Rabu, 31 Januari 2018

Rosemary Herb, Delicious & Healthy

Rosemary Herb, Delicious & Healthy

Image source: http://www.chef-in-training.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Sage-Rosemary-Turkey.jpg

Want a delicious herb that delays aging? Rosemary. Rosemary is a perfect herb: rosemary benefits health in many ways & has no side effects.

As an herb rosemary's health benefits have been known & used for thousands of years by ancient cultures, including the Chinese & Greeks, who used rosemary usually correctly for its health benefits.

Rosemary as an herbal treatment is currently employed for headache, indigestion & depression. However, it also has many other uses as outlined below.

Using rosemary as an herbal remedy

Asthma may be relieved by rosemary's volatile oil which can open air passages narrowed by histamine.

Rosemary herb benefits includes preventing food spoilage as the commercial products BHA & BHT. Simply fold crushed rosemary into meat, fish, pasta & potato salads. Of course, rosemary also enhances the flavor of the foods it is mixed into.

You can also use rosemary for body scent that is caused by bacteria or fungus. Simply mix ground rosemary into bath powder and use normally. You can also use rosemary tea as a bath wash.

Rosemary's health benefits include its effect against infectious bacteria. This also extends to its inhibiting infections from minor cuts. Simply press fresh rosemary leaves onto cut before washing & treating.

While modern herbalists do not generally recommend rosemary for memory problems like ancient people did, there might still be a role for rosemary in cognitive problems. As a tea or shampoo herb rosemary contains certain compounds that may help inhibit Alzheimer's . Drink lots of rosemary tea & use shampoos containing rosemary.

Rosemary herb benefits also includes enhancing hair quality & delay baldness. Give it a shot. At worse you'll come out with very clean hair.

Rosemary has generally simulative properties so it may be a good natural treatment for fatigue. Drink several cups of rosemary tea a day or look for candles that contain rosemary oil.

Scabies is a disturbing condition where mites house themselves under the skin & lay its eggs. This causes infections & lesions. Rosemary health benefits include minimizing pain of scabies by dabbing cooled tea onto affected areas.

Its antispasmodic effects enable it to smooth muscle tissue so rosemary is quite good for digestive problems.

Rosemary can also help relieve congestion brought on by colds & flu.

Rosemary also contains powerful antioxidants which are necessary for preventing cancer, heart disease & premature aging.

Its antioxidant effects may also help arthritis sufferers especially before disease worsens.

Its antioxidant properties also suggest it may be effective against cataract formation. Drink lots of rosemary tea for that purpose.

If I've lost your attention, how about this? Rosemary is being studies for its ability to prevent & treat wrinkles by Japanese researchers. Drink some rosemary tea & use rosemary in facial masks.

Using rosemary herb to improve health

For congestion, make an herbal tea with crushed rosemary. Use 1 tsp per cup of hot water, steep for 10 minutes, strain & enjoy a few cups a day. You can also inhale steam from tea to breath in rosemary?s healthful properties.

As a bath, add 10 drops to warm water.

As a tincture, use - 1& tsp, 2 - 3x daily.

For commercial preparations, follow manufacturer?s directions.

You can offer diluted rosemary tea to children under 2 years of age.

Finally, use rosemary liberally, to taste, in meats & potatoes.

Cautions when using rosemary as herbal remedy

Rosemary is very safe to take for most people.

However, even small amounts of rosemary oil may cause irritation of the stomach, kidneys & intestines. Larger doses may be poisonous.

Never ingest more than a drop of concentrated rosemary oil.

ReParenting YouyrselfArticle #2

ReParenting Children
Art Martin Ph.D. (article #2 in a series on ReParenting)

