balance
Improving electrical conductivity of cells
Stimulating new cell growth

The Health Benefit of Magnets
The concept of using magnets for health and healing is a relatively new concept in North America, however there is nothing new about the idea that magnets have the ability to promote healing. Theyve been used in this capacity for hundreds of years and are commonly used in Eastern countries today. Despite this, magnetic therapy is considered an alternative therapy and no medical claims can officially be made relating to its bene?ts. Nevertheless, there are many studies that show the positive effect of magnets on:
Diabetic neuropathy
Multiple sclerosis
Blood circulation
Pain management
Recovery from injuries
General healing and post operative-recovery

The Benefits of Magnetic Sleep
Because the Earths magnetic ?eld has decreased, the idea behind a magnetic bed is to restore the natural effect of the Earths magnetic field. Sleeping on a magnetic bed recharges your body in the same way you recharge your cell phone battery at night.

A Magnetic Sleep system also works by stimulating the pineal gland in the brain which produces the hormone melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep patterns. Studies have shown that when people use magnetic pads, their pineal gland is stimulated and they experience improved sleep.

What To Look For In A Magnet
Not all magnets are created equal. Design is very important in order for the magnet to provide you with health benefits. Here are some basic guidelines to look for:
An equilateral design equal in length and angles to create a consistent magnetic field.
Magnets between 300 5000 Gauss, if being used for pain management.

Who Should Not Use Magnets
Though, as this article proves, magnets are beneficial to the health of many- there are individuals who should not use magnets. These individuals include:
Pregnant women
People who use a medical device such as a pacemaker, de?brillator, or insulin pump and,
People who use a patch that delivers medication through the skin (Unfortunately, magnets may cause dilation of blood vessels, which could affect the delivery of the medicine.)
If you are unsure whether or not you can use magnets consult your natural health care provider.

Home Remedies for Appendicitis- Cure Appendicitis Naturally

Home Remedies for Appendicitis- Cure Appendicitis Naturally

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The appendix is a finger-shaped organ that projects from the colon of large intestine on the lower right side of the abdomen. There is no specific purpose of the appendix in the human body. Appendicitis means the inflammation of the appendix. Although anyone can develop appendicitis, most often it occurs in the age group of 10-30. Inflammation of the appendix causes pain in the lower right abdomen. In most of the people, pain begins around the navel and then moves. As inflammation increases, appendicitis pain increases and eventually becomes severe.

The blockage in the lining of the appendix that results in infection is the cause of appendicitis. Thus, infection by bacteria is the cause of appendicitis. The appendix is a vestigial organ in the human body so the removal of the appendix is recommended but infection of the appendix can be cured by simple home remedies.

What are the signs and symptoms of Appendicitis?

Sudden pain that begins around the navel and shifts to the lower right abdomen
Sudden pain that begins on the right side of the lower abdomen
Nausea and vomiting
Pain that worsens during coughing, walking or making other jarring movements.
Constipation or Diarrhoea
Abdominal bloating

Appendicitis according to Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, appendicitis has three stages Acute Appendicitis, Appendicular Mass, and Appendicular Abscess. In the chronic cases, patients are advised for medical surgery to remove appendicitis. Ayurveda can cure appendicitis naturally at the beginning stage within 24-48 hours of the appendix pain.

Home Remedies for Appendicitis

Dry black grapes Dry black grapes are antipyretic and they are also the good source of glucose and sucrose which help to maintain the energy level. So, one should consume dry black grapes during the entire treatment and also during fever condition.
Take tea mixed with dry ginger powder and tulsi leaves (Ocimum sanctum).
The patient should not take any type of diet except herbal tea, old rice, rice flakes, moong beans, khichdi (made from moong daal and rice).
Take pomegranate, coconut water, lukewarm water during 4-5 days of the treatment.
Herbs like Sunthi (dry ginger), coriander seeds, ushira (khus grass) must be boiled in water and taken for a week. One teaspoon of these herbs mixed in 2 litres of water and make the mixture boiled and filtered. Take this medicated water on every hour in little quantity for the whole day.
ButtermilkButtermilk is highly effective in treating chronic appendicitis. 1 or 2 of buttermilk glasses must be consumed daily.
Fenugreek Seeds Take tea prepared from fenugreek seeds regularly. Tea can be prepared by putting 1 tablespoon of the seeds in a litre of cold water and allow it to boil for half an hour over a low flame and then strain it. It should be allowed to cool a little before consuming. This tea is helpful in cleaning the appendix and prevents bacterial attacks.
Carrot Juice Take 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices mixed with 300 ml carrot juice twice a day.
Whole wheat The consumption of whole wheat which includes bran and wheat gram has been found beneficial in preventing several digestive disorders including appendicitis.
Fasting When there are symptoms like severe pain and fever, the patient should resort to fasting and nothing but water should be consumed. Fruit juices can be given from the third day onwards for the next three days. Thereafter, the patient must adopt only fruit diet for further 4-5 days. After this, the patient should consume a well-balanced diet consisting of nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits.
Hot compresses may be placed over the painful area several times daily. Abdominal packs prepared from a strip of wet sheet and covered by a dry fennel cloth bound tightly around the abdomen should be applied continuously until the acute pain subsides.
TriphalaTriphala powder prepared from three fruitsAmalki, Bibhataki and Haritaki in equal proportion is also beneficial in appendicitis. Take to 1 teaspoon of triphala powder with lukewarm regularly.
Turmeric Turmeric being an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory herb is quite beneficial in curing appendicitis. Take a pinch of turmeric with water regularly empty stomach in the morning.

It should be taken care that the patient suffering from appendicitis should adopt all measures to eradicate constipation.

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Home Remedies and Lifestyle for Acute Kidney Failure

Home Remedies and Lifestyle for Acute Kidney Failure

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It is sorrowful that kidney failure has been listed in the category of common and life-threatening diseases. People who have kidney failure get disheartened and it is obvious too because kidney failure may lead to death. Vomiting, nausea,  loss of appetite, weakness, fatigue, decrease in urine output, difficulty in sleeping, high blood pressure, swelling in ankle and feet, chest pain may also result because of accumulation of fluid around lining of heart and  shortness of  breath  if fluid accumulates in lungs, are the symptoms associated with the kidney failure.Kidney failure means when your kidney fails to expel out the waste material from your body.  Besides medicines, home remedies and lifestyle for acute kidney failure play an important role to manage this complication.  So by making the changes in lifestyle along with the use of home remedies for acute kidney failure can be managed to a great extent.

Home remedies for acute kidney failure

Nettle Leaf tea

Nettle leaf is considered as an effective home remedy for kidney failure. It has diuretic properties which help to maintain the smooth urination through the bladder. It also helps to protect from bacterial infection

How to consume?

Add two teaspoons of dried nettle leaf into a cup of hot water.
Let it steep for 10 minutes and then strain it.
Drink this tea 2-3 times each day for several weeks.

Green Tea

Green tea is packed with antioxidants, diuretic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus considered as an effective home remedy for kidney failure.

How to consume?

Add the green tea leaves in boiling water, let it steep for 5-6 minutes.
Strain it and drink this tea at least three times in a day


Fenugreek offers the overall good health of kidney. It has been studied that fenugreek helps to increase the antioxidants in kidney and reduces the oxidative stress also.  Thus the use of fenugreek is quite good in the chronic kidney failure.

How to consume?

Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight, consume the seeds along with water in the morning on an empty stomach. Eat it again in the evening.
Do it every day for best results.

Green grass juice

Green grass is an effective home remedy for kidney failure. It helps to enhance the red blood cells which may help to remit anoxia and ischemia in kidneys. Hence it is a useful ayurvedic home remedy for kidney failure patients.

How to consume?

Drink green grass juice 2-3 times in a day.

