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While most of us in North America live a very fast paced life it can be hard to slow down and eat healthy. Many of us resort to grabbing a quick bite to eat at some of the fast food restaurants because they are fairly cheap and it will fill you up. This decision can lead to poor health, however there are alternatives to the greasy burger joints.
Instead of eating at a restaurant that will only serve greasy burgers and fries why not try out Quzinos or Subway? Both of these restaurants offer healthy alternatives at a fair price. Now this may be a solution for one of the stressors mentioned above. If you are living a fast paced life and need a quick bite to eat, stop at a healthy fast food restaurant instead of the not-so-healthy options, but what about money, how will you save money?
One method that I have been using that is working very well is to use coupons. For some restaurants it may be harder to find coupons than others but if you can find just one source then you will be able to save money. I have been using Quiznos coupons lately and I usually save about one to five dollars on each order. The best Quiznos coupon is for buy one sub get one sub free. When you find coupons like this it is a good idea to print them off and then put them in your car, that way when you need them you will know exactly where to find them.
If you would like to find coupons for a healthy restaurant there are a few methods that you can try which have worked for me. The first and easiest method is to check your mailbox. I know a lot of people throw out anything without an address, but some of the fliers and inserts contain coupons, I usually get my subway coupons in the mailbox. If you do not get coupons in the mail the next place to look is online. The easiest way is to search for the brand or restaurant that you like with the word coupons after it. Look through the links on the first page of the search engine and hopefully you will find a few valid coupons. The last place to look is the companies website, usually they will have a coupons or promotions page where they will share deals and promotions.
I hope that these tips will help you lead a healthy lifestyle that has less stress in it. One bit of advice that I have for you is that if you ever feel overwhelmed or over-stressed then just pause for a few seconds and take a few deep breaths. Breathe in slowly, hold it for a few seconds, then release the breathe again slowly. I find this always helps me relax and makes me feel better inside.