Rabu, 02 Mei 2018

How Do Collagen and Elastin Work on the Skin - What You Don't Know May Shock You

How Do Collagen and Elastin Work on the Skin - What You Don't Know May Shock You

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/timelessagelessbeautifulskinsk-120923011043-phpapp02/95/timeless-ageless-beautiful-skin-sk-39-728.jpg?cb=1348363214

How do collagen and elastin work on the skin? The surprising answer to this question is that they do not work at all! Find out the hard-core facts and scientific reality on collagen and elastin in this article.
Collagen and elastin are two vital proteins in our skin. They are produced in abundant quantity by our body in our young days and their production diminishes with age. They are the ones that give us firm, elastic, pliant and supple skin. And when their production slows down, wrinkles and fine lines appear automatically.

Scientific evidence proves that the molecules of these two proteins collagen and elastin in topical creams and lotions are too large to penetrate the skin layers. In fact, the uppermost layer of our skin called the epidermis prevents them from entering within. So, they don't even reach the deeper layers, what to say about their effect and work within!

This scientific reality renders most of the skin care products containing collagen and elastin as ingredients, absolutely futile and useless. The big skincare companies that market such collagen-based skin care products are cheating the public due to their ignorance of key scientific facts.

So, if external application of collagen and elastin do not work on the skin, then what is the effective way to achieve a young and healthy skin?

The only effective way for anti-aging and skin rejuvenation is to look for skin care products which contain natural ingredients that are scientifically proven to increase the skin's collagen and elastin levels naturally.

These products work very successfully and effectively because they approach "how do collagen and elastin work on the skin" from within, and not from the outside. When the skin produces higher levels of these vital skin proteins, wrinkles and fine lines disappear automatically and the skin becomes younger and firmer!

You can find such effective anti-aging skin products only if you have the scientific understanding of -- "how do collagen and elastin work on the skin". Once you know that external application of such collagen based creams and lotions are ineffective and useless, you can safeguard yourself from the hyped up collagen-based products.

Look for cutting edge natural ingredients such as Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10. These are scientifically proven to enhance collagen and elastin production in the body itself. In this way, they restart the inner fountain of youth within and make the skin young, supple and vibrant.

Visit my website to find out in greater detail about such amazing natural ingredients that you should look out for in the best anti-aging skin care products, so that you can achieve a young, beautiful and naturally glowing skin.

Vijay Raisinghani is a Natural Healthcare Expert and a passionate advocate of natural skin care. His website http://www.beautiful-healthy-skin.com provides a wealth of information on what works and what doesn't work in Anti-aging skincare to achieve a young, beautiful and vibrant skin.

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