Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

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Traveling may be a great way to relax oneself and enjoy, it affects the health of most of the people and they end up falling sick and restless throughout the trip. Jet lag and change of atmosphere are not the only reasons to this situation. It is mainly because we neglect our health and get reluctant about the little healthy habits that are required to keep us up and running.
Want to know what those habits are and how you can continue to follow them while traveling? Read through and thank me later!

Rest Whenever Possible
Lack of rest and disturbed sleeping cycle is the major reason to sickness and lethargy you feel throughout your trip. Try to sleep 7 to 8 hours and do not spend your resting period staying up even if you are in transit. Keep a travel pillow and noise-removing earphones to help you fall asleep peacefully no matter how noisy your surroundings are.

Walk Everywhere
As soon as you reach another destination, you fear walking around on the roads and end up getting lost and that is why you only prefer moving in taxis and metros over a tram. It makes you feel very lazy as your physical activity becomes minimal. Therefore, I would suggest turn on your GPS and start walking to the station while you explore the city and activate your muscles.

Do not Skip Breakfast
As the routine gets upset in a different city, we often end up skipping breakfast and jumping to lunch only. It makes us feel weak and have cravings throughout the day which leads to unhealthy snacking and putting on weight. Therefore, to avoid such a situation, have proper breakfast that much includes a good amount of protein and calcium.

Take Time Out for Exercise
It is not necessary to head to gym and spend hours in hardcore workout. While you are extremely busy during your trip, just keep in your mind that you must take 5 to 15 minutes out every day for a little stretching, if not proper exercise. But do not completely give up on your workout routine as it will only get harder to reactivate your muscles when you get home.
Stay Hydrated
Amidst all the hassle we face while traveling, we often get reluctant about drinking enough water. It leads us to feel dehydrated and eventually sick. In order to avoid this situation, I would suggest you to carry a bottle with you and always keep it filled. Finish it two to three times a day to ensure you are properly hydrated.

How To Stay Healthy and Lose Weight as a Pescetarian

How To Stay Healthy and Lose Weight as a Pescetarian

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When looking different diets to help you lose weight it is best to avoid trendy fads. Often fad diets are really about starving your body, rather than eating healthy. Stick to traditional diets that emphasis nutrition and health, and your weight loss will come naturally and safely. A Pescetarian diet could be a great choice. Pescetarianism is a type of vegetarianism; the difference is that a Pescetarian also eats fish along with fruits, veggies and dairy that a vegetarian eats. A Pescetarian diet can be a great healthy way to eat right and even lose weight but it can also be dangerous.

The main danger of a pescetarian diet comes from eating too much fish. Since a pescetarian diet encourages fish and seafood as a form of protein, people often overdo it. Fish contain lots of great omega three fatty acids and protein; but they also contain dangerous toxins and elements like mercury. When mercury builds up, it can cause brain damage and defects; so especially pregnant women need to be careful. The FDA recommends eating less than a half pound of fish per week and no more than thirty pounds over the entire year. This means that a person should only have a serving or two of fish each week; making a fish a poor choice for a primary source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. A second danger for pescetarians is other forms of nutrient deficiency due to the loss of meat from their daily diet. While fish are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids; they often contain very low levels of omega-6 or omega-9 fatty acids. However, a pescetarian diet doesnt require you to eat this much fish; and there are natural supplements that help every pescetarian should take in order to make sure they have the right vitamins and nutrients to keep their diet safe.

One easy supplement for a pescetarian to take is a daily multivitamin. A good multivitamin will provide almost all the nutrients and vitamins that a person needs each day. This helps cover for deficiencies that often occur in vegetarian and pescetarian diets. Another supplement that is great for pescetarians is a fatty acid supplement. These provide blanket coverage of all the fatty acids that your body needs to promote healthy brain and cellular function. Without them, your body will have a hard time repairing damaged tissues and flushing waste so a pescetarian would be wise to supplement their diet with them.

Finally, the obvious supplement for a pescetarian is a protein supplement. Since most pescetarians rely on fish and seafood for protein, eating too much fish is a real concern. However, if you add protein supplements into your diet you can avoid eating too much fish. A great choice for a protein supplement is a whey protein shake because whey protein is dairy based and easy to digest. Whey protein is also complete in the sense that it has all the essential amino acids a body needs to stay healthy and promote good functioning, unlike soy based protein. If you choose a pescetarian diet, be sure to include whey protein.

How To Stay Fit over 50 and Still Enjoy Eating

How To Stay Fit over 50 and Still Enjoy Eating

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As we get older our body composition changes. This is often a result of becoming less active, which leads to a decrease in our basal metabolic rate (BMR).

With less muscle to burn calories, we may find that we cant eat as much as we used to without gaining weight. Other changes in hormones, tastes, energy levels, and nutrient absorption can also impact our fitness levels and health.

However, staying fit over 50 doesnt mean that you cant still enjoy eating. Learn how to get the balance right with these great tips.

Stay Active

Many people think that our metabolism decreases as we get older, but this isnt true.

What actually happens is that our activity levels decrease and we lose muscle mass as a result. With less muscle the body needs less energy, so food is stored as fat rather than burned off. Our basal metabolic rate (BMR) then slows down as the composition of our bodies change.

The simplest way to counteract a slowing BMR is to stay active. Walking is a good, fairly low-impact exercise that will help to burn calories and maintain muscle mass. Walking is also great for the heart and helps to boost your mood.

Other low-impact exercises to try include gardening, swimming, yoga, and Pilates.

Cut Calories, Not Taste

With small changes to the meals you love you can save a lot of calories and still enjoy eating.

Many people find that reducing their intake of carbohydrates helps them to stay in shape. Why not try spaghetti squash as an alternative to pasta? And even if youre not much of a baker, this low carb bread recipe is delicious and simple to make.

Alternatively, you can make small changes to the products you consume every day, such as opting for low fat dairy over full fat versions. Many taste exactly the same but pack in a lot fewer calories.

Another great tip is to try to make more meat-free meals. Try a bean Bolognese or make a stew with veggies and lentils. Youll cut calories and saturated fat drastically by skipping meat a couple of nights a week.

Consider Supplements

Another key part of staying fit is maintaining good health.

Our bodies become less efficient at absorbing some nutrients as we get older, so its important to make the calories we consume as nutrient-dense as possible to stay healthy.

Without key vitamins, it can be hard for your body to process food correctly into energy, meaning that you may feel tired and sluggish. You may also put yourself at risk of infections and more serious illnesses.

Some of the nutrients you may be lacking include Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Vitamin D, Fiber, and Omega-3 Fats.

Its always preferable to get nutrients through your diet but you may need to consider taking supplements. Consult your doctor to discuss your diet and whether supplements could help you stay fit over 50.

Drink Water

Our sense of thirst also reduces as we get older, so it might not be so easy to tell when were dehydrated.

Drinking water can help reduce hunger, boosts energy and facilitates digestion.

And not drinking enough water can cause urinary tract infections and lead to memory problems, so getting enough water is beneficial for our physical and mental health.

Keep small bottles of water in your fridge and drink from them regularly, even if you dont feel particularly thirsty. You should aim for around eight cups per day for good health.

Sleep Well

Staying fit at any age is all about balance. As well as your diet and activity level, getting enough sleep is an important part of that.

As well as giving you the chance to rest your mind and body, sleep helps to regulate the hormones that control hunger signals. Not sleeping well can disrupt these signals and fool your brain into thinking youre hungry when youre not.

As we get older it can be harder to enjoy a good nights sleep, possibly because of hormonal factors, physical discomfort or changes to our oxygen intake.

If youre finding it hard to sleep at night then these simple solutions to help you sleep better should help.

How to Stay Fit Over 50

Staying fit over 50 doesnt mean that you cant enjoy eating the same foods or that you have to make any drastic changes.

With small sustainable changes to your lifestyle and diet, you can maintain good health and keep fit for many years to come.

Do you have any tips of your own for keeping fit over 50? Let us know by commenting below.

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Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

How to Start Your Own Food Blog

How to Start Your Own Food Blog

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How long have you been yearning to share your killer recipes and food adventures?  Have you been dreaming of posting sumptuous snaps of your favorite dishes and get as many compliments as you can?  Nah, cast away those bubble thoughts and turn to an exciting world of running your own food blog.