ReParenting is not just about learning how to be functional adults and parents and pass on a healthy world view; it is about learning how to ReParent ourselves delete and unload the programs that we have accepted from our parents so we can parent our children properly. It is next to impossible be a good parents and set up an effective model unless we can find ourselves and enter recovery so we can let go of the past mistakes our parents made in our childhood. It is about how to love ourselves so we can in turn give unconditional love to our children.
Do you have the eight qualities of unconditional love installed in your mind? You may think you have it, yet I have discovered in my research less than 10% of the population of the industrialized nations know or have an understanding what the eight qualities of unconditional love are. If your children went through the terrible twos you do not have the eight qualities installed in your minds operating files. Your children were asking for unconditional love and recognition. They assume you had these qualities since they were born with them. So they were acting out to get your attention. Did this irritate you? If it did you did not know what they were demanding. You must ReParent yourself to install the eight qualities of unconditional love in your minds operating system. In doing this we will rewrite the corrupted dysfunctional parenting model so we can stop the vicious circle of handing this malfunctioning parenting model to our children from generation to generation.
I discovered that coming from a dysfunctional family myself our past experience was imprinted in our data base we will repeat our parents behavior. Before we can have successful relationships and become successful parents we must unload our garbage that is setting us up to perpetuate our parents' parenting model with all it's dysfunctional behavior patterns. What I discovered was we cannot be acceptable parents who set a good example for our children until we learn how to ReParent ourselves and grow up ourselves. Unconditional love must be installed in our core being. It is like we must go through the internship process of growing up again. Adult-children can not provide a good parental model or raise children. So parenting is not just about having children. It's knowing that you are authentic, doing the right behaviour your children will trust, respect and accept. To do this we have to understand what being a whole person is. If you can not talk the talk and walk the talk and you do not know what to say in a positive manner to your children how can you be a parent. If you have a corrupted operating system in your computer you can not create functional relationships nor can you become as an acceptable parent. Our dysfunctional behaviour will always bleed through even if we know our parents behaviour patterns are affecting us and we try to stop them. It happened to me many times. We were able to stop the pattern because we recognized it every time it snuck up on us.
This is not our children's problem because they were born with the knowledge of unconditional love just as you were. They had the concept down when they were born and they were trying to get you to provide it for them. Unfortunately it was programmed out of you by the time you were four years old. Now you are doing the same dysfunctional parental behaviour model your parents imprinted on you. Since you were not shown what the eight qualities of love were........ You may have already destroyed their self esteem, self worth, and self confidence by the time they were four. As a result they act out and you get irritated by their behaviour so you pass the faulty dysfunctional parenting model on to them and destroy their concept of love by the time they are four years of age just like your parents did to you They assume that any concentrated form of attention is interpreted as love. Most children and adults I have worked with feel love is indifference because that is the way their parents treated them. It is not what we think we do it is our children's perception of how they feel they were treated that will be their understanding of what love is to them. They are very intuitive and see right through false behaviour. You can not act like you are giving them love and affection if you do not know what it is no matter how hard you try. If you feel them pushing you away or rejecting your attention you are not being authentic and they are reacting based on what they perceive. Their perception is an accurate evaluation to them even though you may feel your are treating them with love and acceptance. If you get frustrated and act out and get angry, it just validates their feelings of not being all right. You are destroying their self esteem, self worth and self confidence and you do not even know you are doing it.
My presentation in this book is about healing your relationship with your parents and yourself. It may not please some people who choose live in their illusion and their beliefs thinking they have an effective relationships with their parents, their partners and are effective parents who have supportive relationships with their children. Most people do not want to believe that all the causes of our problems and conflicts started in the first four years of our life. They do not see any reason to revist their childhood to release the trauma because it is blocked out. Parents can not remember traumatic incidents in their childhood.
I did not want to blame my mother for all my conflicts, even though she did cause them, She did the best she could. We can not live in the past or blame others for our problems and conflicts. Even though we could not control the situations in the first ten years of our life we can not blame anyone for the outcome. We have to unwind our resentment, take control, responsibility and release all the stuffed anger, fear, and traumatic feelings from the past. We can not live in the past or blame the past. Our parents made mistakes which we have to forgive them for and make sure we do not pass down their dysfunctional parenting model and patterns.
To break this vicious cycle that is recreating this dysfunctional model your children must know they can trust and respect you and you will in return respect them. When you can provide the eight qualities of unconditional .love to them and you have taken responsibility to forgive your parents for using this dysfunctional parenting model and the all the problems created by it. Make control, authority, manipulation and forced compliance come to an end with you. You will have made a major contribution to society and the world. Each one of us who can do this will eventually create a ground swell in raising functional, ethical, honest children who will not act out the behaviour we are experiencing in politics and corporate business now.
I view this process of transformation from all angles. I have no developed opinions on what is right beyond what I present in this book. I look at all sides of the question. I do not let religion, cultural traditions or psychological research influence my theory or concepts. What I have presented here is based on my experience with clients and in my lectures and seminars over the last thirty years. I will look at anything a person brings to me to evaluate. There are some concepts in this book which may not be in line with the beliefs of some people. Every process or program is documented. A personal belief may cause you to discount my theory. But never the less just because you do not agree me does not invalidate my theory or process.
I will investigate and evaluate any theory or program that is presented to me. If it works over time I will include the process in my system. In other words "show me a good mouse trap that works and I will try it." My work with children has proven we can change their behavior in a very short time because they do not have the locked in garbage built up in their data base. The less you have to deal with the quicker we can release it. Children are very open to release conflicts in their life. You just have find the cause of the dysfunctional behaviour. The scientific theory presented by the psychological researchers and writers does not work. They have evaluated and evaluated yet have they succeeded? Tough Love does not work it just creates more rejection, fear, and lack of trust. Intervention and discipline without unconditional love does not work either. You can not push a child or teenager into proper behaviour by trying to get them to understand what they are doing. You do not stop disregulation by discipline either. When a child is acting out or shutting down they are doing it to get attention. The key ingredient is the eight qualities of unconditional love. It makes no difference who is dealing with the child. It could be a parent, teacher, therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or a doctor, they must be authentic and transparent with the ability to show and provide the eight qualities of unconditional love. If they can not demonstrate this the child or teenager will shut down and will not listen. You can talk and explain all day, if a child or teenager does not trust you they may listen but does it change their behavior?
This article details how to revisit your childhood and ReParent yourself to correct the issues that caused us to accept our parents behaviour. Many of the behaviour patterns created seeds of discontent which may hatch later in our adulthood. When you ReParent yourself it will help you avoid treating children in ways that cause the emotional problems that we had to endure as adults. If you are one of the nine out ten adults who did not have the childhood you would have wished for, you can clear the issues with your parents and forgive them because they did not know what they were doing. They were simply following the routine that their parents in turn had taught them. They did not know what the eight qualities of unconditional love are or how be an effective model for their children. You do not have to create another dysfunctional family if you follow the basic directions I am providing so you can recover your lost self, understand what unconditional love is and become who you really are. Your children will be happy and succeed in life when you have a successful loving relationship with them.
Begin your transformation now; miracles do happen! You can get more information about ReParenting at Dr. Martin's website www.ReParentingyourself.com email him at mailforat@gmail.com