 Radish Juice

Radish juice is an effective home remedy for kidney failure as it helps to ease the urination.

How to consume?

Consume radish juice5-10ml every morning.


Turmeric is considered as one of most effective home remedy kidney failure. It's antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties are quite helpful in kidney failure.

How to consume?

Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder in milk (low fat) and consume it   twice in a day.
One can also take the one teaspoon of turmeric powder along with water twice daily.

Lifestyle for acute kidney failure

Yoga and pranayam Deep breathing exercises are quite helpful in kidney failure. Doing the pranayan in morning time is helpful to reduce the urea and creatinine levels. These practices also help to remove the toxin from the body.

Light exercises Light exercises are also good for the kidney failure.  These exercises help to enhance the blood circulation and oxygen supply in the body. Thus help to maintain the overall good health of kidney.
Avoid stressDoing meditation helps to ease the stress. It is proven fact that positive thoughts and positive energy help to enhance the healing in the body. So try to keep yourself away from negative thoughts.

Diet Restrict the High-potassium foods - Avoid High-potassium foods like oranges, bananas, potatoes, spinach, and tomatoes. You can take low-potassium foods like cabbage, apples, green beans, grapes, and strawberries.
Avoid foods with added salts - Avoid food products like canned food, fast foods and processed food with the added salts.
Limit phosphorus intake - Avoid the milk, cheese, dried beans, nuts and peanut butter.


Avoid alcohol consumption
Avoid smoking

Home for Health Lifestyle Center

Home for Health Lifestyle Center

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Nestled in the hilly areas of Kentucky, Home for Health is a Christian organization that educates and demonstrates to people how live healthy and to overcome diseases. It is a lifestyle center that works on a hands-on basis though it is a wellness haven, Home for Health utilizes spiritual beliefs and faith which provides encouragement, joy and hope to people who attend different rejuvenation and rehabilitation programs organized by this lifestyle ministry. Along with different techniques for improving the immune system of every individual, Home for Healths most recognized program is the Christian based Gerson Program which is offered by only a limited number of organizations.

Gerson therapy is a high demand, non-toxic healing technique that has shown promising results for cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. For successful execution of this program, a Gerson diet needs to be followed which helps immensely in recovery. Organic coffee, nutrient rich fruits and vegetables and plenty of fluids, like water and fresh juices, are highly recommended for Gerson therapy. This program is almost similar to the program practiced by the San Diego based Gerson Institute. Though the program is similar, Gerson therapy costs around $5,000 per week at the Gerson Institute, while at Home for Health the rate is less than half that per week. Moreover, their Kentucky wellness center offers scholarships to make the program even more budget-friendly.

If a guest at Home for Health needs to attend this low cost Gerson therapy as a high priced Gerson alternative but still has a shortage of funds, the organization works it out to make the program accessible for the person because Home for Health believes in Bible ideology, freely ye have received, freely give which asks everyone to help as many people as possible.

At Home for Health, guests usually start their day with morning prayers, devotions, preparing healthy recipes based on the Gerson diet, relaxing, and attending health classes. Staying at this wellness center is very enjoyable and recreational for every guest, and patients can actually enjoy the Gerson plus program instead of nurturing stress and fear of the disease in their mind. The Christian based Gerson Program goes on for one week to three weeks according to individual needs. But if necessary, guests can also stay for six weeks without worrying about the expenditure, because the low cost Gerson therapy here is reasonable and pocket friendly for all!

Home for Health types itself as a Christian based lower cost Gerson therapy. But this does not imply that non-Christian communities will be left at bay. This organization welcomes every individual looking to attend this lower cost Gerson therapy as a Gerson alternative so that they can return home healthier and self dependent to take care of their health. Apart from Gerson therapycosts, another difference between these two US organizations is their way of working. Home for Health believes that devotional prayer to God ushers the most powerful blessings on every individual that are the best balm for all pains and diseases very easily as spiritual blessings are the most powerful treatment for any disease.

Jumat, 27 April 2018

London Fox Lettings Find The Perfect Flatshare Today !

London Fox Lettings  Find The Perfect Flatshare Today !

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We manage over 170 properties throughout London, and over 800 rooms in all of them! That means there is something for everyones budget and needs! Our team understands that our clients are seeking more than just a room - they want a sense of community and belonging. Thats why we ensure our rooms are let to fun-loving professional guys and girls between the ages of 20 and 30.

You can view our rooms on our website, or on our social media profiles like Facebook or Instagram. You are able to either book directly on the website by clicking the Book Now button on the room page, or by calling on +44 203 4111 747 and setting an appointment to visit our office. Our agents will make sure to find something that fits your needs and wishes regarding the budget and location preferences you have.
To make sure our tenants enjoy their stay with us to the fullest, we have different partners (gyms, hair salons/barber shops, restaurants and clubs in Central London) who offer discounts only to the London Fox community members.

At London Fox, our aim is simple we connect sociable, twenty something aged professionals with accommodation where they can live, laugh and love.

As a team of young professionals ourselves, we understand that surprise bills, weird flatmates and poorly managed properties can make renting in London a struggle. Were here to provide a solution to all the chaos.

Weve got a great variety of single, double, twin, studio and en-suite rooms in zones 1, 2 and 3 on offer - so London is right at the doorstep for all our clients.

Our team understands that our clients are seeking more than just a room - they want a sense of community and belonging. Thats why we ensure our rooms are let to fun-loving professional guys and girls between the ages of 20 and 30.

What's more, London Fox flats guarantee all of the following:

Professionally managed flatshares
Fully furnished rooms
A community of 1000+ young, like-minded professionals
Great locations close to transport links
Bills and wifi included
Monthly cleaning and maintenance
Competitive prices on fair terms
Flexible agreements
Over 800 rooms to choose from with options to relocate in one of our 170+ properties

Our team understands the importance of access to a great social scene in a big city. When you move in with us, youll become more than a tenant - youll be a member of the London Fox social community.

Our community is a network of 1000+ flatmates from different cultures who have in common a sense of adventure as well as career ambition. Weve managed to create a thriving community of multilingual young professionals who enjoy socialising in the company of like-minded people. Its also important to us to keep a healthy balance of guys to girls in our 160+ flatshares.

Youll have many opportunities to meet our flat-sharers at regular social events. Our events are held monthly at different venues in Londons hottest locations, where London Fox members can discover the city and make new friends. Youll have access to our weekly newsletter as well as our companys own lifestyle concierge to stay informed about weekly deals, events and advantages.

Our business partners can give you access to a wide range of services at great prices - from nights out, to gym memberships, to weekends away, theres something for everyone.

We are also open to any landlords looking to lease their properties. You can do so by contacting us through our website . If your flat is deemed suitable after our evaluation, we place an offer and your flat is immediately rented we are your tenants. We charge no commissions or fees, and do monthly inspections and maintenance on our own expense, so by allowing us to manage and let out your property, you will save thousands of pounds a year.

Senin, 23 April 2018

Lets Feed The Children And End Classroom Hunger

Lets Feed The Children And End Classroom Hunger

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Investing in early childhood nutrition is a definite strategy whose returns are quite high. Feeding the children with nutritious food should be made mandatory in every country. One part of the world suffers the challenges of obese children while many others struggle to feed the children. In both cases, what needs to be highlighted is that a balanced nutrition contributes in keeping the body healthy and in shape.

School nutrition is thus an integral part of childrens lives since one of the three main meals are consumed in schools. So when NGOs such as Akshaya Patra set out on a mission to feed the hungry, they were thinking of schools and how to connect nutrition with education. As the Foundation strives to feed millions of children who may go hungry, the purpose of education is served simultaneously.

