Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

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Traveling may be a great way to relax oneself and enjoy, it affects the health of most of the people and they end up falling sick and restless throughout the trip. Jet lag and change of atmosphere are not the only reasons to this situation. It is mainly because we neglect our health and get reluctant about the little healthy habits that are required to keep us up and running.
Want to know what those habits are and how you can continue to follow them while traveling? Read through and thank me later!

Rest Whenever Possible
Lack of rest and disturbed sleeping cycle is the major reason to sickness and lethargy you feel throughout your trip. Try to sleep 7 to 8 hours and do not spend your resting period staying up even if you are in transit. Keep a travel pillow and noise-removing earphones to help you fall asleep peacefully no matter how noisy your surroundings are.

Walk Everywhere
As soon as you reach another destination, you fear walking around on the roads and end up getting lost and that is why you only prefer moving in taxis and metros over a tram. It makes you feel very lazy as your physical activity becomes minimal. Therefore, I would suggest turn on your GPS and start walking to the station while you explore the city and activate your muscles.

Do not Skip Breakfast
As the routine gets upset in a different city, we often end up skipping breakfast and jumping to lunch only. It makes us feel weak and have cravings throughout the day which leads to unhealthy snacking and putting on weight. Therefore, to avoid such a situation, have proper breakfast that much includes a good amount of protein and calcium.

Take Time Out for Exercise
It is not necessary to head to gym and spend hours in hardcore workout. While you are extremely busy during your trip, just keep in your mind that you must take 5 to 15 minutes out every day for a little stretching, if not proper exercise. But do not completely give up on your workout routine as it will only get harder to reactivate your muscles when you get home.
Stay Hydrated
Amidst all the hassle we face while traveling, we often get reluctant about drinking enough water. It leads us to feel dehydrated and eventually sick. In order to avoid this situation, I would suggest you to carry a bottle with you and always keep it filled. Finish it two to three times a day to ensure you are properly hydrated.

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