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The main danger of a pescetarian diet comes from eating too much fish. Since a pescetarian diet encourages fish and seafood as a form of protein, people often overdo it. Fish contain lots of great omega three fatty acids and protein; but they also contain dangerous toxins and elements like mercury. When mercury builds up, it can cause brain damage and defects; so especially pregnant women need to be careful. The FDA recommends eating less than a half pound of fish per week and no more than thirty pounds over the entire year. This means that a person should only have a serving or two of fish each week; making a fish a poor choice for a primary source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. A second danger for pescetarians is other forms of nutrient deficiency due to the loss of meat from their daily diet. While fish are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids; they often contain very low levels of omega-6 or omega-9 fatty acids. However, a pescetarian diet doesnt require you to eat this much fish; and there are natural supplements that help every pescetarian should take in order to make sure they have the right vitamins and nutrients to keep their diet safe.
One easy supplement for a pescetarian to take is a daily multivitamin. A good multivitamin will provide almost all the nutrients and vitamins that a person needs each day. This helps cover for deficiencies that often occur in vegetarian and pescetarian diets. Another supplement that is great for pescetarians is a fatty acid supplement. These provide blanket coverage of all the fatty acids that your body needs to promote healthy brain and cellular function. Without them, your body will have a hard time repairing damaged tissues and flushing waste so a pescetarian would be wise to supplement their diet with them.
Finally, the obvious supplement for a pescetarian is a protein supplement. Since most pescetarians rely on fish and seafood for protein, eating too much fish is a real concern. However, if you add protein supplements into your diet you can avoid eating too much fish. A great choice for a protein supplement is a whey protein shake because whey protein is dairy based and easy to digest. Whey protein is also complete in the sense that it has all the essential amino acids a body needs to stay healthy and promote good functioning, unlike soy based protein. If you choose a pescetarian diet, be sure to include whey protein.