Yes, food blogging, listed as one of the million-dollar business concepts that you can set up for a minimal rate (or could be free) is doing A-okay and can help you reap massive benefits, said chef and food blogger Abraham founder of viniecapricci.

 Take Eunice Martin as an example of a big success in this field.  The 23-year-old is known for her passion for food styling.  In an interview, the young blogger highlighted her dedication in reading food blogs and taking inspiration from Pinterest for lovely photos hence nabbing the title Top Food Influencer for this years Influence Asia Awards.

Get noticed and join the roster of the top food bloggers with these simple tips.

1. Create a catchy name.

Note that there are thousands of food bloggers around the world and to capture the attention of your readers with a unique name is crucial.  Spend time in creating and searching for the best name of your blog.    Instill originality and creativity in your composition.  You may want to try Daily Bites or The Food Stylist.  The name actually depends on your style, mood, and theme.

2. Get your domain name and hosting.

Once settled with a perfect domain name, have it hosted with one that has amazing offers.  Bluehost offers free registration of the domain name and you get to pay less than a hundred bucks for 2 years of hosting through them.  Another recommended option by various food bloggers is with reasonable rates on a great performance.

3. Build your WordPress blog.

Blog is synonymous to WordPress.  Hailed as the most reliable and most popular publishing platform in the blogging industry, it acts as every bloggers best friend.  It works great in search engines and offers various themes and designs plus you get to customize your own blog. 

4. Learn the basics of SEO.

Search engine optimization is important as it leads your blog to quality and integrity based on the content.  Curious foodies will easily find you thanks to Google that has an SEO starter guide for every novice blogger.

5. Post impressive photos (only).

No matter the beauty and art depicted in your food blog, if your photos are dull, do not expect to reach your target viewers.  The images of the food displayed in every blog are highly important.  If you have a caption Drool with these delectable pancakes, yet the snaps are ugly then you better hire a professional photographer or enroll yourself in a photography class.

6. Involve your customers.

One of the most effective ways of reaping success from your food blog is to be one with your customers.  Their comments and suggestions are your tools to self-improvement and confidence booster.  Encourage them to raise questions and reviews of your blogs.  By providing a Contact Us link on your site, you are one step closer to building a harmonious relationship with them.

7. Grow your network with other food bloggers.

Instagram and Pinterest are few of the many social media platforms that you can network your food blog.  You get to brainstorm with other food bloggers online or even in person about secrets in making your account grow.  Those experienced food bloggers can discuss practical ways on how to improve your site from telling thrilling stories of your delectable treats to capturing delicious photos of your products.  Apart from the winning insights, you gain a lot of friends too.  This is a win-win situation

How To Start Your New Healthy Lifestyle Today

How To Start Your New Healthy Lifestyle Today

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Have you ever noticed that you can always find a reason to put off 'til tomorrow what you can do today? This is especially true when it comes to starting a new healthy lifestyle. Maybe you have a girls trip coming up, an anniversary to celebrate, a birthday party to attend, or it's Wednesday and you prefer to wait until Monday to be healthy. What ever the excuse may be that you use to rationalize procrastinating the start of your new healthy lifestyle, I'm here to tell you to cut it out! There is absolutely no reason for you to delay your personal health and wellness. After all, today is the first day of the rest of your life!

Here are three tips to help you start your new healthy lifestyle today!

Tip #1: Be Honest With Your Self: Honesty is the best policy. If you fall under the category of "excuse maker", you need to own up to it if you have any hope of making a change. Once you can admit that you are making excuses to delay your new healthy lifestyle, you will be able to move forward and do what you have to do in order to get started today!

Tip #2: Make a Plan: I'm a big fan of making a plan. If you have a plan in place, you are one step ahead of the game in terms of getting started on your personal quest for health and well ness. Your plan will need to address both exercise and nutrition. Devising a plan for yourself will create structure, bring about discipline, and lay the foundation for your new healthy lifestyle.

If you recently decided to embark on your new healthy lifestyle but you have a trip planned with the girls for example, don't wait until you get back to start. Instead, start today and call ahead to the hotel to see if they have a gym. If the answer is yes you're all set. If the answer is no, ask if there is a gym nearby that they can recommend. Most gyms allow you to pay a visitor's fee for the day. A park is a great place to get your workout in as well. You could also bring an exercise video or dvd and workout in the comfort of your hotel room. A quick call to your hotel will provide you with all the information you need to make your exercise plan. You most likely will be getting an early start to your day in order to fit your workout in, but think of all the energy you'll have for the rest of the day!

The second part of your plan is nutrition related. Most people tend to throw caution to the wind and go hog wild in terms of food because they are on "vacation." This can lead to a lot of guilt upon the return home and the dreaded task of working off those extra pounds. Instead, make a plan to make smart choices for your meals while you're away. You may even want to pack some healthy snacks from home for your mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. Most restaurants provide an array of healthy options these days and you can always make amendments to menu items in an effort to eat healthy. Most eating establishments are willing to grant your requests. Then decide when, where, and how you would like to indulge in your cheat meal during your trip. Not cheat meals, not cheat days, but cheat meal! You'll feel much better on your return home in that you practiced self control!

Tip #3: Execute, Execute, Execute: There is no sense in having a plan if you don't execute it. Make the decision to start your new healthy lifestyle today, make a plan, and then execute it! Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you for it!

Health & Success,


How to Start a Law Firm Blog

How to Start a Law Firm Blog

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Whenever I think of a law blog, it reminds me of Scott Baios character on Arrested Development. Bob Loblaw also had a law blog. Except when you said it all together it sounded like, blah, blah, blah, blah.

However, a law blog can provide a wealth of information to potential clients. Its also a great way to utilize SEO to rank higher in search engines.

If youre ready to get started, keep reading. Heres your ultimate guide on how to start a law firm blog.

Devise a Working Strategy

Before you get started on your law firm blog, its worth it to take some time to devise a strategy. You wouldnt walk into a courtroom or a deposition without a plan, dont do it with your blog.

Think about who your audience is. Most of your readers are probably potential clients. Think about what type of information they would visit your website for.

Most law firms dont handle all types of law. They have a niche. Stick to your niche. Dont forget your blog is also a part of your brand. Use it as a platform to develop your brand further.

Create Great Content

Whatever you choose to write about, the content is important. Great content is what catches the attention of potential clients and search engines.

If youre struggling with ideas for your law firm blog, check to see whats currently in the news. Theres always something happening where a legal point of view will be valued.

Create content that discusses frequently asked questions. Look at other law blogs and see what theyre writing about. If your law firm handles insurance claims, for instance, visit USAttorneys to find other law firms who are writing about the same subject. Get ideas from them.

Write about case studies or an old case you handled. Your blog can even get personal.

Blogs dont have to be long, either. And they shouldnt contain language that most people dont understand. Write as if youre explaining something to a client with very little understanding of the law. Clear, concise content is best.

Keep Your Articles in Compliance with the ABA Rules of Professional Conduct

First off, there are your states legal advertising rules with which you have to contend with. Make sure you are aware of them before you start your law firm blog.

While its true that broad topic discussion and case reviews are generally not considered an advertisement, its good protocol to be mindful of your content, context, and method of how its being dispersed.

Next, your first priority is to protect your clients confidential information. However, just because a matter is pending, it doesnt always mean you cant discuss the case publicly.

ABA Model Rule 3.6 states the specific topics that are okay to write about. Especially when the information is public record. However, your best bet if you plan on writing about cases youve handled is to speak with your client before you write the article.

Write Consistently

It doesnt matter if you wrote an amazing law firm blog article. One article is not enough.

Neither is writing your blog sporadically. Marketing is an ongoing process. You cant just place an ad somewhere once and expect everyone to find you.

The same is true when you write a blog. Write at least once a week, if you can. The more articles you publish, the more likely youll end up with people following your articles.

Youll also be ranked higher organically with search engines. They love fresh, new content and will happily reward all website which creates new content.

Make It Shareable

The worst thing you can do for your law firm blog is to not make your shareable. That makes it incredibly difficult for others to find out about you.

