Selasa, 09 Januari 2018

Aerobic Benefits and History

Aerobic Benefits and History

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Aerobic Benefit:
The word 'aerobic' means "with oxygen". Researchers consistently recommend that regular physical activity with healthy eating habits is the most efficient way to keep yourself fit and control your body weight. Aerobic activity helps you to control or reduce your weight by using excess calories that otherwise would be stored as fat. Everything you do uses the calories including sleeping, digesting food and breathing. Any physical activity to what you normally do will use extra calories. So doing regular aerobic exercise gives you a sense of positive attitude that helps to counteract stress. Aerobic activity increases the body's production of endorphins.

Benefits of aerobics:
* The heart works more efficient and becomes more stronger.
* It helps to control your weight.
* Reduces the risk in developing diabetes, obesity and any heart disease.
* There is an increase in good cholesterol and decrease in bad cholesterol.
* It increases endorphins.
* Increases the body's ability to take in oxygen and makes you breathe faster.
* It helps to reduce and control the body fat.
* Improves the body muscle strength and flexibility.
* Improves the quality of sleep that freshens you early next morning.
* Helps to avoid chronic diseases like heart disease and hypertension.
* Aerobics increases the resistance fatigue and gives you more energy.
* Improves your mood and reduces depression, stress and anxiety.
* It avoids overheating.
* Aerobics pumps the blood faster and more forcefully.
* Helps in prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
* Builds the muscular strength and makes your body more flexible.
* Helps to reduce blood pressure.
* Prevents from certain types of cancer also.
In short aerobics burns your fat. Aerobics makes you live longer and live healthier and happier.
It builds up a positive attitude in you and changes your perception of looking towards life.

Regular aerobic exercises will force the heart to gradually enlarge and it is important to always target your heart rate.

Here safety is first:
Vigorous aerobic routine can cause sprains and injuries. So never neglect the pain and immediately consult your doctor. If you have any medical concerns the consult your doctor and then start the routine. If a problem like dizziness, vomiting, back pain or any other arises consult your doctor and then continue the aerobic activity.
Aerobic history: "Origin of the way ending in a fit and healthy world"

Aerobics is nothing but a system of exercises to help prevent coronary artery diseases which was first put forwarded by a physician called Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper in San Antonio air force hospital in Texas. Shortly after the publishing of cooper's book about the exercise system, Aerobics in 1968, a person known as Jackie Sorenson developed a series of dance routines known as the aerobic dance to considerably improve the cardiovascular fitness. In this way aerobic dance and other form of exercises gain existence and made its way cautiously among the masses all over United States and many other counties and that too in a very short span of around two decades. The number of aerobics participant in the US alone raises from an estimated 6 million in 1978 to 19 million in 1987. Thus from the above lines one can easily see the tremendous popularity of aerobics among the people around the world.

Something about sportaerobics

Howard and Karen Schwartz are the two persons who developed a very new and competitive sport known as sportaerobics in the year 1983. Their group organization called the sport fitness international holds the credit of organizing the first national aerobic championship in the year 1984. Sportaerobics at the beginning, started featuring competition in four categories namely individual male and female, mixed pairs and trio which have the facility to include any of the three athletes. In the year 2002 the competition was upgraded to a group of six athletes. The judgment of the competitors is done on a one minute, forty-five seconds routine done to music. Judges choose two criteria namely the artistic merit and the technical merit with an overall 10 pints each. In 1996 sportaerobics is formally adopted as a Gymnastique discipline.

Growth of aerobics since the early years

Aerobics since the day of its introduction is growing at a tedious pace. All sorts of people are finding aerobics to be convenient and helpful in maintaining a fit and healthy body structure. Today the present scenario is such that every person in between a heavy work schedule makes out atleast half an hour to work out either in the gym or in the home. Every one today stress on the need to stay healthy and hence aerobics and all its form of exercises are rapidly gaining popularity.

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