Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

How to Design a Strong Promotion Strategy for a Lease Company

How to Design a Strong Promotion Strategy for a Lease Company

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As a lease company, youre always looking for ways to grow your business and stay several steps ahead of your competition.

However, this is often much easier said than done. The reality is that the world of digital marketing and promotion is changing every day. Sometimes, it can be tough to keep up.

Many lease companies find that they simply dont know what makes for a successful promotion strategy.

Ready to find out? If so, then keep on reading.

Create a Logo

The first step in creating a strong promotion strategy for your lease company?

Creating a logo that represents your brand, stands out, and makes it clear exactly what you have to offer.

The right logo can help make it much easier for your clients to recognize your brand. It also leads the way in creating consistency in all of your advertising materials and digital marketing channels.

Essentially, your logo is the foundation of your promotional strategy.

Start by creating a design thats able to be resized. While detailed images and elegant cursive script may look great on larger pages, they just end up looking like a blob when resized to fit your social media profile pictures.

Thats not a good look.

Next, try to aim to create the perfect balance between recognizable and cliched. For example, look at the logo of Tower Leases, which works to negotiate cell tower lease rates.

Their logo is white and blue, depicts a cell phone tower with electric waves coming off of it, and the texts block lettering is easy to read. It makes it easy to understand exactly what the company can help clients with. Follow this example when creating your own design.

Start Building A Strong Online Presence

Your website and web presence is one of the most important parts of your promotion strategy.

When you create a campaign, send out emails, or launch an ad on social media, you need to make sure that there are plenty of eyes already on your content. In addition to creating an easy-to-navigate website, youll also need to claim as many channels as possible.

This means filling out your Google My Business page, and packing it with customer reviews, photos, and your contact information/hours.

You should also list your services in local online directories, so that those looking for a lease can connect with you. Of course, youll also need to get active on social media. This doesnt mean just posting random pictures and status updates whenever you remember to.

Youll also need to directly engage and interact with your target market. This will also help you to understand how they behave online, so that you can craft content you know theyll want to read.

Also, think about who the biggest names in the leasing world are. Reach out to them, and ask if you can write a guest post on their website. Or, see if theyll put a link to your website in their blog content.

Make Sure That Web Presence Is Optimized

Standing out online means that youll also need to make sure that your website is properly optimized for a larger, more diverse type of web traffic.

Keep in mind that many Internet users today will be accessing your website from their mobile devices. In fact, mobile visitors are equally as important, if not more so, than desktop ones.

This means that if your website isnt mobile-friendly, youll end up losing a large portion of your market. To test the mobile-friendliness of your current website, use free tools, like Google Mobile Checker.

If your site is less mobile-friendly than youd like, remove large images and eliminate any autoplay features you have.

The speed of your website also matters. Potential clients dont exactly have a long attention span these days. In fact, if your website takes more than a few seconds to load, chances are theyll hop off your page. Theyll likely end up on your competitions, instead.

Use this free website speed checker to make sure your website is loading quickly.

Research Your Market

Now that youve set the scene for the perfect promotion strategy, its time to focus on the content that you include in it.

This is where hiring an expert copywriter thats able to form an emotional connection with your readers is especially important.

Your content needs to directly connect with your readers. It needs to anticipate their needs and their pain points. It should address common concerns, and speak the same language they do. Your content needs to be as appealing to your target market as is possible.

It then needs to be posted where theyre most likely to see it.

Get to know your market. Where do they hang out online? What time of day are they most likely to access your website or open an email from your company? Which social media platforms do they prefer? Do they prefer short content, like a picture with a caption?

Or, would they rather read a long-form blog post? What about starting an SMS campaign, where your target market receives texts about your next event or open houses?

You need to learn what your market likes, and then craft and tweak your content accordingly.

What Else Do You Need For A Strong Promotion Strategy?

When it comes to creating the perfect promotion strategy for your lease company? Well, the advice contained in this post is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you want to stand out from the competition and establish yourself as an authority in your industry, then youll need to constantly look for ways to stay a step ahead.

What about things like live video content? Working with influencers? Publishing articles on leading industry websites? Finding the right internal and external links to include in your email marketing campaign?

When it comes to a digital promotion strategy, the possibilities are endless and evolving every day.

To make sure youre ready for what tomorrow brings, spend some time on our website. Were here to help you to create the campaigns guaranteed to succeed.

Make this the year your business grows exponentially.

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