Yes, someone can copy and paste the link to your article wherever they want. But thats usually too much work for most people. They want to be able to simply click on the social networking site of their choice and have it automatically shared with their followers.

Make sharing easy by adding social media buttons on your blog. You obviously dont have to choose them all. Simply choose the ones which you feel your core audience are most likely to be found on.

I also recommend creating profiles on those same social media sites and sharing your content with your followers. These sites make it incredibly easy to share information.

They also make it incredibly easy to find your core niche. You can usually find an audience by geographical location, income, and even interests.

Add Visuals to Your Law Firm Blog

Visuals are an important part of your blog. People retain information far longer when visuals are included.

Visuals like photographs and videos are also more interesting to readers. Your readers are also 650% more likely to share your content when you include photos.

Be sure to include professional grade visuals. Photographs should be professionally taken or you can grab them off of an online photo stock company.

Dont forget to fill in the title tags for your photographs. Thats an important part of SEO.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital part of your law firm blog. While there are some forms of paid SEO, were focusing on what you can do for free.

Find keywords that your audience is most likely to use to find you, and then create content around them. Do not overstuff your content with keywords, though.

Also, use both internal and external links in your law blog. Internal links point to other relevant pages in your blog, so they help you avoid duplicate content. On the other hand, external links point to pages in other blogs or websites, and help to back up what youre talking about.

Analyze Your Metrics

Learn how to read the metrics for your law firm blog. That will help tell you whether or not youre gaining an audience.

If you have a high bounce rate, that means the content probably wasnt that compelling. If your visitor rate is low, either your SEO needs improvement or your content does.

Keep Learning

SEO, blogs, and even the internet itself are constantly changing. Which is why its important to keep up with the latest techniques.

The more business you can attract by writing a blog and using organic SEO tactics, the better. Spend more time on our site to keep learning about the latest in digital marketing strategies.

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Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

How To Spot Products Of A Natural Skin Care Company

How To Spot Products Of A Natural Skin Care Company

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Isnt it amazing that in every few months you hear about a new natural skin care company shouting about the best and effective products it has to offer? It is a fact that hardly few of them are really worthy of being called a real natural skin care company product. With so many options available to choose from, it becomes really difficult to spot the good ones.

Let us explore few simple steps that can empower you to make the right decision.

1. Avoid harmful ingredients

Many skin care companies claim that they use natural ingredients but at the same time there are some harmful ingredients present in them. Such harmful ingredients completely nullify the effect of whatever minor natural ingredients present in the product.

For instance many companies use Mineral Oil as a base in their products. Mineral oil is easy to procure and is very inexpensive. It is claimed to moisturize the skin, but the truth is that molecules or mineral oil are so large that they clog the minute skin pores. Clogged skin pores can lead to oily skin, acne and black heads.

There are many other harmful ingredients like Alcohol, Parabens and Dioxanes etc. that should be completely avoided. As an aware consumer you should keep an eye on such ingredients if you spot them in any skin care product dont use that product. Because such products will do more damage to your skin.

2. Check the Credibility of the company

This is very easy to find out visit the website of the company. Read about their policies, their vision, and their values. The most valuable information that you can fetch from the website is customer testimonials. Most websites have a section where customers can log in and write their comments and feedback. This will give a clear picture of the quality of products of any natural skin care company.

3. Read about Ingredients

A credible natural skin care company publishes the source of their ingredients on the website because they have nothing to hide from its customers. Read in detail about each ingredient -- where it is procured from, what is its effect on skin and how does it work etc. Once you gain this knowledge, you will be able to take decision in a matter of minutes.

So there you have it, products of a natural skin care company are made of all natural ingredients, and they do not have even a trace of harmful chemicals or synthetic ingredients. Stick to this golden rule and make the right choice for your skin.

If you need more information on natural and effective ingredients that I have been using myself, visit my website Skin Health Solution today.

Kerri Doyle is a researcher, consumer and advocate of natural skin care products. She shares her research into natural skin care health on her website Skin Health Solution. To discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research visit

How to Set the Financial Goals that Grow Your Business

How to Set the Financial Goals that Grow Your Business

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How To Save Money While Eating at Quiznos

How To Save Money While Eating at Quiznos

Image source:

In todays day and age there are two major stressors in most peoples lives, weight and money. Both of these stressors can take a major toll on anyone as it will certainly give you a lot to worry about, but in this article I will share a way to take a little bit of stress away in both areas.

While most of us in North America live a very fast paced life it can be hard to slow down and eat healthy. Many of us resort to grabbing a quick bite to eat at some of the fast food restaurants because they are fairly cheap and it will fill you up. This decision can lead to poor health, however there are alternatives to the greasy burger joints.

Instead of eating at a restaurant that will only serve greasy burgers and fries why not try out Quzinos or Subway? Both of these restaurants offer healthy alternatives at a fair price. Now this may be a solution for one of the stressors mentioned above. If you are living a fast paced life and need a quick bite to eat, stop at a healthy fast food restaurant instead of the not-so-healthy options, but what about money, how will you save money?

One method that I have been using that is working very well is to use coupons. For some restaurants it may be harder to find coupons than others but if you can find just one source then you will be able to save money. I have been using Quiznos coupons lately and I usually save about one to five dollars on each order. The best Quiznos coupon is for buy one sub get one sub free. When you find coupons like this it is a good idea to print them off and then put them in your car, that way when you need them you will know exactly where to find them.

If you would like to find coupons for a healthy restaurant there are a few methods that you can try which have worked for me. The first and easiest method is to check your mailbox. I know a lot of people throw out anything without an address, but some of the fliers and inserts contain coupons, I usually get my subway coupons in the mailbox. If you do not get coupons in the mail the next place to look is online. The easiest way is to search for the brand or restaurant that you like with the word coupons after it. Look through the links on the first page of the search engine and hopefully you will find a few valid coupons. The last place to look is the companies website, usually they will have a coupons or promotions page where they will share deals and promotions.

I hope that these tips will help you lead a healthy lifestyle that has less stress in it. One bit of advice that I have for you is that if you ever feel overwhelmed or over-stressed then just pause for a few seconds and take a few deep breaths. Breathe in slowly, hold it for a few seconds, then release the breathe again slowly. I find this always helps me relax and makes me feel better inside.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

How to Prevent Hemorrhoids Naturally-Diet & Home Remedies

How to Prevent Hemorrhoids Naturally-Diet & Home Remedies

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Hemorrhoids (piles) are the one of most disgusting health issues. Even people hesitate to visit doctor. However this is a more common problem of males than females. There are various factors which are responsible for this problem like our life style, ageing and   improper eating habits.  So with the help of proper diet and home remedies, problem of hemorrhoids can be resolved to a greater extent.

In Hemorrhoids,   blood vessels or veins get swollen around anus and rectum area. Rectal bleeding is the one of most common symptom associated with this problem. Swelling and inflammation of veins may be due to the constipation, pregnancy, obesity, prolonged sitting, genetic factors and anal intercourse.

Diet & Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids:

In Ayurveda hemorrhoids are known as Arsh or Arsha Shoola which means the pain is like needle pricking.  According to ayurveda, there are three energies vata, pitta and kapha which maintain a healthy body. Imbalance of any of three energies results in health complications. Unhealthy diet and inappropriate life style results in the vitiation of all the tridoshas (vata, pitta and kapha).

Aggravated doshas also lead to toxins (ama) accumulation in the digestive gut. Imbalanced vata dosha causes the low digestive fire which further leads to persistent constipation. So the accumulation of waste products in the body contributes towards the development of hemorrhoids. Diet and home remedies are known to be quite effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids:

1. Aloe vera Aloe vera (ghritkumari) is packed with anti inflammatory properties thus helps to reduce the pain in hemorrhoids. Use of  Aloe vera is good for both internal and external hemorrhoids.

How to apply:

In external hemorrhoids - Apply some amount of aloe vera gel on affected area and massage slowly. This remedy is quite effective to provide relief in pain and burning sensation.

In internal hemorrhoids Cut aloe vera leaves in the slices and place them in a container to freeze. Now you can apply these aloe vera slices on hemorrhoids to resolve the pain, itching and burning sensation.