Reason Why You Should Ingest Chaga

Reason Why You Should Ingest Chaga

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh4hf78XK48ICYXS5c0W5Iib2wm4oYifu5IZp9Xl34_f_epPH1NlzEkhtlLEvedrtHCv3wSyTr1zwAAwygmg1c9pIL8SVqamhCsNxT9TJ2Wz9EulF7Yw9Uo1oTb8HaGNlsrejUwVupqQ0M/s647/Photo%252520Feb%25252019%25252C%2525202013%25252C%25252012%25253A33%252520PM.jpg

Chaga is a mushroom that looks like burnt charcoal that can be found on birch trees. It is also known as Inonotus obliquus as its scientific name. Many people from various countries use it as folk medicine since the 16th century to remedy cancer and other deadly diseases. The medicinal fungus cannot live anywhere. It only thrives in place as cold as -40 degrees Celsius. There are tea, capsule, powder, and other forms of products that contain chaga. People who do not have any sickness ingest it as well to keep themselves healthy. Below are the reasons why you need to ingest it as well.

1. Detoxification. - This mushroom has the highest levels of antioxidant among the discovered plants in the world. Antioxidant can:
- Provide your skin with a healthy glow.
- Suppress the process of aging.
- Eliminate toxins in the body.
- Prevent various age related diseases.
- Prevent cellular damage.
- Eliminate free radicals in your blood stream.
- Promote good health.

2. Calming and Revitalizing. - Foresters and hunters who have brewed a raw cut piece of this fungus testify that ingesting the medicinal fungus can:
- Alleviate hunger and stress.
- Increase the body's stamina.

