Senin, 19 Maret 2018

How to Improve Your Mental Health

How to Improve Your Mental Health

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Just as physical health requires a lot of efforts to maintain it on a high level, a mental and
emotional condition should also be managed well. The more time and effort you put into it,
the better your emotional state will be. In this article, we have prepared for you eleven tips
for maintaining your mental health in a good condition.

Step 1. Eat healthy food
The type of food you eat has a certain effect on your mental health, as indicated by the well-
known saying you are what you eat. Excessive consumption of certain types of food such
as salt and sugar, chili, onions, garlic, and fermented drinks can cause an increase in the
production of certain hormones in the body.
This automatically contributes to the feeling of anger and irritability in the case of stressful
circumstances. On the other hand, drinking a lot of water helps to manage the emotional
pressure in the best way. You can apply to the services of a nutritionist to assure the quality
of your diet and its positive effect on your body.

Step 2. Be physically active
The state of your physical health is associated with your mental health. Body care has a huge
impact and helps improve your mental and emotional condition. For example, physical
exercises not only strengthen the lungs and heart; they also contribute to the formation of
powerful chemicals hormones of endorphins, which act as a natural energy and improve
Other activities that can improve physical health are sufficient rest (7 to 8 hours of sleep each
night) and sufficient sunlight (10 to 15 minutes per day is already enough). It is also
recommended to limit the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and other psychotropic drugs to
maintain your mental health.

Step 3. Manage anger
The ability to control anger and negative emotions is another important factor in achieving
good mental health. There are certain relaxation techniques that can be used to fight anger
and irritability, such as yoga and meditation.

Step 4. Get a hobby
Changing activities after work significantly contributes to mental health. What is more, an
active occupation with something combined with passive rest improves the quality of a
holiday and the general condition of the body.

Step 5. Dream
Distract from the gray reality with bright dreams. Train your imagination to better understand
where you need to move. In such a way, you can understand what you really want and what
makes you happy.

Step 6. Collect positive emotions
At the end of the day, focus your attention not on problems and failures but positive moments
and successful situations. This will change your focus prism and make your decisions based
on your perception, successfully-oriented. Thus, your decisions will be made based on the
desire to experience positive emotions and not on the way to avoid negative ones.

Step 7. Set personal goals
Goals are the most important tool in our life. A correctly formulated objective can change our
life in a fundamental way. Set goals. Work with them. Learn and achieve. To be motivated,
there must be a motive.

Step 8. Keep a diary
In a diary, just as in an essay ordered from https://my-custom-, you will be able to
express yourself, your thoughts, and emotions in any other way that suits you better. This
practice will make you more attentive to yourself and can even increase your immunity.

Step 9. Develop a sense of humor
You cannot take life too seriously; otherwise, you will not survive. Therefore, sometimes it is
necessary to turn on good humor in order to step back and expand the perception of some
situations. However, one should distinguish a sense of humor from sarcasm.

Step 10. Help others
When helping other people, you help yourself. After all, the more successful people surround
you, the more successful you will be. Think about it!

Step 11. Pamper yourself
Prepare a delicious meal for yourself, make a foam bath, buy a new bike do things that
make you happy. Pleasure yourself with something and be thankful to yourself for it!
Risk factors for emotional and mental health
The state of your mental health is formed mainly under the influence of your experience.
Biological and genetic factors can, of course, play a role. Nevertheless, their influence can be
reduced or even leveled in the process of the vital activity.
Risk factors that may play a role in determining your mental health include illness (especially
if it is a chronic illness or requiring isolation), trauma or loss of a loved one (especially at a
young age), side-effects of drugs, substance abuse, and other bad habits. This is where
support is extremely important! But there is no one to help you if you do not want to help
yourself. Follow our tips and be healthy!

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