2. Lemon Juice Lemon juice is packed with various nutrients which help to strengthen the capillaries and blood vessels. Thus lemon juice is a good natural remedy for hemorrhoids.

How to use

Soak the cotton ball in freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it on the affected areas. Initially mild burning sensation or tingling will occur though it is good to resolve the pain.
Squeeze half lemon into a cup of hot milk and consume it thrice daily.
Mix half teaspoon each ginger juice, mint juice, lemon juice and honey. Consume it once in a day.

3. Almond oil Use of almond oil is good for the hemorrhoids because of its skin smoothing properties.

How to use - Dip cotton in the almond oil and apply it on hemorrhoids it helps to provide relief in the burning and itching sensation around anal area. For best results do it several times in a day.

4. Ice - Ice is the one of highly recommended home remedy for hemorrhoids treatment. Ice helps to constrict the blood vessels, reduces the swelling and provides the immediate relief from pain.

How to use

Wrap the ice cubes in a cloth and apply directly on the affected area for about 10 minutes. Repeat it several times in a day to get better results.

5. Water Drinking at least 10 glasses of water in day is good for both internal or external hemorrhoids. Plenty of water intake helps to hydrate the skin and cleans our internal system. Water eases the bowel movements and helps to keep stools soft and reduces the need for straining.

Diet for hemorrhoids:

Consume Whole grain (rich in roughage) like brown rice, bran cereal, wheat pasta, oats and bagels.
Consume the fibre rich fruits like papaya, apple, berry (only ripened), pears, oranges, cantaloupe and watermelon.
Consume the vegetables like cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, onion, cucumber, carrot, beans, celery, peas, black eye beans, asparagus, legumes and sweet potatoes. These vegetables are rich in the antioxidants and fibers thus good for hemorrhoids.
Other products like milk, yogurt, walnut, almonds, hazelnut, honey, sesame, aloe vera, cow ghee and buttermilk are also considered to be good in hemorrhoids.

Foods to be avoided in hemorrhoids:

Junk  food
Spicy food
Excess salty food
Sweet meat
Oily food

Above mentioned diet and home remedies are quite effective to resolve the problem of hemorrhoids. These are the natural remedies and thus dont cause any adverse effects on human health.

How to Prevent Diabetes and Improve Health

How to Prevent Diabetes and Improve Health

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Nowadays, as the lifestyle of people is sedentary due to which people are more prone to various types of diseases in which diabetes is one of them. As high blood pressure and diabetes are two major diseases that are mostly in 90% people. Most of the diabetic patients take this disease lightly and dont follow a proper diet, exercise, and treatment. Due to their carelessness, patients can even lead to death. Most of the people dont have proper knowledge of this disease due to which they show carelessness. Diabetes occurs when blood glucose level also called blood sugar increases in the body. Blood glucose is the main source of energy that comes from food that we eat. Insulin is a hormone produced by pancreas in human body. It helps glucose from food to get into cells to be used for energy. Lack of insulin or resistance to insulin causes sugar to build in blood which leads to health problems in body.

Most common types of diabetes

Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Gestational diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes:

In type 1 diabetes the body is unable to produce insulin. The immune system attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin in the body. It is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. To stay alive patient need to take insulin every day.

Type 2 Diabetes:

In type 2 diabetes body is unable to make or use insulin well. It can develop at any age, even during childhood. This type of diabetes occurs in middle-aged and older people. It is the most common type of diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes: - This type of diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. If the patient is having gestational diabetes than she is having a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Frequent urination, excessive thirst, and hunger, drowsiness or fatigue, dry, itchy skin, slow healing wounds, blurry vision.   

Diet for Diabetic Patients

Patients should follow a proper diet to manage his/her diabetic condition. Always choose high-fiber diet. Here are some foods mentioned below which should be chosen or avoided by diabetic patients.

Avoid These Foods Always

White rice, white bread, white potatoes, regular pasta, sugary breakfast cereals, instant oatmeals, cornflakes, corn.

Choose These Foods Always:

Brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, high-fiber, low sugar cereal, low-sugar bran flakes, peas or leafy greens.
Okra, also called ladies finger help reduce blood glucose levels and control diabetes. Guava due to its vitamin C and high fiber content, eating guava can be really helpful in maintaining the blood sugar level.

Home Remedies for Diabetic Patients:

Home remedies are the best way to treat diabetes in patients as it is easily available at home.

Bitter gourd juice is beneficial in diabetic patients due to its blood glucose lowering effects it tends to influence the glucose metabolism. Drink bitter gourd on an empty stomach each morning.
Indian gooseberry which is also known as Amla juice promotes proper functioning of the pancreas. Mix 2 tablespoon of amla juice in a cup of water and drink it daily on an empty stomach. You can also drink 1 tablespoon of Indian gooseberry juice in a cup of bitter gourd juice and drink it daily.
Fenugreek is a herb used to control diabetes as it improves glucose tolerance and lower blood sugar levels. Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds overnight drink the water along with seeds in the morning on an empty stomach. Instead of this eat 2 tablespoons of powdered fenugreek seeds daily with milk.
Cinnamon powdered helps in lowering blood sugar level. It contains bioactive components that can help prevent and fight diabetes easily. Take a teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of warm water drink it daily.
Jamun contains anthocyanins, ellagic acid, hydrolysable tannins etc. that helps in controlling blood sugar level. Make a powder of dried seeds of jamun fruit eat a small amount of this powder with water twice a day.
 Mango leaves can be used to treat diabetes by regulating insulin levels. Eat a teaspoon of powdered mango leaves two times daily. Soak 10 to 15 tender mango leaves in a glass of water overnight filter the water and drink it on empty stomach every morning.
  Curry leaves have anti-diabetic properties as curry leaves contain an ingredient that reduces the rate at which starch is broken down to glucose in diabetes.
Aloe vera gel is used in lowering the blood glucose levels. Mix teaspoon each of ground bay leaves, turmeric and 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel consume it before lunch and dinner.

Healthy Tips to Prevent Diabetes and Improve Health

Exercise is the best way to improve insulin sensitivity daily walk for 30 minutes a day.
Avoid processed or packaged foods like canned soups, frozen dinners, or low-fat meals and eat fresh food.
Instead of fried food choose boiled, or stir-fried.
Eat regular small meals up to 6 per day.
Start your day off with a good breakfast as it will provide energy as well as steady blood sugar levels in the body.
Diabetic patient should avoid alcohol.
Diabetic patients should not eat sweets, desserts etc.
The safest fats are unsaturated fat, which comes from fish and plant sources such as nuts, olive oil, avocado, Salmon, tuna, and flaxseeds are also used in the diet.
Omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation and support brain and heart health problems.
Some yoga asana like (vajrasana,sarwangasana,halasana,dhanurasana,chakrasana,ardh matsyendrasana and pranayama  )should be performed by the diabetic patients.

How To Pick A Healthy Iguana

How To Pick A Healthy Iguana

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So, you've decided to get a pet.

But you don't know what kind yet.

You leave the comfort of your home sweet home and go to the local pet shop. After looking at several types of dogs, cats, birds, and even fish, you suddenly realize that you want something out of the ordinary; something that would definitely turn heads.

You look around, wary that you might not find the perfect pet, when suddenly you chance upon a tank or two of very green lizards with dewlaps hanging from their chins. Some are just hatchlings, while others look somewhat old. You get excited and want to know what the animals are. You ask the clerk or pet shop owner about them. He/she tells you.

He/she also gives other interesting information, like the reptiles came from Peru, Surinam, Honduras, Columbia, or Mexico; there are more than 700 species of these animals; or the lizards are called "Bamboo Chicken" in some places.

You listen more and nod your head in agreement while telling yourself that you must get this animal for a pet. At long last, you tell yourself. You've found the pet of your dreams - the iguana.

However, you want to make sure that the animal is healthy. You are not just willing to spend your money on an animal that would die quickly. So, what are you supposed to do?

The answer is easy: conduct a touch test.

The shop owner must allow you to hold the chosen iguana in your two hands. You may use the finger of one hand to inspect the different body parts of the animal.

What things do you look out for?