This is perfect if you are always busy at work or having a strenuous job. You can drink a cup of chaga tea in the morning so that you can become more productive and have a positive attitude in your work place. You can also withstand the long day without getting burned out or lessen the fatigue in the afternoon.

3. Immune Booster. - As you step out of your home every day, you will face pollution and various threats from diseases that can inflict you. The best way to protect yourself is to boost your immune system since you can never get rid of these threats. You can buy chaga capsule for your daily supplement or fruit-based beverage so that you can be safe and healthy at all times. A strong immune system can:

- Keep you away from infection.
- Keep you away from diseases and viruses.
- Help you cope with various toxic exposures daily.
- Help you defend yourself against the common fever and flu.

4. Improve Your Appearance. - Many people, especially women spend cash just to acquire a young-looking skin without spots and wrinkles. All these flaws are caused by aging and toxins in the body. Since chaga has the highest levels of antioxidant, your system will be cleansed and the aging process will be delayed. A clean system provides natural and pinkish flow to your skin. The wrinkles will be gone and the blemishes. Your eyes will look brighter and your lips will look redder.

Selasa, 30 Januari 2018

Psychology and Feng Shui

Psychology and Feng Shui

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0c/90/6b/0c906b0d5182d477d8b8e9b51c24ba8c.jpg

The famous Swiss psychiatrist, Carl G. Jung, said what we deny, fear or dont address consciously will visit us as fate. I agree and believe, too, if we dont manifest our intentions, we will manifest our fears.

Many people believe therapy is about resolving a crisis or healing a traumatic past and while these are worthy goals indeed, good therapy is also like good feng shui, because it is about exploring and making our noble intentions conscious and meaningful.

Balancing Yin and Yang energies in our relationships is imperative. Think about balance within the context of our feeling afraid that the relationship with our significant lover will end because our mate will find someone else so sometimes we pull away in a detached manner to the point where only our Yin (feminine) energy remains. For balance to occur "within" the context of that relationship the significant other may become understandably and notably angrier, wondering, Where did my soul mate go? Now the Yang (masculine) energy arrives!

Normally this isnt done consciously, no, it is unconscious and it is out of fear. The first party for example well say a woman fears rejection and detaches. The male party also fears rejection and abandonment but his response is anger. These are psychological realities yet their origins were fear based, they were unacknowledged and they became manifested.

Lillian Too (The Encyclopedia of feng shui, pg. 203) discusses the principles of Yin and Yang in how the Chinese view conjugal bliss as a double happiness! Hooray! But there will never be much bliss in a home if the space is filled up with anger (Yang) as in You never! (An expression that actually indicates a psychic regression as does the expression, "You always!") Or feel the passive resistance (Yin) of Oh no, husband, nothing is wrong. Sometimes one spouse needs to be extraverted (psychology) and take the lead (Yang) and sometimes one spouse needs to be more introverted (psychology) and allow the other to lead them (Yin). Its lovely having the opportunity to play both roles in a relationship. One size neednt fit all in marriage or in searching for a love relationship!

Are you feeling angry today? (Yang) Do yourself and your relationship a favor and literally cool off by removing that red sweater and have yourself a nice glass of cool spring water over crushed ice. Not only will you feel better physically when next you speak to your mate, but in your new physically balanced state, you will feel clearer emotionally about what is actually troubling your spirit. I felt hurt when you came home an hour late and never even called. It made me feel disrespected as though you dont care anymore. Psychologically this does make one vulnerable, I will agree, but it also makes one face his or her real truth and believe me, the truth does indeed set us free.

Are you sometimes lacking energy in the romantic department? Where did all the chi go? How can I get sexy back? Time to get physical! So get up on the dance floor, take a walk, and lift some weights. Statistics show that people who exercise not only feel more in the mood; they feel more physically attractive and the accompanying renewed energy unleashes everyones tiger. But don't stop there, stop with all the bread and sugar and fill up on fruits and vegetables instead. Oh and don't forget to get that computer and that TV out of the boudoir. Replace them with a picture of Klimts The Kiss and a nice photo of the two of you. Surely then youll make your own fire element!