Nutrition and mental growth

Of course there has been a growing awareness about nutrition, and towards feeding the children, there are still several parts of India where food needs to reach the children. In its mission of feeding the hungry by serving wholesome lunch to school goers, Akshaya Patra found a growing interest among children in not only attending the school but also participating in various academic and extra-curricular activities.

When the children dont get nourishment, they often find themselves feeling physically dull and complaining. Thats precisely why the organisation stresses donors to get involved or to sponsor a child so each of these children get a chance at both good nutrition and education. Shortage of nutrition such as iron and iodine impairs cognitive development among children. Thus, the meals served are rich in these two nutrients.

Brain foods

One of the many reasons why feeding the children should be stressed more than anything is that the duration of the shortage of nutrition also plays a vital role in a childs cognitive development. Children that do not have access to consistent supply of nutritious food are found to be with certain learning disorders. Yogurt, green vegetables, nuts and pulses are some of the brain foods that are recommended by nutritionists for the healthy growth of a child. The meals served by Akshaya Patra are especially prepared keeping these brain foods in mind.

Behavioural development

The pre-school years are considered to be quite dramatic and crucial postnatal brain development period. Heres when children develop working memory, attention and inhibitory control. Primary school years, on the other hand, have a significant contribution in developing behavioural skills wherein nutritious diet plays a major part.

Keeping these facts in mind, we emphasise upon not only serving wholesome lunch to school children but also spreading awareness about nutrition for children in general. Our donors are made aware of the kind of meals that are needed for children so that they practise a healthy diet even around their own environment. You are welcome to join the cause and contribute. Donate today.

Minggu, 22 April 2018

Leopard Gecko Origin

Leopard Gecko Origin

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The leopard gecko is a member of the reptilian class of animals. It is also known to be one of the smallest reptiles in the world. Some tiny geckos are known to only grow to reach a length of about 0.6 in (or 1.6 cm). However adult leopard geckos can grow to reach the length of 8 to 12 inches long and weigh as much as 60 to over 100 grams. In the United States, one of the most commonly bred lizards is the leopard gecko. Origin of this reptile came from the dry land of India, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Leopard geckos are considered to be very god natured creatures. The big head and hard bodies of this reptile do not change the fact that these reptiles are very easy to take care of.

One thing that makes this lizard different from most other geckos is their physical structures. Leopard geckos have well developed eyelids. There toes do not have expanded toe tips (or webs), most other geckos does not have these features.

Leopard gecko has a vast variety of different colors and patterns. These are the things that make the gecko so popular especially among those who have a huge interest in the world of lizards. Over the years, through generations of breeding leopard geckos, a wide variety of new and unique colors and patterns have been created.

In general, there are at least twenty different varieties (or morphs) of the leopard gecko that are available in the market. Among the many different leopard gecko morphs include the las vegas (rainwater) albino, bell albino, tremper albino, tangerine, carrot-tail, stripe, reverse stripe, red stripe, giant, jungle, APTOR, mack snow, line bred snow, patternless, enigma, eclipse, and blizzards.

The Leopard geckos are one of the nocturnal creatures. This means that leopard geckos are most active during the night. They are also terrestrial animals meaning, this lizard prefers to live on dry land.

Leopard geckos can live up to 20 years provided that they are well taken cared of by their owners and that they are living in a proper environment. As a responsible owner, it is important to make sure that you keep your leopard gecko healthy and happy. You should see to it that you provide the few basic things that are needed by your leopard gecko. Vitamin supplement is a good way to keep your gecko at its best shape. Leopard geckos shed their skin habitually. Thus it is important to keep them in a humid type of habitat to make shedding properly become easy for them.

Providing a shed box for your pet gecko is a great way to help accommodate your pet. A shed box is essentially a hide box which has damp sphagnum moss. This will keep the hide moist and thus aids the leopard gecko in the shedding process. It is also important for a leopard gecko to maintain a healthy diet. Remember that leopard geckos store their fats on their tail so that they will have something to consume during the times of scarcity. This fact will give you an idea on what to look for in a healthy gecko. Take note that a leopard gecko with a fat tail is a healthy gecko.

Sabtu, 21 April 2018

Late Pregnancy - A Boon Or A Bane

Late Pregnancy - A Boon Or A Bane

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Late pregnancy and older moms are increasing in number in recent years. It has become more common for women to concentrate on their careers and forget about their personal lives. When they finally get married and decide to have a baby, they find themselves classified as older moms. Women in their late 30s and early 40s are successfully getting pregnant and going on to have healthy pregnancies. There are some fears about getting pregnant at that age, but if the pregnancy is planned, under medical supervision and guidance, the chances for a normal and safe pregnancy are great.

Getting Pregnant Above 35 Years

Getting pregnant above 35 is not as risky as some make it out to be. Yes, there are certain risks, but even younger women contemplating pregnancy have certain risks and face numerous pregnancy complications.

Older women may have certain risks, such as giving birth to babies with genetic defects, having C sections and facing complications. such as hypertension and diabetes. It is however possible for those who have a late pregnancy to have a normal pregnancy, if they are under medical supervision.

It is essential for women to plan their late pregnancy and get their bodies ready. It is necessary to stay physically fit. Take up relaxing classes, such as yoga and meditation that will help you stay mentally healthy too. Make sure you eat a diet that is well balanced and nutritious. It is imperative to take supplements of folic acid and other vitamins and minerals. Folic acid is recommended, as it is said to greatly reduce the incidence of babies with birth defects. You need to make certain changes to your lifestyle, such as no smoking, drinking and abstain from drugs. Once you are planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to seek counseling from your physician before you take any over-the-counter medication. If you suspect you are pregnant, you may consider taking a home pregnancy test.

Some women diagnosed with late pregnancy are stunned, as they had not planned on getting pregnant so late in life. They become aware of their pregnancy due to the late pregnancy symptoms. These include sore breasts, nausea, missed period, morning sickness and a positive home pregnancy test.

If you find out you are pregnant, be sure to enjoy every moment of it. Have small regular meals that are packed with the nutrients that are necessary for the baby and you. Have regular check ups with your physician and stay physically fit, by doing exercises as recommended by your physician. Several infertility treatments are also available for those who have fears about being fertile.

If you are concerned, you can talk to your physician about tests such as Genetic amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. The best tip is to stay healthy, have a positive attitude, and do your best to ensure a safe and uncomplicated late pregnancy.

Know the Benefits of Your Healthy Teeth

Know the Benefits of Your Healthy Teeth

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It is said that smile is a gift given by God to the mankind. We all feel great in the company of those who make us laugh. To have a healthy smile we need healthier teeth. Our teeth are the first thing anyone would notice while having a conversation. The healthier they are the better it would be. But the question is how would we keep them healthy and germ-free? Well, the answer is quite obvious and generic, i.e. brushing the teeth properly.

Brushing the teeth twice a day is something we have been taught since childhood. As of late flossing is also added to the list but very few of us actually obliges to it. We choose to eat junk and unhealthy food throughout a day and then adding salt to the wound, we skip the night brush too. This type of lazy attitude is nothing but an open invitation to plaque and cavities.

The best way and the easiest way to have a healthy mouth is to visit your dentist on a regular interval. And mind you when we say regular basis, it means once in every 6 months or so. Its should not be like that you start visiting them every day. It might sound childish, but the health of your teeth is in the hands of your dentist. He exactly knows what is good and what is bad for your teeth.

The market is filled with a number of dentists who promise big but deliver nothing. Therefore one must be very careful while choosing the right dentist for their teeth as it is very important in the long run.

Choose a dental firm, who not only have a renowned dentist with them but also provide you wide range of facilities and help you achieve a good dental health.

