Jumat, 06 April 2018

Influence of Modern Technology on Children

Influence of Modern Technology on Children

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/790hLh9KCb8/maxresdefault.jpg

A double-edged sword; this is the best expression that can describe the effect that modern technology has on child development. Technology is ever changing and each day we are exposed to new gadgets. Television, videos, computers, movies, mobile phones and even toys are what children are exposed to. Since childhood is the most determining stages of a human's life cycle, these devices obviously have a direct impact on the mental and intellectual development of a child. Understanding these aspects will be the first step in striking a balance between the setbacks and the positive effects.

The positive effects of modern technology on children
These effects are widespread and touch both on educational and social lifestyle of the kids. From the range of software and video games, these tools have had a lifelong impact on the critical thinking of a child who is exposed to them. Let us take a closer look at the advantages of the computer software. These software acts as powerful learning tools and visual aids for the kids. The software ranges from educational games to dictionaries inform of applications. Apart from the fun that comes with them, the children increase their expansive thinking and creativeness.
One might be forgiven to think that video games are a total ruin to the performance of a child in school. It is true that too much gaming will support the above notion. There is however the positive side of these video games. We have interactive video games which help the kid to learn the importance of turn taking and collaboration.

Microsoft applications have certainly proven to be a blessing when it comes to school projects. The likes of Ms-word, spreadsheets and database applications are daily learning tools in school. Others such as search engines, online dictionaries and encyclopedias and the various learning tutorials have increased the level of autonomy among the children. These resources act as empowerment tools.
It is not only education that enhances the development of a person. Entertainment also has to be incorporated for someone to feel complete. The various forms of gadgets in the form of iPods, mobile phone games and mp3 players provide an entertainment base for the kids. If well moderated, they break the monotony of reading books without playing.

A child who is exposed to gadgets develops into a critical thinker than one who is not. The interactive games are what encourage both the intellectual and critical thinking among the kids. This kind of thinking is what leads to innovations and mind stretching. From the mentioned points, it can be seen that technology is not that disadvantageous after all. As long as it is not used to replace other activities such as education, it enhances a child's growth to a great deal. This also allows the kids to enjoy both education and entertainment as they grow.

Negative impact of technology on child development
Technology also has some negative impact on child development. The video games, Internet, social sites like twitter and television have affected children negatively in various ways. From online dating and pornography, these tools alone are enough to see the destruction of a child's life. There is also the issue of health concerns and lack of interest in sleep among the kids.

Video and online games have replaced the outdoor gaming and exercise that the older generation used to enjoy. Many of the kids stay indoors while playing these games, browsing through their mobile phones or even watching movies. This has led to the upbringing of lazy children which is quite a detrimental effect that technology has impacted upon the children.

The lack of exercise aforementioned has also led to the rising health concern issues. Cases of obesity among kids are on high alert. This comes as a result of lack of exercise due to the indoor staying. This has resulted to poor nutrition habit and lack of a well balanced diet thus the erosion of health. This is a negative impact that technology has among the children.

Another notable rising concern among parents is the lack of sleep interest among their kids. Sleep is a very important aspect of body development. Lack of sleep could really lead to adverse effects on the functionality of the human body. Most children sacrifice their sleeping time in order to watch movies, play games or even chat with their friends online. This is a negative impact of technology because it can lead to bodily fatigue in the long run.

There is also the issue of language and how the kids of today communicate. The use of slang terms is on high alert especially among the kids. It is obvious that you will not complete watching a single movie and fail to hear words such as 'fuck' and 'bitch'. Since kids learn through imitation, they employ such words in their daily communication. This has led to the erosion of language.

The negative impact of technology cannot be discussed without mentioning the issue of morality and our decaying society. The Internet is a database full of all sorts of stuff with the inclusion of pornography. Since it is a free world, children also have access to them. The result is the upbringing of children with no moral values. They have no respect for the other genders and view sex as a tool of pleasure instead of its intended purpose. All these negative effects counteract the positive effects of technology on the development of the modern child. Taking away these gadgets from the kids will not give the solution since these tools are all over whether in school, the streets or at home. No parent knows what his or her child is exposed to daily.

Since technology is an ever changing factor, the negative effects seem to overwhelm the positive results. For a child to reap the benefits and see to it that the positive impacts overcome the negative impacts, moderation and balance ought to be reinstated. This is now entirely the responsibility of the parents. The parents ought to allow their children to reap and absorb the benefits while at the same time putting in measures to curb the setbacks that might arise.

Work cited
Active Healthy Kids Canada [2008 report card on the internet]. Available from: Children and the media: Advocating for the future Royal Australasia

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