Sometimes people will try to save money and economize, but in matters of love, its more costly not to implement positive changes. I know a man who after he married wife #2 said he would not get a new bed because he didnt need one, The one I have is fine for us! Whoa, lots of Yang energy here from him. She, wife #2, wanting to keep the peace, shrugged her shoulders and said nothing. Lots of Yin here, too, but wheres the balance? (feng shui) Wheres the honesty? (psychology) Did he learn that kind of rigid control in his family of origin? Did she learn that peace at any price in hers? Yikes now how many people are in that bed? Wife #1, wife #2 and husband #1 every time one enters that master suite! This is not good psychology or good feng shui!

Its a known fact that Yin and Yang energies work together creating a harmonious space whether in your inner self or outer space. You can transform your master bedroom into one that feels warm, receptive and restful (Yin) and passionate, exciting and on fire (Yang). Think of the lovely balance you are creating as you turn the lights low (Yin) and put a match to those two juicy red candles (Yang) whose flame releases an exotic cinnamon scent in your bedroom: nice and spicy. Also, make certain you have balanced rest for nothing takes us further away from a romantic mood than exhaustion which can quickly lead us to its sister and brother: depression and anxiety.

So, until we meet again, remember everyone loves love; its universal! If you are fortunate enough to have a loving attachment then cherish and protect it consciously by enhancing its chi, being mindful of your mates needs as well as your own, and dont forget to keep your thoughts, your words and your actions positive. You can do it!

Copyright 2008 by Mary Jane Hurley Brant All Rights Reserved. Please credit me if quoted.

Mary Jane Hurley Brant, M.S., is a practicing psychotherapist specializing in grief counseling, Certified Group Psychotherapist, and Certified Simple Abundance Leader in Bryn Mawr, PA. Her book, When Every Day Matters: A Mother's Memoir on Love, Loss and Life, Simple Abundance Press, Oct. 2008 is available at Amazon.com

Please visit her website www.MJHB.net to read more about MJ
who is available for consultation in person or by phone.

Promising Way to Lose Weight - 7 Days of Quinoa Recipes

Promising Way to Lose Weight - 7 Days of Quinoa Recipes

Image source: http://thefithousewife.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Quinoa-Stuffed-Tomatoes.jpg

Exercise, pills, and diets have been this generation's top weight loss methods. With these conventional practices of trying to get the best shape for your body, do you think you have achieved the weight and shape you have been wishing to have? Or are you now more worried of the increasing number of tight jeans you have in your closet? I tell you, this stressful weight loss problem would not even help you become leaner. So stop doing these usual methods again and again. And try the newest discovery on how to do effective and safe weight loss - the Quinoa way.

Weight loss is like a universal problem. It is not just an issue of the few. It is a problem of the many. So it is not just you who is experiencing cutting the budget for expensive weight loss pills and having a craving stomach due to fasting diets. Weight loss should not be hard. Most of all, it should not take much time to accomplish. The "quinoa-recipe" way will make you achieve your dream body in 7 days of not spending more than $5 already for an entire week's diet.

Quinoa is a form of edible seed from goosefoot or the Chenopodium plant. Quinoa is highly valued today because of its low Glycemic Index and nutrient content. Nutritionist dieticians confirm the presence of amino acids which make it a wholesome protein based diet. Being today's super food rich in dietary fiber, magnesium, phosphorous, calcium, iron, and other vitamins, Quinoa is best eaten as staple or substitute food needed for a healthy -or even for a weight-loss- diet.

The United Nations and World Health Organization have even recently acknowledged and ranked Quinoa as the super crop that could promote a healthy lifestyle.

Years of scientific research related to food and nutrition acknowledge Quinoa as one of today's highly-valued foods advised by nutritionists that could provide a complete balanced diet from each and every quinoa recipe. In fact, quinoa recipes are being one of the most demanded foods nowadays being requested and searched by health enthusiasts who would definitely want to introduce quinoa recipes in their everyday diet. Quinoa could be tried in different delectable ways.

With recent researches and experiments to create more quinoa recipes, several variations are now suggested for you to experience better breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks using quinoa recipes in your everyday meal.

There are a number of recipes that you can look through the internet and try at home. Aside from the list online, you can also try to substitute quinoa in many of the recipes that you find in cookbooks, and if you are a good cook it would just be easy for you. You will have a lot of great recipes of your own to show off to your friends and family and they are very likely to follow when they see how nutrition-rich and delicious a meal you can have from healthy, weight-loss quinoa recipes after all.