In terms of its common appearance, consider the following:

The skin should be firm, clear, clean, and free of bites and scratches. (Bites and scratches might get infected later on.) The stomach should be free of burns. (Burns may eventually heal, but the skin would always be very sensitive to heat.) The stomach has no ground-in stool. (A dirty stomach indicates that the animal is living in an unhygienic environment which can make it sick and weak.) The opening is free of dried stool and urine. (The presence of these shows that the lizard might have parasites and protozoa in its stomach.) The iguana resists strongly when its body parts are moved. (Weakness and instability may be a sign that the lizard is injured or suffering from calcium insufficiency.) The limbs, tail, and the whole body have no lumps, bumps, or swelling. (Cysts, infections, and fractures need veterinary treatment.) The rear legs and thighs are shaped normally. (A swollen leg may indicate a fracture; two legs or thighs, an insufficient supply of calcium.) The limbs are sturdy and full while the body is smooth and vibrant looking. (If the limbs are very thin, the lizard may be starving or dehydrated. If the body looks wrinkled and dull, there may be bacterial or parasite infections.)

For its head, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, you may take note of the following: The eyes should be clear. (If they are bleary, crusted, or weepy, there might be an infection in the respiratory system or inflammation of the eyes.) The nose has no dried or wet mucus. (Dried or bubbly mucus is an indication of infection in the respiratory system.) The insides of the mouth should look healthy. (Infections would cause rotting of the insides of the mouth.) The jaw is not swollen. (If it is, then, the animal might have a metabolic disease.) There are no swellings or lumps on its face, dewlap, or neck. (Swellings may indicate abscesses.)

These are just some of the things you have to look out for when buying a pet iguana.

Now that you know how to spot a healthy iguana and you have already spotted a healthy one, you leave the store with a smile on your face. It will not be an easy job to raise your newly bought iguana, but it is sure worth a try.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

How To Overcome Frustration While at Work

How To Overcome Frustration While at Work

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What is frustration?

How to overcome frustration?? How does it affect our lives, our work, and our productivity???

Life is not a bed of roses!! I remember reading this quote every day while I was at school. I didn't know it had such a deep meaning attached to it. For me then, it was just another thought which we used to put up on the school's notice board. But as I grew up, I realized that this was a lesson for life which was somehow given to us since childhood. When I look at my life today, and when I look around; every person has some or the other frustration. Frustration at home, frustration from the job, frustration among friends, and the list is endless. It is, however, very important to overcome frustration while in all spheres of life. It is important to maintain a work life balance. Ensuring a peaceful work-life will consequently enhance one's productivity.

The first thing that probably upsets a service provider or a freelancer is the favor that people start expecting from that person. To an extent, it is ok to volunteer, but when people start asking for free work, it is degrading. It actually is a disrespect to one's talent. Thus, a general yet an important advice to everyone reading this is to never ask for free favors from a professional. However not every person is capable of doing so on their own. Some people stand strong whatever may the situation be, while some others need a push. So here are some tips which will give you the required push to overcome frustration and stay strong in life.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill


1. Stay Calm

Losing one's calm is the first thing that happens after a frustration triggers anxiety. Stop right there, take a deep breath and just do that for at least 10 breaths. You can also calm down by closing your eyes and focusing on something that can instantly make you happy. This will help you to clear your mind and reflect upon the problem well.

2. Analyze the problem

Well, be it a work place or a personal life situation, analyzing the problem properly is very important. Define the problem clearly to yourself so that you could find an apt solution to it. Analyze the different perspectives related to it. Also, deciding whether the matter is of any importance to you will help you make the right decision.

3. Be positive

This is the most common advice anyone would give you. But trust me, it is not just common, it is also very important for you. Especially when a person is low, he should gather all the courage to fight back and not let it go. Staying positive attracts all the positive energy from the environment and give you strength.

4. Acceptance

We are all human beings and so we all tend to make mistakes. It becomes very difficult if a person does not admit his mistakes. Acceptance is the first step towards rectification of errors. Once we are able to find out the root cause, we also to some extent become capable of overcoming our shortcomings.

5. Live your life with Confidence

Come what may, you should never lose it!! Be it your personal or your work life, you should have that confidence in yourself to be able to fight all circumstances and overcome frustration. After all, there is a silver lining in the dark cloud as well.

Final Words...
Frustration and anxiety happen to everyone, every single person for that matter. The key point to overcome frustration is to manage your emotions well. Don't lose the ability to think and act in the best way possible. We cannot avoid frustrations in life because they are situational. But we can learn to manage and overcome frustration by acting wisely.

How To Organize And Run An Art Or Poster Contest

How To Organize And Run An Art Or Poster Contest

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If you are interested in having an art or poster contest and don't know how to go about organizing and operating one, then this should help you considerably. Although this information was originally written for the Star Poster Program, it can also be adapted for your specific desires. Since April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month, each spring my students go through the Star Poser Program lessons and its activities, learning how to effectively make posters on helping to stop child abuse; that is why the topic is given below.

The same considerations and guidelines provided here for a poster contest can be used for any art contest, as well as, putting together any art exhibition. You may review the forms at the web site mentioned and use them as a reference to develop similar ones for your organization's needs.

Putting together any sort of art competition will take some long term planning. I've broken down considerations into a suggested timeline. The timeline is a general strategy and will need to be adjusted to your particular circumstance, especially if you are seeking funding support from a foundation. In this case, you will need to do a little research on foundations that would may possibly support this activity and what their stipulations are for proposal submissions, along with their review dates.

3 - 6 Months Before:

Select a topic or theme of the contest.

If you choose "Child Abuse Awareness" you could pick a specific category: neglect, physical, sexual, or emotional.
You would then select a specific phrase, like the following:
How I (or you can) Help Stop Child Abuse.
Child Abuse, It Hurts Us All.

Have information about child abuse (or whatever social or environmental issue the contest is about) available for those that want to know more about it. (I have a school counselor come talk to the art classes after the students have been taught lessons on the Elements of art and how to make posters. Then the students are told to choose one of the four areas of child abuse to make their poster about. Some of these are humorous, while most are serious.)

Line up sponsors.

Go to the "Sponsor's" page of the Star Poster Program to learn more about sponsorship and its benefits. Potential sponsors can also go to the Star Poster Program "Sponsor's" page to learn more about these.

Keep a list of possible sponsors with contact information. When you are first starting to have poster contests, some potential sponsors may want to help in the future, but are currently committed to other things. As time goes by they may become involved. Update and expand the list from year to year.

Select and line up judges.

Look at the Star Poster Program guidelines for judges. Remember there needs to be three judges; consider having alternates if someone can not act as a judge at the last minute.

Establish a deadline for entries.

Keep in mind that if you are going to order t-shirts, ribbons, and participant certificates, 4-6 weeks needs to be allowed for their delivery. The deadline could be a week or two before the posters are to go on display.

Decide who is to be the contact person/s for the contest and handle questions. How, in what manner, and when could they be contacted?

Determine where and how the posters will be on display and for how long.

Set parameters for where and how the posters are to be picked up or returned.

6-8 Weeks Before:

Disperse announcements and flyers about the contest to prospective participants and to the media. Include schools, local T.V. stations, newspapers, and radio stations. Let them know that the activities and art lessons on creating effective posters are available at

If a school or other organization wants youth as a group to participate, they should go through the activities and art lessons on the elements of art and creating posters during this time frame.

4-6 Weeks Before:

If you need to order t-shirts, ribbons, and participant certificates (see "Other Considerations"), etc., this needs to be done during this period.

Contest Deadline:

Within two weeks of the contest deadline send out notices to participants and media again about when and where the posters are on display.

As entries are collected with the entry forms, complete and tape a contest label on the side or bottom of each. These need to be folded back behind the poster so that the names cannot be read during the judging. Blanks can be printed from the Star Poster Program CD or downloaded from the web site.

Have posters judged.

This should be done within 3 days after the entry deadline. After the judging is completed, unfold the labels so the public may see who made each poster.

Within 2 days after the contest judging put notices of awards on (or next to) the posters.
Posters can be put on display before judging or they can be put up after judging is completed.

Exhibit the posters for 2 to 4 weeks.