Following are some of the benefits of having a good and healthy set of teeth:

It enhances personality: This is no secret that your teeth play the biggest part in enhancing your personality. It is the first thing we all notice when someone smiles. Our teeth are like a front runner warrior taking all the pain and yet saving our mouth from all the diseases and help us to eat. You can win over anyones confidence with your beautiful smile, and help you a lot during job interviews and important meetings.
Breathe fresh: Just imagine a situation when you are talking to someone and he/she starts avoiding you because of your bad mouth odor. Just to think about this situation, makes you feel embarrassing. Most of us dont realize but a bad mouth odor actually makes people turn on us. Regular brushing not only makes your teeth clean but also gives you fresh breath which helps you in impressing people and you would be more popular among your group.
It lowers the risk of diseases: A set of a healthy tooth may lower the risk of various diseases like cardiovascular and even the fatal ones like oral cancer. Many studies have shown that tooth inflammation may cause the risk of heart diseases. Taking proper care of your teeth would resolve all these issues.
Prevents gum disease: One of the serious disadvantages of unhealthy or stained teeth is that it directly affects your gums. Many gum diseases like gingivitis are caused because of the plaque build around your teeth. It may also result in bleeding gums. Regular brushing and flossing is the only way to prevent this one.

We are sure that after knowing so many advantages, you will now get back to your basics and do everything possible for the health of your teeth.

Jumat, 20 April 2018

Know the Benefits of Papaya - Really Healthy

Know the Benefits of Papaya - Really Healthy

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Papayas is a pear shaped tropical fruit and than be as long as 7 to 20 inches. This fruit is available in the market throughout the year, but most abundant during the summer.

Papayas offer not only the luscious taste and sunlit colour of the tropics, but are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium and magnesium; and fibre.

As a natural remedy, papaya not only aids digestion but also helps prevent constipation. It provides relief from piles and also has anti-cancer properties. Papaya has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels, prevents the formation of urinary stones, prevents intestinal infection by parasites and aids in the proper functioning of the bodys immune system. For lactating mothers, according to traditional beliefs, papaya also helps to stimulate milk production.

Papaya is a rich source of antioxidant nutrients like carotenes, vitamin C, vitamin B, minerals, fiber, etc. All these nutrients boost the health of the cardiovascular system, apart from providing protection against colon cancer.

It Helpful for the whole body and not only for the stomach but it has been proved that it can reduce Colon cancer risk. It works against heart disease also.It reduces Cholestrol from forming.If taken regularly they are also a good remedy for Inflamatins and Infections.

When had with honey, the papaya seeds are known to be antihelminthic for expelling worms. So chew and swallow two teaspoonfuls of papaya seeds after the main meals during a day.

Papaya's fibre is able to bind to cancer-causing toxins in the colon and keep them away from the healthy colon cells. In addition, papaya's folate, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin E have each been associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. These nutrients provide synergistic protection for colon cells from free radical damage to their DNA.!

Papaya consists of two very important enzymes called papain and chymonpapain which help digest protein in the body. However, of the two enzymes, papain is the most abundant and most active enzyme. Nevertheless, these enzymes are most concentrated when the fruit is picked green. After picking the powerful duo diminishes as the fruit ripens.

Papayas are an excellent source of the three very powerful antioxidants - vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A (through their concentration of pro-vitamin A carotenoid phytonutrients). Papayas may be very helpful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. The nutrients found in papaya help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. When cholesterol becomes oxidized, it is able to stick to and build up in blood vessel walls. This formation is dangerous to the human body as it forms plaques that can eventually cause heart attacks or strokes. The Ayurveda experts have regarded papain as a remedy for abdominal disorders. It is a good medicine for dysentery, hyper-acidity, dyspepsia and constipation. Pimples are removed by rubbing the white pulp of raw papaya on the face. It brings lustre to the face and removes wrinkles.

Papaya contains carotene which also helps for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Regularly eating of papaya will help a person to maintain vitality and good health.

Kid Friendly Meal Planner

Kid Friendly Meal Planner

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Kids are the Kings and Queens of all the families. So serving food for the rulers of the family kingdom are the most auspicious task as the meal should be healthy as well as tasty. Kids prefer the same taste often and it is the responsibility of the parents to introduce all types of tastes while they are young. This is mainly because a childs brain attains 90% of development before the age of 5. Anything launched into their life before this age gets attuned to their lifestyle and they easily adopt it. Only a healthy kid can have a healthy way of life with clean habits and they are always the center of attraction of the family unit. To gift them with a prosperous future, a strong foundation should be given by the parents and their eating habits counts higher.
Why should you plan your kids meal? Most of us think that there is no need to plan the meal of their little ones as they would eat the same thing served even for all the 3 mealtimes for the day. This idea is totally wrong and a kids diet should be complete with vitamins, minerals, proteins, iron, calcium, potassium and few other essential nutrients that are vital to make them stronger, sharper and healthier.

How should you prepare a kid friendly meal plan? Consider all the favorite things that your kid loves to have on his/her table. Do not forget to bring in their preferred items in at least a single meal for the day. Generally kids love colors and let their food items be colorful to attract them and to make their mealtime interesting. Try to plan their meals where a wholesome food would be given to them with a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, milk, meat and sea foods.

Breakfast: Pancakes with cheese and a cup of milk.
Lunch: Whole-wheat English muffin with Peanut Butter and 2 slices of Apple.
Snack time: Granola bars.
Dinner: Chicken Teriyaki with rice.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with milk and strawberries.
Lunch: Homemade Hot Dogs
Snack time: Chips and dip.
Dinner: Whole-wheat buns with lentils and a cup of milk.

Breakfast: Multi-grain bread with cream cheese and orange juice.
Lunch: Macaroni with carrot, lettuce, peas and cheese.
Snack time: Fruit Rollups
Dinner: Whole-wheat artichoke and red sweet pepper pizza.

Breakfast: Blueberry crepes with Maple cream and peaches.
Lunch: Chicken nuggets with a touch of vegetables.
Snack time: String cheese.
Dinner: Italian Pasta with onions, mushrooms, broccoli and cheese.

Breakfast: Whole-wheat toast with butter and banana
Lunch: Turkey wrap with cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato and avocado.
Snack time: Dirt Pudding
Dinner: Rice noodles with Beef curry.

Breakfast: Muffin tin egg sandwich and a cup of milk
Lunch: Cheddar Potato soup and Chicken and Bean Quesadilla
Snack time: Cheese and Fruit kabobs
Dinner: Grilled Pesto sandwiches.

Breakfast: Breakfast Burritos and fresh juice.
Lunch: Meatball Sandwich slices and Tortellini soup.
Snack time: Yogurt fruit salad
Dinner: Turkey and cheese melt Tortilla wrap.

Help your kids grow in good physical shape and with healthy habits. You can change this meal plan as you like and get your kids opinion on the same. Enjoy your parenting and let your kids know how much you love them!

Keys to A Healthy Relationship

Keys to A Healthy Relationship

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As a member of the society, it is important for us to maintain a healthy relationship. But it is not easy due to different personalities, interest and experience. If you want to have a really healthy relationship, follow these simple guidelines.

Learn to compromise. Healthy relationships are not built through winning meaningless arguments. Be willing to back down; most arguments are not of critical importance anyway.

Forgiveness is a powerful and important factor in maintaining healthy relationships. However, real forgiveness also means that we are willing to forget the experience. When we make mistakes, just consider how much we would appreciate others forgiving and forgetting.

Make sure you have at least a few common interests. You do not have the exact interests and hobbies. Having a few common interests can make you closer by doing things together and talking about them. You may have to compromise in some areas like sports, politics, movies, shopping, music, etc. Keep in mind that compromising doesn't mean depriving each other of their individual interests but instead it means participating in each others' interests.

Communicate with each other. A healthy relationship need to develop deep communication. Good, honest, and deep conversation will keep you deeply connected. When in doubt, talk it out. Always keep the lines of communication open in your relationship.