Power Why Do Some People Feel Powerless

Power Why Do Some People Feel Powerless

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e4/97/17/e497178b1703613423db34cea2225a67.jpg

The power that I am talking about here is personal power. And this is more about the power that one has over oneself than it is about having power over others. Another term that is often used for this is self control.

And although having power can lead to having influence over others, this is purely a by-product and not a reflection of power per se.

When one has personal power they will know that they have an effect on their environment. Here they will have the ability to influence other peoples behaviour. Now, this may not always lead to what one wants, but the knowing that one has an effect will be there.


For the person that feels powerless, it comes from a perspective that one does not have an effect on their environment. However, this doesnt necessarily relate to all situations. While one person may feel empowered in one area of life, when it comes to another area they may feel powerless.

Or it could be a general feeling of being powerless and this will mean that it will affect ones behaviour in a variety of ways.

The Inner Experience

Internally this will lead to different feelings, thoughts, emotions and sensations. Feeling powerless is the obvious feeling and then one can also feel: depressed, hopeless, frustrated and angry. Anger is often the result of one feeling that they have been compromised. And if one feels powerless then compromise will be a common experience; so it is the not much of a surprise if this person feels deep anger.

The Outer experience

If one feels powerless within it may seem that they will appear that way without. But this does not always happen. This can lead one to wanting to control others and to go to the other extreme of being in complete control of their environment.

For some it will lead to these internal feelings being clearly visible to the outside world. This could be in form of one always appearing as the victim, unfortunate and as a slave to circumstances.

Dysfunctional examples of this are dictators, tyrants and extremely controlling people; these are people who, out of their own sense of powerlessness, need to control everyone and everything as a way to cover up what they feel within.


What control does is allow for one to regulate these inner aspects. And yet if one feels these things within, it will not matter what goes on outside. No matter how much one consumes, in terms of possessions or people, it will never last or be enough power.


So if we were to round up two groups of adults, one group who feel empowered and another group that feel disempowered; on the surface there is probably not a lot of difference. What will be different are the perceptions that they have.

Physically they are all adults and when it comes to their mental and emotional sides there is a difference. One group perceives the world through the eyes of an adult and the other through the eyes of child.


When the past has not been processed or dealt with, it will lead to one regressing to the past. And to one perceiving the present based on associations that were formed when one was very young.

At these moments it becomes extremely difficult for one to be present and to see that they do have an effect.


It is during the time when was one was a child and before then as a baby that will have a big influence on how empowered one feels or doesnt feel as an adult. These moments will lay down the internal perceptions that one has of their sense of power.

And how empathic ones caregivers were as a child will play a massive role here. The needs that a baby has can only be met through the caregiver; the child does have the ability to meet them.

This does not mean that the caregiver has to be tuned into every need that the baby has, it simply means that the caregiver needs to be generally aware of them.

Empathic Care

When the babys needs are responded to, it will begin to see that is has an effect on its environment. That the world responds and listens to its needs and that people can be trusted and relied upon to be there.

Perhaps the caregiver was treated this way themselves or because they decided that they were not going to treat their child in the same way that they were treated.

This will enable the baby to grow into an adult that feels a healthy sense of empowerment. As it feels this within, it will not need to have power over others as a way to feel powerful because it will already feel that way within.

Unempathic Care

If the babys needs are generally ignored and denied, it will experience the sensations of having no control and extreme pain. It will begin to form associations that the world doesnt respond to its needs and that people cannot be trusted or relied upon to be there.

This is typically because the caregiver is responding the child in the same way that its caregivers responded to them. And out of a lack of awareness; they same behaviour is being played out once more.

As a result of this the baby is likely to grow into an adult that has no sense of empowerment. And as a result of this deep wound, the only form of power can appear to be over others.


These experiences then become internalised and this creates ones perceptions. So even though one can be an adult, as described above, through the internalisation of these early experiences one can feel that they have no power.

The past may be long gone, but its lives within ones mind. And this means that it will not be possible to feel a sense of power and to respond to life based on that sense. It will only be possible to create the same story all over again.