Other Considerations:

Funding (see "Sponsor's page" of Star Poster Program)

If you are seeking financial support from a foundation, keep in mind that some only have their board of directors meet once or twice a year. Therefore, find out what their submission requirements are and be familiar with the deadlines. Obviously, you may need to plan further in advance than three to six months. Thoroughly go through your plans and note specifically what expenses will be requested. Make sure your funding proposals are clearly delineated and show particular amounts for each item addressed in the proposition.

Enough ribbons and certificates for the number of expected entrants can be ordered well in advance and the t-shirts may be ordered at the deadline and given to the contestants when the posters are picked up.

If t-shirts are going to be provided to each contestant, entrants should have their t-shirt size on their entry form.

Displaying posters:

Places to display posters may be a local business, walls of a school, an unused store area in a mall or shopping center, a community center, art gallery, bank, or other public building.

This can be done on art display panels, walls, or windows. Posters can be pinned in the corners or taped on the back side. Try not to use tape on the fronts, as this tends to tear the papers more than when put on the back. Some times display panels may be borrowed from businesses or schools. Otherwise, if you are planning on doing this as an annual event, do a fundraiser to purchase these (this could be part of a foundation grant proposal).

Decide how a reception will be conducted in relation to where the poster exhibition is at.

All necessary forms can be down-loaded from the Ursidae Enterprises web site or you can request a free CD with the Star Poster Program art lessons, activities, and forms (enclose $8.95 for Shipping and Handling).

If you would like to have posters considered to be included on the "Poster Gallery" section of the Star Poster Program web site, send a .jpg format picture with signed release forms from the parents or guardians.

After awards are posted have a reception for entrants, their families, and the public. This should be on a Saturday morning, a Sunday afternoon, or a weeknight between 6:30 and 8:30.

After the Contest:

All entries should be picked up within one week of close of display.
Send thank-you notices to judges and sponsors.
Complete and mail in contest follow-up report to your sponsors. If you're using the Star Poster Program send reports to: Ursidae Enterprises/P.O. Box 81/Lampasas, TX 76550.
Make sure each participant gets their ribbon, certificates, and t-shirts.
Review what went well and what needs to be improved; then, start planning for the next one.

Establishing an art contest or exhibition of any sort can appear to be an intimidating task. Hopefully, this has been helpful. The suggestions outlined above come from my involvement for over forty years in a large variety of art contests and exhibitions at all levels, from contestant to organizer. These contests and exhibitions are more easily organized and run through a small group effort, so enlist assistance. Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.

How To Nurse Yourself Back To Health After Injury

How To Nurse Yourself Back To Health After Injury

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Anyone who has suffered serious injury will understand the impact of such a condition on the body. It's advisable to focus on complete rehabilitation and treatment of injury before returning to play.

Here are steps the essential steps you can take to get back to full health after an injury:

Build muscle

After an injury that keeps you from exercising for a significant period of time, it's important to build back the strength in muscles that have been resting. It's recommended that you use weight training exercises to build up the weakened muscles.

Pay attention to nutrition and hydration

Certain foods will help you get better after injury. The bones and skin need sufficient Vitamin A to repair themselves. Adequate protein is essential for quick healing after injury. Apart from being the ultimate building blocks for cell repair, protein gives you energy. Plant-based proteins such as beans and nuts have cell-repairing properties which are crucial in healing. Carbohydrates provide ready energy for healing purposes.

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables helps the body to heal. A colorful array of fruits and vegetables provide a significant assortment of healing nutrients, including high amounts of vitamins and minerals that can promote physical recovery. Vitamin C helps to heal wounds, strengthen blood vessels, and prevents infection.

Moreover, foods rich in zinc such as beef, peanuts, and lentils facilitate healing.

Get enough sleep

While on the road to recovery, you need to have more than seven hours of sleep each night. During injury, you need more rest than usual since some of the bodys healing processes require sleep to work. A hormone known as melatonin is produced during sleep which boosts the immune system and repairs corrupted DNA. Resting during injury is one of the vital things you can do, many people try to rush their recovery, forcing themselves to get back to normal life rapidly and that way they prolong their injury time instead of shortening. Resting is vital because your muscles demand time to heal and it is a thing that cannot be forced, rest and time are the most important things you can provide your body with. 

Stretch out

To quickly recover from an injury, you require stabilization and immobilization. Keeping muscles static for long periods of time causes major long term issues. Instead of allowing your muscles to simply break down and get stiff, take extra time to stretch. Gently stretching your injured muscles helps to regain fitness and can enhance the healing process.

Injury massage

Massage therapy plays an important role in preventing and healing injuries. Massage encourages circulatory movement, improves range of motion, and relaxes stressed muscles. Moreover, massage helps to pump more oxygen and nutrients into body tissues and organs. Massage therapy combines several different techniques to relieve tension in the body.

Some of the popular massages that help with injury recovery include; Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, Trigger point massage, Hot Stone Massage, Hong Kong massage, Thai massage, active release technique and much more.


Regain endurance by engaging in activities like jogging, swimming, biking or rowing. Be aware not to overdo and strain yourself, all in good measures is healthy, do not force yourself or you will do more damage to the injury.

Consult a doctor

Some types of injury may be unique hence requiring a unique recovery process. The recovery process after injury may have some limitations due to the complexity of the injury. Without specific instructions from a qualified doctor, you may end up injuring yourself further as you try to get back in shape. Consult a doctor for guidelines if your injury seems to have unique problems.

Senin, 26 Maret 2018

How to Maximize Your First Massage Experience

How to Maximize Your First Massage Experience

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Walking in for your first massage can be an odd experience for most. If youve never experienced the benefits of a massage, you may not know what to expect.

Do you wear clothes?

Do you tip your masseuse?

What should you eat or drink beforehand?

Its enough to stress anyone out! But the entire point of a body to body massage is the relieve tension and relax a bit.

Talk to Your Massage Therapist

Spend a few minutes before your massage to get to better know your masseuse. Talking is an easy way to put yourself at ease and can relieve some of the uncomfortable tension.

This is a great idea for first timers, as having a stranger put their hands on your body can be unsettling.

Take a few moments to chat with your massage therapist in a friendly manner. Ask them about their job and what theyd recommend during a first massage.

Some may prefer to have the specialist talk them through the process as it occurs.

You should take this time to let your masseuse know if you have any allergies to lotions or oils. Skin allergies are common, and you dont want anything ruining your tranquil mood.

Drink Lots of Water

In order to maximize your massage experience, youll want to make sure you stay hydrated. This includes both before and after the massage.

While a body to body massage is enough to put some at ease, theres a more scientific reason for the relaxing properties of a massage. A thorough deep tissue massage releases lactic acid buildup throughout your muscles.

Proper hydration can aid transportation, sending the acids flowing through your body faster. The debate over toxin release isnt quite settled, but all scientists agree that hydration is good no matter what.

Understand That Its Your Session

Much like a doctors visit or a therapy session, the patient should know that its their session.

This means that youre in control.

If you dont like something your masseuse is doing, you can politely ask them to stop. If you need something, you can ask for it. Dont be shy.

If youd prefer some light chitchat while your specialist works, thats alright too. But its also perfectly acceptable to ask for silence so you can focus on relaxing.

The key idea to take away is that youve got the power.

Ask About Aftercare

You should always ask your masseuse about what to expect post-massage. Youll likely feel a bit of tenderness or soreness for a few days.

This is normal and to be expected for a day or two after. It actually means that the massage did its job. If soreness lasts any longer, be sure to consult the massage studio immediately.

You may also experience an increased sense of focus. Believe it or not, massages can be great for productivity!

A massage is intended to be the perfect experience for you, a time to take care of yourself and to relax.

Make sure that you take the right steps to guarantee that its everything it should be. You deserve it.

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How to Make Your Home Safe for Guns

How to Make Your Home Safe for Guns

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Its estimated that 76 million Americans own at least one gun.

Many of those gun owners have families of their own that they want to keep safe. Thats why people so many people are concerned about making their home safe for guns.

Gun safety is important for every responsible firearm owner.

If you want to keep your guns and your home safe, make sure you follow these tips.

Making Your Home Safe For Guns

Store Fire Arms Safely

All of your guns should be kept in some kind of secure location.

