Senin, 16 April 2018

Jus Antioxidant Drink Too Powerful

Jus Antioxidant Drink Too Powerful

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Can a juice that is rich in antioxidants, be too powerful? Jus health benefit claims have been popping up like tweens who've just spotted the Jonas Brothers at the mall. The health claims have been spectacular like cancer in remission, arthritis relief, blood pressure regulation, severe allergy relief and increases in energy*.

So What is The Cause of All of These Health Claims?

To truly understand we need to know what the root cause of these health issues are. Our health is largely driven by the nutrition in our diet, or the lack thereof.

This lack of nutrition causes the body to move into an acidic state (bad). The body should be in an alkaline state (good), in order to start producing healthy cells. When we examine the typical American diet, you see that the foods we eat are mostly processed.

Eating like this regularly puts the body in an acidic state. When the body is in an acidic state it produces weak and dying cells. Guess what? Cancer feeds off of the weak and dying cells. What makes matters worse, is that free radicals compound the issue.

In recent studies, scientists have found that free radicals cause harm at the cellular level by destroying the DNA. The part that really sucks about free radicals is that there's a domino effect where once a cell is destroyed it then reacts with other cells, which create more free radicals.

In order to function properly, the body needs proper nutrition to combat free radicals. You need to eat foods rich in antioxidants in order for your body to replicate strong, growing, healthy cells.

An analogy that most of us can relate to is like seeing a rusty nail. Well the metal in the nail is a cell. The red and orange color is what happens to the metal as it becomes oxidized. A cell weakens and begins to die as it is oxidized. You must eat antioxidants to prevent "rusting" of the cells.

Foods rich in antioxidants that you can find in any store are apples, blueberries, raspberries, pomegranates, cherries, strawberries and many others. You need to eat at least 9-13 servings per day just to keep your body at an alkaline state (good).

The Power of Jus is that It Is Rich in Antioxidants

But is it too powerful? Jus' antioxidant capacity is simply off the charts and never before has an all natural juice product supplement with all of the colors of the rainbow ever been created. It has the highest ORAC scores, but also the highest NORAC, SORAC, HORAC, SOAC scores in comparison to other juice competitors. What do these terms mean? Well in layman's terms, Jus is like wearing full body armor. Scoring high in ORAC and nothing else is like wearing a helmet and leaving the rest of your body exposed.

How much of antioxidant can the body absorb? I'm not a scientist, doctor or researcher so I can't say for sure. But what I can say is this. Jus is an all natural product period. It's made of purees and extracts. The Jus ingredients eaten on their own would provide an amazing health benefit for you. But the fact that Jus contains the entire spectrum of color and gives it its strength and puts it above the rest.

A single Jus serving is just 1 oz. Compare that to 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Compare that to the cost of eating the antioxidant rich superfoods found all over the world everyday.

I'm not a scientist, doctor or researcher, but my common sense tells me that Jus is perfectly harmless.* It's not like a pill or powder supplement that has 1000% of your recommended daily average of vitamins. The human body is an amazing machine in that it knows exactly what to do with natural foods, but with synthetic pills and powders, the body just passes that through the system. Jus is just 23 natural superfoods all combined into one powerful juice.

Have you eaten a bunch of grapes before? You just get a stomach ache right? However, if you consume many highly concetrated multivitamins, that can be harmful.

BUT when you drink Jus, you're only consuming 1 oz of fluid. This antioxidant-rich juice product is like eating 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables, without spending as much money and time eating all of that food. A benefit from only having to take 1 oz everyday is that you're not subjecting yourself to all the sugar that you'd get from eating 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables.

So put the miracle pills, shakes and potions down and pick up natural food and eat that. Because it' your health we're talking about here people. What good is that nice fancy car and perfect life if you're dead because of some disease you could have prevented.


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