Minggu, 07 Januari 2018

5 Proven Strategies to Promote Your Ecommerce Website

5 Proven Strategies to Promote Your Ecommerce Website

Image source: https://wemakewebsites.com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/Screenshot%202015-05-07%2016.05.20.png?itok=EwhYd6J7

If youre looking to make some money online, setting up an E-commerce store is a great way to do so. Theyre simple to design, only need basic maintenance, and can rake in some serious cash.

However, that last part is a lot easier said than done. Especially if youre not accustomed to having to promote your website.

If this is your first dip into the E-commerce waters, youre going to want to have a bit of fanfare and publicity to get the word out. Here are 5 proven strategies to promote your website and get people buying!

1. Post About It

One of the most effective ways to promote your website is by running a strong SEO campaign. With the right selection of keywords and a strong enough ranking, you can draw in clients from all around the globe.

But in order to have a strong SEO campaign, youre going to want to create great content.

Once youve selected your keyword, write up a quick post about the exciting opening of your new site. Let readers know what they can expect from your E-commerce store by plenty of photos and details.

Blog posts are a great way to build hype, and youll strengthen your websites ranking at the same time!

2. Get Social

Theres no ignoring how powerful of a tool social media is in todays world. With billions of users around the world, social media can help you reach customers in a newer, more modern fashion.

Best of all, youre going to where your audience is. No need to worry about bringing them to the content. After all, social media is about more than just the likes and shares. Its an incredibly simple way to generate some business for free.

Set up social media channels for the big 3: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and get to posting. Make sure that your pages look professional and reflect your business values.

3. Run an Ad

Of course, theres nothing wrong a more traditional method of advertising. After all, banner ads have been an internet staple for a good reason they work.

And now, thanks to Facebook Ads, you can combine the power of social media with the pinpoint accuracy of an ad.

Its relatively cheap and youre able to target customers directly through demographic options. Best of all, it actually works and you can track your results in easy to understand ways.

4. Host a Giveaway

While advertising fads come and go, one thing remains constant: people love free stuff. If youre looking to drum up some quick interest in your site, connect with some businesses for a giveaway.

It doesnt even need to be your own product. You may choose to use ticketliquidator.com to give a lucky winner some great seats to an event!

Its hard not to get excited about free things, so keep this easy psychology hack in mind.

5. Run a Sale

If you cant quite afford to give away free stuff, no worries. You can always discount some goods on your store.

Sales are a fantastic way to draw in new customers and move old stock at the same time. Just make sure to publicize your sale ahead of time so people know about it.

Final Thoughts on How to Promote Your Website

Thanks to social media and easy to use E-commerce sites, its easier than ever to promote your website. Keep these tricks in mind and your business will thank you.

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