Kamis, 22 Maret 2018

How to Lose Weight at a Desk-Sitting Job

How to Lose Weight at a Desk-Sitting Job

Image source: https://www.rd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/01-lose-weight-at-desk-get-up.jpg

Most contemporary money-bringing jobs are related to desk-sitting. While you can earn your leaving easier, its also much easier to get extra kilograms and youre your body shape. Statistics says that almost 40% of the country population suffer from obesity and more than 70% have overweight issues. If you dont want to become one of them then the time to act fast has come. Yes, it would be weird and uncomfortable at first to follow the rule of weight-losing at a desk job, yet if you follow all the rules you can be sure to see results over a month or two. So here are three donts and 3 dos to help you stay or get fit at work.


1. Soda. Even if you see the label diet, dont be fooled by it. Its still soda that contains sugar and additional chemicals that stay in your body and increase your size day by day. Several researches reported that daily soda drinking leads to higher risks of stroke and type 2 diabetes.

2. Chips. You may think that if the label says baked potato chips it means they are healthy. Forget it! These are still chips and thinking otherwise would be fooling yourself. This product contains too many carbohydrates that you will never get rid of, so they will transform into fat that you are so interested in getting rid of.

3. Energy shots. This is a complete taboo! They not only contain tons of sugar, but also lead to serious cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems damages. You risk having a heart attack of only two-three bottles of energy drinks and find gastric ulcer over only a couple of months.


1. Green tea. Stop drinking coffee and adding milk and sugar to it. Start getting your caffeine shots from green tee. According to personal trainers this is a great supplement because green tea contains even more caffeine than coffee. If you feel sleepy at work, there is no better remedy than a cup of fresh green tea. According to the Canadian researchers, regular consumption of green tea can even prevent you from getting colds. Furthermore, green tea is a great fat burner. So if youre aiming at losing weight, there is no better remedy than green tea at a work place!

2. Healthy snacks. Forget about sandwiches, hamburgers, and chips. All this food has extremely negative effect on your health not only in terms of weight gaining, but also damages your cardiovascular system. Replace all junk food that you consume during the workday with something healthy and tasty. For instance, chips can be replaced with nuts; dried fruits and banana chips are perfect supplements for candies. A piece of chicken with salad is pretty much the same hamburger. Think healthy and eat healthy to improve your appearance.

3. A small mirror. A small mirror on the desk is a perfect way to stick to your plan of healthy habits. If you feel the need to eat something bad, just look into the mirror and think if you want to get those perfect check bones or your second chin works well enough for you?

4. A bowl of fruit. There are several studies that proved that if you look at food and smell it before consumption for 10-15 minutes, you lose some part of appetite and as a result eat less. So instead of putting flowers all over your office, put there fruit bowls. During the meetings and discussions with your colleagues youll be able to look at this fruit and so eat less during the lunch time.

5. Gum. Though some people say that gum chewing is not a very healthy habit, it can and will help you lose weight. When you chew a gum in some middle-range stressful situation, you lover cortisol level and as a result influence on your bodys capacity to store fats. Furthermore, you know that gum chewing lowers stress level that also leads to obesity.

As you can see, there is nothing unbelievable in the tips from above, ye you need to follow them in order to lose some kilos. If you want to get faster result and more relief body check personal trainers in your area (now you can do it online with websites like hirerush.com) and start doing some exercises to consolidate your success.

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