Learn to be humorous and laugh together. Don't take yourself too seriously. A good sense of humor and a pleasant disposition has a magnetic attraction that makes people always want to be in your presence. Be willing to laugh at yourself and be self-deprecating. This does not mean we have to humiliate ourselves, far from it - it just means we let go of our ego. Humor is often the best antidote for relieving tense situations.

A degree of detachment is needed to maintain healthy relationship. People often mistakenly think that being detached means not caring. However, this is not the case. Often when we develop a very strong attachment we expect the person to behave in a certain way. A good friendship based on detachment means we will always offer good will, but we will not be upset if they wish to go a different way.

Keeping a healthy relationship is very important for it have the effect on your daily life. If you fail to maintain it healthy, you may feel upset and a sense of failure, which may lead to bad performance in your work.

Kamis, 19 April 2018

Keloid Scar Removal Is Possible

Keloid Scar Removal Is Possible

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Keloid scars are extremely unsightly and some of the worst to fall victim to. These raised scars are large and irregular shaped, often growing well beyond the original bounds of the wound and rarely ever subsiding on their own. Their reddish- purple color and smooth, shiny appearance will get people to try anything in order to remove them. Those who have tried various unsuccessful attempts at keloid removal might start to think that a good solution may not exist. However, keloid scar removal is possible! The trick is to discover the right treatment.

The Special Ingredient

Recently scientists have introduced the use of an organic snail serum into products of modern and natural skin care because of its known abilities of skin regeneration. Snails use this liquid in nature to quickly repair damaged skin or shells. This serum comes from a common land snail who shares dramatic similarities in skin characteristics with humans. The liquid is extracted from the snails in a humane manner and made into a pure, odorless and colorless cream. Naturally, this serum contains proteins, glyco molecules, enzymes, peptides, and oligoelements that have shown to be successful in battling human skin issues and imperfections. But how exactly does this serum work to reduce keloids?

Natural Keloid Scar Treatment

This serum has an incredible level of antioxidant activity that it plays out in multiple processes. It has the ability to control fibroblast production and excess collagen. Fibroblasts are a type of cell important in wound healing and synthesize the extracellular matrix, the structural framework for all skin tissues. Additionally, the regenerative effect of this serum can rebuild a healthy extracellular matrix and regulate metalloproteinase activities, limiting the damage due to wound and scar formation. Let's look closer at this serum and what it does to find out if it is really nature's gift for the treatment of keloids and other types of scars.

How It Works

This snail serum, scientifically known as Helix Aspersa Muller, stimulates an organized reaction and replacement of dysfunctional cells with healthy new cells. It starts the elimination of scar tissue by increasing intracellular communication allowing the body to identify and dissolve damaged cells. The enzymes this serum contains effectively degrade proteins that are no longer functional to release amino acid components in order to later rebuild healthy cells. The greater cell communication also aids in the cell binding activities which organizes and heals the structural cells of the actin cytoskeleton to increase the skin's strength and flexibility.

Helix Aspersa Muller also has strong powers as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It prevents redness in keloid scars as its anti-inflammatory properties inhibit blood vessel formation and oxygenation in the skin.

Helix Aspersa Muller can hydrate the skin and assure that it maintains moisturized with its ability to trigger production of glycosaminoglycans. This deeply moisturizes and thickens the skin which also helps to decrease keloid itching and discomfort.

There is significant evidence that shows that Helix Aspersa Muller can improve keloids and that these products are worth a try. This ingredient has provided an alternative to the more expensive, painful, and risky keloid scar removal options. Enjoy nature's gift for beautiful skin and watch your keloids fade away naturally and beautifully.

Kegel and Pelvic Floor Exercises For Men - How To Avoid Post-Urination Drip

Kegel and Pelvic

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Post micturition dribble or PMD is an involuntary loss of urine a short time after the main voiding has been completed. It is a phenomenon that many men will have experienced, particularly as they get older.

Sometimes, it's just a case of not finishing urination completely because of some other pressing matter. But, for others, it is a regular and embarrassing occurrence.

PMD is not the same as 'terminal dribble' which often occurs at the end of urination. It normally waits until you've rearranged your clothing and are about to leave the toilet area. Some men even report that gentle shaking to remove the drops is insufficient. A few drips of urine will still push themselves out of the urethra and wet your underwear or trousers.

Research has shown that it is not due to the exertion of redressing or to bladder dysfunction but is caused by a failure of the bulbocavernosus muscle to contract after micturition. This muscle partially surrounds the tube that takes urine away from the bladder (the urethra) and what is known as the urethrocavernosus reflex squeezes the urine out of that part of the urethra.

When it fails to work properly, a small amount of urine is left in the pipe, so to speak, and this can leak out as soon as you start moving. This malfunction may be due to surgery for enlarged prostate, continual straining to empty your bowels (constipation), constant coughing, obesity, neurological conditions, persistent heavy lifting or weak pelvic floor muscles.

The pelvic diaphragm (or Pubococcygeus muscle) runs like a sling between your legs from the base of the spine to the pubic bone and is just like any other muscle. If it is not exercised, it will weaken through lack of use.

What the experts do agree on is that the most effective method of controlling post micturition drip is through improving the strength of the pelvic floor by regular kegel and pelvic floor exercises.

The most noticeable success has been seen through teaching sufferers to perform a couple of strong pelvic floor contractions as soon as they have completed urinating. It is thought that this may help to expel the trapped urine from the bulbar urethra and, done regularly, will restore the urethrocavernosus reflex sufficiently to minimise the embarrassing symptoms of after-dribble.

To achieve the best results, in addition to tightening your pelvic floor after you have emptied your bladder, you need to incorporate a daily routine of strong contractions to improve muscle control. This will allow the pelvic floor to work quickly and effectively to prevent leakage if there is a sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure, like sneezing. These muscles also need to be trained for endurance - to be able to hold on for some time without letting go so that you can get to the toilet without leaking. The latter can be achieved by tightening and gently lifting the pelvic floor slightly whilst walking.

For the strength (or maximal) contractions, stand in front of a mirror with your feet apart and then tighten the muscles around your anus as if you were trying to avoid breaking wind. You will notice that your genitals appear to move upwards towards your abdomen. Hold that contraction as strongly as you can (without tensing your buttocks or thighs) for ten seconds whilst continuing to breathe normally.

Perform these strong contractions three times in the morning and again in the evening.

As an aside, because the bulbocavernosus muscle is largely responsible for not only the complete evacuation of urine, but also penile rigidity and ejaculation of semen, any dysfunction may also cause a loss of the reflex required to produce enough force to ejaculate properly.

This is why experts are looking at links between post-micturition dribble and erectile dysfunction.

For men where there is no neurological impairment, kegel and pelvic floor exercises may well help to prevent both these distressing conditions.

Keeping Your Golden Retriever Healthy

Keeping Your Golden Retriever Healthy

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Keeping your golden retriever healthy can also mean keeping his immune system in good condition. This helps him fend off diseases easily and prevent him from being sick at some point of his life. There are many ways to improve the immune system of our dogs. Here you can learn some of the points to ponder if you really care for your golden retriever.

Homemade dog food is the best for Golden retrievers compared to canned food. It tastes a lot better and contains more vitamins and minerals that are not abundantly found in canned food. You may choose to mix homemade food with canned food or depending on your preference. When it comes to drinking water for your golden, choose spring water over faucet water. Spring water is not likely to contain dangerous minerals unlike faucet water which may contain lead and mercury and other dangerous metals.

Feeding him raw bones will help him develop a strong set of white teeth. Try to make it a good treat by sparing lots of meat on the bone. Having a good teeth is one good quality of a golden retriever. Giving him one bone per day will help him develop his teeth and jaw strength as he will keep chewing everyday. You can also give him chew toys as substitute. This can be helpful if youre playing with him.