The ego mind will feel comfortable with this story, because even though it is dysfunctional, it is familiar. And familiar is what is classed as safe to the ego mind. It may seem to be how life is and that there is no other option.


How things were and the story that this created doesnt have to control ones life. And with awareness one can begin to realise that their present life doesnt have to be the recycled past.

This is done from within; no matter what one achieves without or what one sees, unless the understanding is from the inside that one does have power, it wont matter.

There are many resources out there to assist with this, from books to therapists. What matters is finding what works for oneself.

Senin, 29 Januari 2018

Pomeranian Training Guide Dos And Don'ts To Consider

Pomeranian Training Guide Dos And Don'ts To Consider

Image source: https://themilitarywifeandmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/3-Goals-to-Consider-Before-Baby-Sleep-Training-Pin.jpg

Pomeranians are among the easiest-to-train dog breeds all over the world. Even so, there are many important things to consider for a more fun and productive pomeranian training endeavor. In fact, there are numerous dos and don'ts to take into account so that you don't end up making unnecessary and unpleasant dog training practices. And here are some of the most reliable dos and don'ts to remember for a more successful pomeranian training:

Do consistent obedience training routines.

It's wise that you prioritize training your pomie for obedience before aiming to take on other dog training courses. Otherwise, you'll have a tough time managing your pet; particularly if you choose to carry out your lessons where there are lots of distractions. Basically, a dog that has undertaken the basics of obedience training is easier to control and deal with. Therefore, start training your dog as soon as possible. Moreover, keep in mind the importance of consistency. Try not to skip on your training routines. Be a disciplined master.

Don't leave your pomie unattended; avoid confining for a long time.

Pomeranians, like many other dog breeds, are susceptible to separation anxiety and other behavior problems that are usually triggered by negligence and/or poor dog training. They don't like to be left alone for a long time or to be confined in their crates. Hence, make it a point that you can always spend some quality time with your pomeranian pet. Do proper crate training, and minimize confining your dog. Instead, conduct several enjoyable training activities. Keep your dog busy and healthy through regular physical and mental exercises.

Do incorporate positive reinforcement. Do not hit or scold your pet.

Praise and rewards like treats or goodies work like magic when it comes to motivating pets to perform better during training. Indeed, the use of positive reinforcement in order to inculcate desirable behaviors or stop annoying ones is truly one effective and beneficial approach. You don't have to scold or hit your pet just to address or modify his behaviors. Choose positive pomeranian training to get more positive results and remarkable benefits.

Do not expect too much from your dog. Do take things slow, but sure.

It is never a good idea to hasten the process of training your pomeranian pet. Although pomeranians are inherently intelligent dogs, they can also be very lazy and unruly if not guided accordingly. Thus, it's your responsibility to constantly remind your pomie how to behave and respond to various situations. Don't ever force your dog to master your commands immediately. Instead, be consistent and persistent in teaching numerous tricks.

Do establish yourself as the alpha dog and the leader of the pack.

Indeed, leadership is very important if you want to be successful in any pomeranian training program. If you're not going to take your place as the pack leader, then expect your dog to do the honor. You should then prepare yourself in dealing with behavior problems like dominance, stubbornness and aggression. So if you don't want to cope with a rather unruly pet, see to it that you properly establish leadership, discipline as well as mutual trust and respect. This way, you can also develop a positive, long-lasting master-dog relationship.

Pet Health Insurance - General Information on Pet Health Insurance

Pet Health Insurance - General Information on Pet Health Insurance

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/85/36/4d8536efd7f334c1ce0e75c6a4711c1a--dog-insurance-infographics.jpg

Many may think that a pet insurance seems unnecessary for their furry friends, but there are good reasons to consider protecting pets.

1) Cost Savings

Without proper pet health insurance, pet owners would have to fork out a huge sum of money in an emergency treatment for their hurt pet. Hence, it is a wise decision to invest in a proper health insurance for pets as most veterinary clinics demand full payment. This would turn out to be great savings for pet owners.

2) Availability

There are many attractive best pet insurance plans from reputable insurance companies in the market today. These are very suitable to different budgets and choice of services required for a pet. Pet owners could upgrade their pet health insurance plan at any time depending on their budget and needs for their pets.