Get a gun safe for your all of your firearms, and make sure that your spouse knows how to access them in case they ever need them. Locked cabinets and proper storage cases are also great ways to store your guns.

Regardless of how you store your guns, make sure that they arent easily accessible. Locks, keys, and codes can help ensure that your guns stay in the right hands.

Also, dont forget about gun safety when youre on the road. Your vehicle needs to have some kind of gun safe.

Reading reviews from other gun owners can be helpful. Consumer Files has a great article on how to pick gun safes for your car.

Consider Fire Emergencies

Household fires are much more common than people think. Its important for gun owners to think about the best way to prevent ammunition and firearms from burning during an emergency.

When you think about how you want to store your guns, think about how fireproof those storage methods may be.

Pay attention to fire ratings when youre looking into gun storage methods. Go for safes that can withstand intense heat.

House fires can get as hot as 1,100 to 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit. If you can get a safe that can withstand up to 1,300, you know youve found a solid safe.

Educate Your Family About Guns

Youre never too young to learn about gun safety. Children as young as three can have the strength to pull a gun trigger.

If you want to make your home safe for guns, its important to educate everyone in the house about them.

Be open about the fact that you own guns, but that safety is a priority. Stress that guns are not toys and that they shouldnt be handling them without adult supervision.

Also be sure to utilize some gun usage moments as learning opportunities. When youre out deer hunting, show your child how you store your gun in the car. Show them what you do to clean guns, and how you handle storing ammunition.

Wrapping Up

Proper storage and education are the keys to keeping your home safe for guns. As long as you take the time to buy the right storage and talk to your kids about guns, youll have a safe home.

Do you want to read more content about guns? Check out our piece on how to properly clean an air scope rifle.

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How to Make Your Heart Healthy the Natural Way

How to Make Your Heart Healthy the Natural Way

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Do you ever worry about your heart health? If you have a strong family history of heart disease, then you need to be diligent about protecting your heart. Even if you don't have a family history, you still need to become a heart healthy person. There are natural ways to protect your heart and you will learn about a few of them right here. So sit back and relax as you read about some of the best ways to maintain a healthy heart.

The very first thing you need to do to protect your heart is to take a long look at your lifestyle. Are you overweight? Do you smoke? Do you eat fast foods on a regular basis? How much exercise do you get? These are all questions that you need to ask yourself. If you don't like the answers, then you really need to find ways to change your lifestyle. No one said it would be easy, but it will definitely be worth it.

So once you have decided to make a lifestyle change and to get into shape, it time to examine a few all natural supplements that you can take to increase your heart health. The first supplement is ginger. This is a spice that has been proven to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. It also will prevent dangerous artery blocking clots that can lead to heart attack or stroke. You can choose to cook with ginger or you can find a good ginger supplement to take.

A supplement called hawthorn has been used for many years to treat various types of heart related disorders. Hawthorn has been used to treat high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and angina to name just a few. It contains very strong properties that are able to make the blood vessels stronger and improve the heart's ability to pump blood throughout the body. This supplement must be taken daily and may take several weeks before you notice an improvement in symptoms. Be sure that you consult your doctor before taking hawthorn, especially if are taking a prescription medication.

There is an enzyme called Coenzyme Q10 that is naturally produced by your body. As you grow older, you body produces less of this powerful enzyme. Researchers have found that this enzyme is important to the heart because it has the ability to produce more energy from the cells and to prevent blood clot formations. This enzyme is also a potent anti oxidant. Studies show that taking Coenzyme Q10 can help your heart to function better and decrease the risk for heart attacks and strokes.

So there you have three good supplements that you can take to naturally make your heart stronger and help prevent heart disease. Change your lifestyle and take good care of your heart. It's the only one you have.

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

How To Make The Right Decision Regarding Cosmetic Surgery

How To Make The Right Decision Regarding Cosmetic Surgery

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Cosmetic and plastic surgeries have become a huge field of medicine in the last couple of decades. The interest in getting a cosmetic surgery rises yearly and with the innovations in the field it is becoming increasingly easier to get one. People go to plastic surgeons for many reasons: some want to correct a part of their body they are not completely satisfied with, while others have to undergo some kind of reconstructive surgery due to some event in their lives which has left them disfigured.

Whatever your reason to be looking for a cosmetic/plastic surgery, you have two options:

-Find local surgeons Local surgeons are readily available in your home country. However, since cosmetic and plastic surgeries are mostly not covered by medical insurance and are considered elective procedures, it might happen that the price for the surgery is too expensive, depending on where you live. Also, not all countries have the same types of procedures available.

-Find surgeons abroad Since cosmetic surgeries are usually elective, it is much better to try and find a good deal abroad. Prices vary from one country to another, and you can surely find what you are searching for a fraction of the price that you would get at home. Also, depending on the country, it is possible to find surgeries which are not available in your country. If you wish to have privacy and not disclose to people that you have gone for a cosmetic surgery, you can also just pretend it is a regular holiday.

The most important thing, however, no matter whether you choose to go abroad or to find a surgery locally, is to make an informed decision about the surgeon and the clinic where the operation will be performed. This is because cosmetic surgeries are designed to be impactful on your life. They are the game-changers, no matter how small, and a lot of things can go wrong, either during or after the surgery.

How to make an informed decision?

It is hard to put your trust in someone before you know enough about them. This goes for surgeons, as well, even doubly so, because this is someone that gets to play with your health and your looks. The best route to trusting your surgeon is knowing as much as you can about them (professionally, of course). To do this, you need to research and compare, so that you could choose a surgeon which really seems trustworthy and for who you can be sure will do a good job.

What to look for when researching cosmetic/plastic surgeons?

Qualifications and experience Qualifications are vital in deciding which surgeon to choose for a cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery societies have numerous conferences, symposiums and trainings each year, and a doctor who finds the time to attend them is a doctor who wants to stay updated with the latest developments. Aside from that, you should check where they went to school and how experienced they are.
Pricing and inclusions Cosmetic surgeries are not cheap, no matter whether you go abroad or somewhere in your vicinity. Deciding to get one means that you will have to spend a lot of money. Because of this, you should know what you are getting for the money that you will spend. Check the packages and see what is included, so that you would know what extra things (like hotel stay, or transportation) you will have to spend money on.
Check the facilities Performing quality cosmetic surgeries requires good clinic infrastructure and state-of-the-art tools to be used. While it is not all about the looks, a part of it definitely is, so be sure to check for any videos and photos of the facilities where the surgery will be performed. This will give you an idea whether the clinic is clean, kept up to date with latest standard and whether you will be safe there.
Questions to ask before booking

Is the surgeon certified by the relevant board to perform cosmetic/plastic surgery? Not all cosmetic surgeons have certificates, which is why it is very important to ask this. Also, there are multiple different certifications available for plastic and cosmetic surgeries, so make sure that your preferred surgeon has the right certificate for the procedure you need.

How much will the treatment package cost me? The cost of the package will depend on many things, notably on the experience of the surgeon, fees for the surgical room, stay at the hospital, and the surgery method. Dont always go for the cheapest, as, in some cases, this can mean that something is omitted from the package.

How much will other expenses, like travel and stay, cost me? You have to know about other expenses, as you have to prepare your budget. You dont want to be stranded alone in a different country without any money while recovering from a plastic surgery.

Where will the surgery be performed? There are a few boards which check whether the facilities are patient friendly. One of those is the International Joint Commission, one of the most reputed certification boards. Their standards are not easy to meet, so, if they have their certificate, then their facilities are probably of the highest quality. Steer clear of those hospitals that do not have these certificates.

Are there any before and after photos of this procedure at the desired hospital, or any patient testimonials? It is always wise to see how people who have had the procedure before fared and what results they achieved. The doctors will always be happy to provide these for you.

We cannot talk enough about the importance of making the right decision when it comes to choosing a cosmetic/plastic surgery package. Becoming more beautiful might be important to people, but it is always more important to preserve your health. By staying informed and making proper decisions, you significantly lower the risks of something going wrong with the whole procedure. We are always there to help you get the right information and make the right choice, so contact us if you need a cosmetic/plastic surgery.