Knowing what health problems your golden retriever can encounter will also keep him healthy all throughout the year. This way you won't go to the vet from time to time. However if your vet, tells you something he should know, you should tell him what your golden is experiencing so you can help reduce the problem for your golden retriever.

You should try to check your golden retriever for any reproductive system problems. You should check the problem sooner or it may be too late. Neutering your male golden retriever will help him avoid contact with female golden retrievers if your planning not to breed your golden retriever yet or avoid any type of reproductive problems caused by the opposite golden retriever.

Keep in mind to keep your dog healthy at all times and he will stay with you a lot longer. Make your dog always comfortable and give him a nice diet and adequate exercise to keep him fit and strong. Good pets are the healthy ones that can synchronize with you with your day to day activities.

Rabu, 18 April 2018

Keeping Fit and Healthy in the Cab

Keeping Fit and Healthy in the Cab

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td cllppnn"""" hh ppeerrnneeoffat uussmmmmee aa ee aattr  ffggeet ooccrr oo a mnn vvrr uy annsstt port aaddooeemmll rraa,,aadd o ee aa peeddttmm ddiiiiggoo oorriiggooee heirrmmnnoodd rrqqeet ooccrr ccurr hhnntteemmmmee ss urved;;aaccrraannaaoonn ff crraauueemmyybb  oossddrrddaattaattvv,,bbttwwee  aa assaassvvrrll bbnn eebbrr t aa aass nnuuss..AAddbbyynn hh hhssccllaappaaaacc,,aarraall  eet  eebbr aa eeaammll rrannheellhh isue.. Wee hh uuvvttrr ss etteeeeeeoogg o auueeppii  rriittrreeeewwtt ennuallffnnttooiigg  ttpp aa eed o ee tkknntt ddrrss hh ssue. ne ttaaeeyy i sinn  ttaattoo eeiie o elpp lssee he uuvvttrr..BBttii hhss a mddccllyy suuddootton? <p> bPeoisdisae/> > Often when a bent member is severely affected, a man may be diagnosed with Peyronies disease. Named after the doctor who first described the condition, Peyronies disease is generally caused when the member experiences trauma or injury. This may be a direct blow to the member, as when a baseball traveling at great speed hits the midsection, or it may come about from the manhood being handled too roughly during sensual activity. In the latter, the condition is likely to result from repeated instances of rough handling.

When the member is injured, a small amount of scar tissue, called plaque, forms as part of the healing process. If the injury is large enough, or if repeated trauma causes more layers of scar tissue to form on top of each other, it can result in curving. This occurs because the plaque lacks the elasticity of regular manhood tissue. So when the member becomes firm, the damaged side of the manhood cant stretch as far as the other side, causing the organ to bend.

In some cases, this causes pain when the member becomes firm. It also may bring about tumescence dysfunction. If the curvature is severe enough, it may preclude the possibility of sensual activity.


In a small number of cases (usually of the milder variety), Peyronies goes away without treatment. And in some cases, the degree of curvature is not severe enough to require treatment.

But in other cases, a doctor may recommend a number of treatments. These range from oral medications to injections to surgery. One option sometimes recommended is traction.


Most treatments for a severely bent member havent undergone rigorous clinical trials, so assessing their effectiveness is difficult. But at least one trial involving manhood traction therapy showed promise. Involving 55 men with Peyronies disease, the study found an average decrease in curvature of 20 degrees; plaque disappeared in 48% of the patients. And the rate of those unable to achieve penetration fell from 62% to 20%.

For the study, the men used a traction device, often called a male organ extender. The device attaches at the base of the member and again underneath the head. It is then extended, pulling and stretching the manhood. The men in the study were instructed to wear the device for 6-9 hours each day for 6 months.

Based on the results of this study, it seems that traction may be an option for some men with a very bent member. However, there are drawbacks; not all men responded to the treatment, and there is some degree of pain and discomfort associated with member stretching.

Men with Peyronies should definitely consult with a doctor to see if they should consider any kind of treatment.

Whether or not using traction to treat a bent member, men should be sure to use a superior male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to keep the manhood in good health. One with vitamin C is especially urged, as this vitamin helps produce collagen, which in turn supports male organ elasticity. Also welcome in a crme is L-arginine, which can help restore manhood sensitivity after rough handling.

Visit for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Keeping a Fat Loss Journal

Keeping a Fat Loss Journal

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Are you the kind of person who likes to keep a record of everything you do? Do you enjoy writing in your diary or journal about your experiences in life? Do you want to keep track of your weight loss activities and see if they really work or not? Having your own fat loss journal is an excellent way to inspire and motivate you in your weight loss experience.

Losing weight is very challenging while some even find it very difficult to do. Being overweight or obese makes one feel insecure and prone to many diseases. However, not everybody can lose those extra weights overnight. It is a long process and requires a lot of patience. One of the best ways to keep you motivated while losing weight is by keeping a fat loss journal.

A fat loss journal will serve as your best friend. Here you can write anything, say anything you want and be not afraid. It will give you time to reflect on what you are doing and how far you have gone in your weight loss plan. To help you start out, here are some tips on how to make that journal:

Buy a notebook
The first step you should do is to shop for a notebook which you really like to write on. Buy one that is small enough to carry around with you. Choose a notebook which has a hard cover and smooth pages. It is also preferable to buy a spiral notebook. If you want, you may also opt for a diary with a lock and key to keep your private thoughts guarded.

Write important details only
Do not overload your fat loss journal with other stuff like your love affairs. Remember, it is strictly for your experiences on losing weight. Write about how you feel about being on a new diet or about the latest exercise routine your friend suggested. In addition, you can also write your fears and frustrations of being overweight.

Insert pictures and other memorabilia
Make your journal more enjoyable and fun by pasting your pictures on the pages. You can paste your picture before you start dieting and another one showing how you look after a few weeks of being on a diet. You'll be surprised to see how much you changed!

Having a fat loss journal is an excellent way to keep a record of your weight loss experience. It is so easy to have one by following the tips presented above. Moreover, it will help inspire and motivate you to continue doing your best to while you work on achieving your desired weight.

Sabrina Rocca
Visit and sign up for you FREE health, fitness and nutrition newesletter. You will receive a FREE top selling ebook called: "How to Lose Weight With the Right Food" as well as a FREE Weight Tracker Chart and a FREE detox course and many more bonuses just for signing up.
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Keep Yourself Fit by Eating the Right Food

Keep Yourself Fit by Eating the Right Food

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Nowadays, there is no control or guidelines on eating right food. Most people are attracted to delicious Burgers with lot of meat, or else they are used to eating Pizza or cheese or just meat or some thing else. Well, there are certain guidelines that help a person to follow a regime and have a good healthy eating habit.

There is always a question of what kind of food is better than others or different than others? Well vitamins, minerals, fats, soluble elements are all important and part of food. Vitamins usually can be used as a supplement and actually it is the best to remain healthy, cooling low fat meals helps.

There are four main food groups that often you see a health expert or nutritionists talk about when they are talking about balanced diet. With the different groups of food, there are serving amounts for adult and for children as well.

With meat, fist, poultry and beans there should be 2-3 servings a day. This group comes under the group of Protein and it's a great source for that. Cooked beans are good for health because they are low in fat. Some of these foods can include, hamburger, eggs, beans, chicken, fish and peanut butter.

Dairy is important for calcium and protein. You can choose the low fat dairy from the store. There should be at least around 2-4 servings of dairy, it should include, cheese, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and anything that contains milk.

Fruits and Vegetables are so important and they are low in fat and calories. They are not only great source of vitamins, potassium, fiber and carbohydrate energy but they are very nutritious for health. Orange or yellow vegetables contain Vitamin A. All citrus fruits including lemon contain Vitamin C. It is vital to have 2-4 servings of each. These include juices and all the vegetables and fruits either cooked or raw.

Grains are known as complex carbohydrates they provide vitamin B and fiber which are great source of energy. You can have 6-8 servings of this it includes, pancakes and pasta, bread, rice and cereals.

Fats and oils have to be used as low as possible. This includes oils, butter, sour cream, soda, candy and anything that has lots of calories. Fats and oils have to be really balanced to give you a healthy diet. Most people go for fat and oils rather than the other food which is equally important for the diet.

It is said under the new food group it should be any 2 fruits in a day, with 2 kinds of grains, 3 vegetables and 4 legumes. Legumes are beans, peas or lentils; these are really good for calcium, zinc, protein and B vitamins. The new food group can be integrated with total of 53 grams of fat in a day and total of 24 grams of sugar in a day that comes to eating 2 servings of Meat, fish and poultry.

Selasa, 17 April 2018

Keep Your Mind at Ease with a Stress Journal

Keep Your Mind at Ease with a Stress Journal

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At first, feeling stressed may seem pretty normal.

After all, who isnt stressed in the UK these days? However, it can be harmful if left untreated.

According to stats from the Labor Force Survey, stress was a factor in 37% of all work-related health cases from 2015-2016. It also accounted for 45% of all working days lost.

Some people use aromatherapy, copper, and other tools to handle stress. However, many still struggle with it. You need a proactive way of combating stress.

Use A Stress Journal

A stress journal is a simple way for you to manage your feelings of stress in a healthy, proactive way. Think of it as a one-person therapy session you can have at any time.

Using a stress journal is simple. All you have to do is write down a record your feelings of stress. Eventually, youll identify patterns in your stress. This way, you can find ways to reduce stressful behaviors.

You may not have ever kept a diary, but keeping a journal could be the key to getting your stress under control. Its not about the quality of your writing, its about putting your feelings on paper.

Articulate Feelings

Do you ever have trouble explaining to people why youre stressed?

Verbal communication may not work best for you, but journaling gives you an outlet for complicated feelings.

If you have trouble verbalizing and vocalizing how you feel, writing those feelings down can help you to better identify how you feel. Imagine finally being able to pinpoint your feelings of stress.

It will do wonders to boost your mood!

Process Emotions

Do you ever feel like you have trouble dealing with your feelings? Everyone has different ways of dealing with stress.

Some smoke or buy cigarettes online UK, while others get massages. Once youve found a stress relief method that works for you, why not try to expand your arsenal? Having a variety of ways to handle your stress ensures youll always stay in touch with your emotions and that your methods remain effective.

If youre stressed out and upset, finding a way to process difficult feelings can be hard. A stress journal will give you time to reflect on your feelings.

Having a bad client call or a fight with your spouse may feel awful, but it isnt the end of the world.

Taking time to write down your feelings and being able to reflect on them is crucial for managing stress. It may also help you to put your problems into perspective.

Identify Stressors

When youre stressed out, it can be easy to attribute certain frustrations and feelings to the wrong cause. Keeping a journal may help you make a breakthrough to discover exactly why youre feeling so stressed out.

You may think that meetings with your boss stress you out. But after looking through a few weeks of entries, you find that talking to a certain coworker before meetings make you more stressed than simply talking to our boss.

Dealing with stress is important. However, finding the cause for that stress is just as crucial. Once you sort through your journal, you may find that your stress is being caused by something youd never even thought of.

Stress Journals: Wrapping Up

How do you deal with stress?

Do you have ways to handle stress that have helped you in the past? Tell our readers about it in the comments section!

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Keep Skin Healthy in Winters

Keep Skin Healthy in Winters

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Dry winter air can cause havoc on the skin, leaving it dry, itchy, and irritated. It is, therefore, necessary to keep the skin hydrated during winters. The skin care regimen starts by identifying the problem and working on it to acquire a healthy looking skin.

How to prevent dry winter skin?

Moisturizing- During winters, the skin starts to lose the natural oil and moisture, making the skin flaky and dry. It is necessary to use moisturizers with mineral oil, or glycerin to keep the skin hydrated. Use a moisturizer several times a day to keep the skin hydrated.
Cleansing- It is necessary to use a good cleanser before putting on a moisturizer to remove dirt from the skin. There are various options available, like honey and almond cleanser, Green Tea Cleanser, papaya extract cleanser, etc. Cleansers with natural extracts are the best suited for all skin-types and keeps the skin hydrated. Choosing a wrong cleanser can lead to irritation on the skin. Therefore, it is important to choose a cleanser according to the skin type.
Scrubbing- One should always limit scrubbing to once or twice a week and use a mild product during winters.
Face pack- Applying home-made face pack can help to prevent itchy dry skin. Using ingredients like honey, buttermilk, avocado, yogurt, olive and aloe Vera oil can moisturize the skin and keep it looking healthy during winters.
Glycerin- Glycerin is used to solve various dry skin problems during winters and it is easily available. It acts as a natural moisturizer and helps to restore hydration of the skin, making it soft and supple.
Coconut oil- Coconut oil provides moisture to the skin naturally as it is rich in fatty acids and prevents moisture loss. During winters, applying coconut oil before going to bed helps to prevent dry and flaky skin.
Humidity- The humidity level falls with the temperature. The loss of moisture and humidity can make the skin dry and itchy. Therefore, in order to keep the skin healthy, one must put moisture back in the air by using a humidifier in the rooms.
Hot showers- The hot water dries out the skin and strips off the natural oil, making the skin dry and flaky. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid taking hot water showers. Instead, using lukewarm water while bathing saves the risk of making the skin dry.
Apply sunscreen- The risk of skin getting affected by the UV rays is high during winters. It is necessary to apply a good sunscreen with SPF 15 or more in order to protect the skin during cold, dreary days in winter.
Stay hydrated- In order to prevent dry skin; one must drink lots of water every day. This makes the skin look supple and fresh during winters.
Diet- Taking a diet rich in omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids, such as fish oil can help to prevent dry skin during winters. Moreover, it is important to include fresh fruits and juices in the diet which is rich in vitamins A and E to keep the skin healthy.
Makeup- One should avoid damp makeup as it leads to clogging up the pores. Moreover, during winters it is important to apply a moisturizer before applying the makeup to prevent dry skin. It should be kept in mind that the makeup should not be left on the skin overnight as it can clog the pores and can make the skin more flaky and dry. 

During winters, the skin can become dry and flaky. Therefore, it is necessary to keep it hydrated by drinking lots of water and using products with natural extracts which are suited for all skin-types. One can even consult a professional dermatologist in the case of any skin problem.

Keep A Strong Member With These Workout Tips

Keep A Strong Member With These Workout Tips

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As any man knows, working out is important for overall health. But its also quite important when it comes to manhood health as well. Thats for two reasons: First, because the manhood is made stronger by the strengthening of muscles around it. Second, its because good overall health means better blood flow and stamina, both of which are quite welcome in the bedroom. So to help ensure proper manhood care that leads to a healthy male organ, a man should incorporate a solid workout regimen into his day.
But what workouts are best? Is there any one particular exercise that is better than another? Read on to learn the secrets of workouts and a strong member.

1) Target the midsection. Any exercises that strengthen the core do a lot of good things for the body. For instance, these exercises can help relieve back pain, improve a mans posture and help him lose that spare tire around the middle. And thats important when it comes to a healthy male organ and bedroom antics. Thats because the more fat a man has around his midsection, the more it covers up the base of the manhood, thus making him look as though hes much smaller than he really is.