How To Make Sure You Have A Healthy Pregnancy And A Healthy Child

How To Make Sure You Have A Healthy Pregnancy And A Healthy Child

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Every soon-to-be mother hopes and prays that she will have a trouble-free and healthy pregnancy, that will run full-term, and result in a healthy happy bundle of joy. What most mothers don't realise is that with a little research and knowledge, they can dramatically improve the chances of this happening.

Pregnancy nutrition plays a vital role for both the mother and child during the 9 months of pregnancy. As a mother, you need to ensure that the foods that you are consuming are natural and wholesome, and full of the essential minerals, vitamins, and irons to keep you feeling strong and healthy, and which will best prepare you for the birth. And then we must remember the developing child in your tummy, that is totally dependant upon you to deliver all the nutrients that it requires to develop physically and mentally.

Ensuring a healthy pregnancy can help prevent possible birth defects or premature birth. In order to accomplish this, you have to ensure proper pregnancy nutrition by eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients necessary for your babys health. For example, did you know that every day pregnant women need to have a high-quality diet which is usually translated to 80 to 100 grams of protein, a little bit of salt, lots of water or fluids, and calories from foods obtained from a variety of whole food sources. In this regard, the food pyramid serves to be a useful pregnancy nutrition advice guide.

No matter what you may have heard - prenatal vitamins can only do so much to provide nutrients to your unborn child. You have to dig a little deeper to figure out ways to integrate iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and more to ensure the safety of your pregnancy.

A few questions every mother needs to ask include:

Are iron supplements a good idea?

Is it okay to use daily multivitamins for nutrients?

What kinds of foods should I avoid?

If I have diabetes, how will my baby get enough sugars?

How can I plan each trimester for proper pregnancy nutrition?

So, what foods should you eat during your pregnancy? Seafood is an important food that you should eat to make sure your baby receives iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein for growth. These nutrients can improve your baby's verbal skills, behaviour, and ultimately the development of their whole body.

Remember to be careful eating shellfish during pregnancy as they can contain mercury which can damage the nervous system of the baby. This is also applicable to certain large fish, listed below. These fish are known to have high levels of mercury and are best avoided if you want a healthy pregnancy.

King Mackerel,




The FDA and EPA suggest that you can eat up to 12 ounces of the following:

Canned Light Tuna,






Isn't it good to know that with a little research and application, you can be confident that you are doing all you can to ensure a healthy pregnancy? The importance of pregnancy nutrition cannot be overstated, and as a responsible mother-to-be you will be happy knowing that you are doing everything right for your little bundle of joy.

How to Make Healthy Holiday Meals

How to Make Healthy Holiday Meals

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The holidays are less than a month away, and we all know what that means holiday meals. On average, people can gain anywhere between 1 and 7 pounds over the season thanks to office parties, family meals, and get-togethers. All the cookies, cakes and eggnog can really add up on the scale.

At Omni Surgery Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan we help our local communities, including Saskatoon, achieve effective weight loss results with our minimally-invasive lap band surgery. Unlike a bypass surgery, stomach banding can be accomplished via a laparoscopic procedure, and patients can usually leave our centre on the same day.

One of the largest bariatric clinics in Canada, we employ highly-experienced lap band surgeons in order to deliver effective results both comfortably and with the attention to detail you expect. We also have a staff of nutritionists to help our post-weight reduction surgery patients adjust their lifestyles to eat healthier and truly change their lives in terms of diet and fitness.

At the core of our nutritional program is the philosophy to eat less, more. Three ample meals, accompanied with snacks throughout the day, comprised of highly-nutritious foods and minimal empty calories. Unfortunately, holidayfoods can make it hard to stick a healthy eating routine.

To combat holiday weight-gain Omni Surgery Centre has put together a few ways to improve your favorite side dishes by cutting empty calories and increasing nutritional value.

1. The Mash. Instead of mashing the same old white potatoes that you do every year, try using sweet potatoes or even cauliflower for lower calories and higher nutrients. Also, skip the high-fat milk and butter and opt for skim milk and fat-free sour cream. And a pinch of salt is okay, but why not experiment with other seasonings to make the dish your own?

2. The Stuffing. Possibly the worst offender of holiday foods, you can try to lighten your stuffing with these suggestions. Use fewer breadcrumbs by replacing them with chopped vegetables to increase the stuffings nutritional value. Instead of using a stock reduction, go for low-fat vegetable or chicken broth. For flavor, nix the salt and butter and opt for your own mixture of dried fruits.

3. The Vegetables. You might think theres nothing that could go wrong with vegetables, but are you using butter when you prepare broccoli? Try using herbs, spices or olive oil instead of dairy when youre cooking vegetables. Lastly, switch up the ordinary peas and corn with different nutritious and flavorful vegetables like zucchini, peppers or eggplant.

Now youre ready to have a holiday meal loaded with nutritious side dishes that wont leave you with anyguilt.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

How to Make a Healthy Smoothie for Weight Loss (Five Simple Steps)

How to Make a Healthy Smoothie for Weight Loss (Five Simple Steps)

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Smoothies are a great breakfast option for packing in plenty of nutrients into your day. For weight loss, its all about what you put in them.

To make a smoothie a healthy complete meal, you want to formulate it with a balance of healthy foods to keep you feeling full until the next meal. When prepared appropriately, smoothies are great for fat loss because they give your body a super boost of nutrition and can help keep you away from choosing less healthy food over the day.

Follow these top pointers for building a healthy smoothie which trumps any sugar-loaded commercially prepared product.

1. Use vegetables as the base

Dark leafy greens and herbs are the everyday superfoods found in your kitchen. Makes vegetables the base of your breakfast smoothie for the nutrients and bulk-adding fibre.

If you have a powerful blender you can add just about any kind of vegetable. In less powerful blenders use courgette, beetroot (grated), cucumber, and leafy greens which are softer in texture.

Choose one to two handfuls of the following:
Dark leafy greens (spinach, silverbeet, kale etc.), courgette, broccoli, beetroot, carrot, or cucumber.

2. Limit fruit

Limit the fruit to no more than 1 cup. Fruit is naturally high in sugar and for anyone trying to drop belly weight, limiting sugar is a great place to start.

 Berries are a good fruit of choice because of their low sugar content. Citrus fruits, especially lemon or lime add a good sharp flavour which balances the bitterness of vegetables.

Top low sugar fruit picks:
Berries, lemon, lime, kiwi, and seasonal fruit.

3. Add healthy fat

Using healthy fat is key for making your meal balanced and satisfying. Its about getting the right balance of healthy fat for your individual needs. Too much fat can turn into and excess of calories preventing weight loss. Use just enough of these healthy fat additions to build a smoothie which will keep you full until lunch time.

Choose one healthy fat:
Avocado, coconut milk/cream, nut butter, linseed oil, Greek yoghurt, crushed nuts/seeds/coconut topping.

4. Add protein

Protein is also a key part of any healthy breakfast to keep you feeling satisfied and balancing blood sugar levels over the day. Protein needs are very individual, but usually between 15-30 grammes is enough for a meal. Check labels on food or use a tracking app to work out how much protein is in your smoothie recipe. Remember vegetables and some fats (yoghurt, buts) also act as a source of protein.

Top protein additions:
Natural protein powder (whey, pea, rice, hemp), Greek yoghurt, quinoa, nuts, seeds.

5. Choose your liquid

The purpose of adding liquid is mostly functional. Add enough liquid to make your smoothie blend and adjust according to how you think you like it.

The liquid in the smoothie does also add to your daily fluid intake which is a good bonus for anyone who struggles to drink enough later in the day. Another bonus is in choosing herbal teas or good quality coffee by providing antioxidants which are linked to numerous health benefits.

Liquids of choice:
Water, green tea, herbal tea, coffee, coconut milk (count for the calories from fat).

6. Super additions

Once youve got a base smoothie recipe following the top five points above, adding in super additions is up to you. We all have personal tastes when it comes to smoothies so these additions are best for your own experimentation.

There are many of superfoods and powders available nowadays coming attached with many health claims. My suggestion is first starting with making your smoothie super in and of itself. Other superfood additions are a bonus on top.

Try adding:
Greens powder, cinnamon, ginger, cocoa, matcha, turmeric.

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