2) Get the blood pumping. To help the heart get stronger, cardiovascular exercise is important. This can include running, swimming, biking, or any other exercise that gets the heart rate going and gets a man breathing hard. This helps ensure the blood is moving properly through the veins, and in turn, that means it will move more easily through the manhood when its time to get hard and get it on.

3) Get flexible. But its not just about getting the heart in better shape and losing that spare tire. Its also about making sure muscle, tendons, ligaments and every other part of the body stays healthy and strong. To that end, the flexibility required in yoga is a great way to help a man stay in the game. But besides that, yoga allows a man a great way to get rid of day-to-day stress, which can lead to better mental health.

4) Do some Kegels. This is an exercise that can be done anytime and anywhere. The trick is knowing which muscles to use. Heres how: When a man gets hard, he should lie down on the bed and look down at his manhood. Move the muscle that makes the manhood jump or twitch. Hold the muscle tight so the manhood makes that movement, then relax it. Do this a few times. Thats a Kegel exercise, and it can quickly lead to a strong, healthy male organ.

5) Make it a habit. Dont just exercise a few times and call it a day. Make a point of exercising every week, at least two or three times a week, long enough to create a great workout - at least thirty minutes at a time. Kegels should be done anytime a man feels like doing them throughout the day.

And of course, a man who has gone out of his way to do a great workout should pamper the manhood a little more before he calls it a day. He can do so by applying a specially formulated manhood health crme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He should look for something with powerhouses of antioxidants for a healthy male organ, such as alpha lipoic acid, L-arginine and L-carnitine. Vitamins A, B5, D, C and more are great for overall health. And Shea butter and vitamin E help a man avoid the itchiness of dry skin that can occur after a good, sweaty workout.

Visit for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Senin, 16 April 2018

Kairbossom The Ayurvedic Breast Enlargement Oil From The House Of Kairali

Kairbossom  The Ayurvedic Breast Enlargement Oil From The House Of Kairali

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Well developed breasts a desire of every woman!

Breast is a soft tissue that has high concentration of fat molecules in addition to the lactating tissues that serve for feeding the infant. However as stated, breasts also serve to add the beauty of the lady in a big way and almost directly count as the appeal determinant for her. Thus underdeveloped breasts are always a cause of concern. Basically, the development of breasts in a lady starts as she enters her adolescence because at this stage, the hormonal profile starts to change vigorously in favor of sexual prominence. The body starts to prepare for the sexual function with the objective of reproduction and post birth requirements; and hence the breasts development.
Stimulating fat deposition for breast enlargement
The development of breast tissue is actually a function of the sex hormones (estrogen and others) that aid and stimulate the deposition of fat to generate enhancement characteristics. This is also accompanied by the development of lactating tissue that remains embedded in the fat. Breast underdevelopment occurs when the hormonal profile falters or fails to optimize as per the requirements. This causes less of fat deposition and improper development of the tissue. Kairali has formulated Kairbossom as a breast enlargement oil that works to stimulate the inner tissue growth in a natural way so that the proper development is ensured. Breast increase oil Kairbossom contains the noted herbs of nature that are known to stimulate the tissue growth in the breast region by facilitating the absorption of fat there. Kairbossom is also a special formulation for conditions like sagging breasts as it tones up the tissue.
How Kairbossom works towards breast enlargement
Kairbossom the oil for breast growth contains special herbal extracts that penetrate deep in the breast tissue to correct the hormone functions in the tissue. These extracts stimulate the tissue to better absorb the fat that is available in the blood circulation and thus allow for the deposition of the same. This mechanism also relates to the generic process which is natural and self propelled rather than external. The body is gradually conditioned to better utilize its fat that is present inside it. This fat deposition is worked through optimizing the hormones in the tissue that in turn send signals to the cells to recover more fat towards deposition.
As for the sagging breast condition, breast oil Kairbossom works to strengthen the specific muscles and ligaments that support the breast tissue. These include the pectoral ligaments and allied muscles of the chest and shoulders. Strengthened muscles and ligaments relive the condition of sagging breast gradually. In addition to this, Kairbossom also stimulates the regeneration and new development of collagen fibers and elastin in the breast tissue. This directly aids in making the tissue healthy and firm and the sagging is visible reduced.

Jus Antioxidant Drink Too Powerful

Jus Antioxidant Drink Too Powerful

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Can a juice that is rich in antioxidants, be too powerful? Jus health benefit claims have been popping up like tweens who've just spotted the Jonas Brothers at the mall. The health claims have been spectacular like cancer in remission, arthritis relief, blood pressure regulation, severe allergy relief and increases in energy*.

So What is The Cause of All of These Health Claims?

To truly understand we need to know what the root cause of these health issues are. Our health is largely driven by the nutrition in our diet, or the lack thereof.

This lack of nutrition causes the body to move into an acidic state (bad). The body should be in an alkaline state (good), in order to start producing healthy cells. When we examine the typical American diet, you see that the foods we eat are mostly processed.

Eating like this regularly puts the body in an acidic state. When the body is in an acidic state it produces weak and dying cells. Guess what? Cancer feeds off of the weak and dying cells. What makes matters worse, is that free radicals compound the issue.

In recent studies, scientists have found that free radicals cause harm at the cellular level by destroying the DNA. The part that really sucks about free radicals is that there's a domino effect where once a cell is destroyed it then reacts with other cells, which create more free radicals.

In order to function properly, the body needs proper nutrition to combat free radicals. You need to eat foods rich in antioxidants in order for your body to replicate strong, growing, healthy cells.

An analogy that most of us can relate to is like seeing a rusty nail. Well the metal in the nail is a cell. The red and orange color is what happens to the metal as it becomes oxidized. A cell weakens and begins to die as it is oxidized. You must eat antioxidants to prevent "rusting" of the cells.

Foods rich in antioxidants that you can find in any store are apples, blueberries, raspberries, pomegranates, cherries, strawberries and many others. You need to eat at least 9-13 servings per day just to keep your body at an alkaline state (good).

The Power of Jus is that It Is Rich in Antioxidants

But is it too powerful? Jus' antioxidant capacity is simply off the charts and never before has an all natural juice product supplement with all of the colors of the rainbow ever been created. It has the highest ORAC scores, but also the highest NORAC, SORAC, HORAC, SOAC scores in comparison to other juice competitors. What do these terms mean? Well in layman's terms, Jus is like wearing full body armor. Scoring high in ORAC and nothing else is like wearing a helmet and leaving the rest of your body exposed.

How much of antioxidant can the body absorb? I'm not a scientist, doctor or researcher so I can't say for sure. But what I can say is this. Jus is an all natural product period. It's made of purees and extracts. The Jus ingredients eaten on their own would provide an amazing health benefit for you. But the fact that Jus contains the entire spectrum of color and gives it its strength and puts it above the rest.

A single Jus serving is just 1 oz. Compare that to 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Compare that to the cost of eating the antioxidant rich superfoods found all over the world everyday.

I'm not a scientist, doctor or researcher, but my common sense tells me that Jus is perfectly harmless.* It's not like a pill or powder supplement that has 1000% of your recommended daily average of vitamins. The human body is an amazing machine in that it knows exactly what to do with natural foods, but with synthetic pills and powders, the body just passes that through the system. Jus is just 23 natural superfoods all combined into one powerful juice.

Have you eaten a bunch of grapes before? You just get a stomach ache right? However, if you consume many highly concetrated multivitamins, that can be harmful.

BUT when you drink Jus, you're only consuming 1 oz of fluid. This antioxidant-rich juice product is like eating 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables, without spending as much money and time eating all of that food. A benefit from only having to take 1 oz everyday is that you're not subjecting yourself to all the sugar that you'd get from eating 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables.

So put the miracle pills, shakes and potions down and pick up natural food and eat that. Because it' your health we're talking about here people. What good is that nice fancy car and perfect life if you're dead because of some disease you could have prevented.


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