3) Peace of Mind

Loving pet owners who opt for the best pet health insurance plan would have the peace of mind to let their pet be more independent to enjoy its life as it is covered for unavoidable circumstances. Humans take on proper insurances to protect themselves and their loved ones in case of unforeseen situations. The same should be exercised by pet owners who enjoy their furry friends.

4) Bet against the Odds

It is hard to keep the pet safe and healthy at all times no matter how careful pet owners may be. The wiser decision would be to take out a proper pet health insurance that covers contingencies to protect the pet in case of illness, accidents and mishaps. Securing the best health insurance for pets is good planning for the unexpected. This would also ensure that pets are given a better chance of living longer lives with the necessary health services established.

Good and complete pet health insurance could also cover regular veterinary care or check up to avoid serious health conditions. This would provide pets a better living environment without undesired surprises through sudden discoveries of ill health.

5) Essential

Securing insurance for the pet is now an essential necessity as pet owners may have put in a high investment on their pet. Some pets are of high pedigree which may attract thieves. Pet owners of pedigree pets should consider a lost pet insurance to avoid a total loss in their pet investment. There are insurance companies which offer to pay good compensations for any pedigree pet which is lost through no fault of the pet owner.


There is more than meets the eye with pet health insurance. Pet owners who love their furry friends should consider the best pet health insurance in the market based on various factors such as pedigree, environment and lifestyle which could impact the life of their pets.

Our Skin Is Our Reflection

Our Skin Is Our Reflection

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/eb/51/ad/eb51ad3ac55e786b633262bdad3bbcfc--rosacea-remedies-homeopathic-remedies.jpg

We all know that the skin is the body's largest organ but I feel many of us forget just how intricate the internal systems of the body and the skin are at a cellular level. Many skin and hair disorders reflect some system disturbance within the body; everything from hormonal imbalance, immune deficiency, to gastric disease can affect your skin. Researchers have many different theories about the etiology of various skin disorders and I several tell us there is no connection between diet, nutrition and skin condition. Is it possible that diet and nutrition can boost the immune system, assist in the repair and control of gastric disease or other diseases of the body? We believe that while diet and nutrition may not cure skin disorders they can certainly provide the body and consequently the skin with vital nutrients to improve the health of the skin and help the body fight I disease.

The skin is like a mirror, it reflects everything because it is impacted by everything both internally and externally of the body. Human skin is also impacted by the stresses of our lives, genetics, environment, hormones, disease and lifestyle. We have to stop thinking of our skin as just a covering on the body that we wash and scrub, bake in the sun, rub with creams, make-up, lasers and treatments.

Topical treatments and cosmetics can be very dramatic but the body functions as a whole complete complex unit, which includes the skin. We should nourish and treat the skin from the inside to have lasting healthy improvements.

The skin and its cells acquire and utilize nutrients from the metabolic processes of the skin and the body. When our body is lacking in vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and essential fatty acids the skin will eventually react.

So you are not sure what you should be eating or what supplements you need for healthy skin and hair, Check with a knowledgeable health practitioner. If you have a health condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or heart disease speaking with a knowledgeable practitioner is highly recommended. Most of us will find that eating healthy, taking supplements and exercise will not only have a positive impact on our skin but also on our overall health and well being.

Start by adding a good all in one vitamin supplement that has all the basic vitamin groups, some minerals, amino acids and other nutrients then add essential fatty acid supplements (including omega-3s and omega-6s).

Eliminate the fatty snacks and carbonated beverages, instead reach for fruit and even better would be raw vegetables, you can now buy them bagged fresh, cut and ready to eat. Drink more water and natural unprocessed fruit juices. Pass on the milk, cheese, and red meat. The cows get so many hormones and other boosters these days, who needs theirs when we have our own hormonal issues. Just say no to fried foods and processed breads.

To those with skin conditions, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and dry skin types put it to a test for 90 days to determine what foods to avoid and what supplements to take. Be patient, it will take your body some time to react to all this goodness. If you are patient and consistent you should notice definite changes and improvement.

Please don't do this if it causes stress in any way because stress is a possible contributor to flare-ups in many skin conditions. Only do this if you can enjoy it, embrace it and can make it a welcome part of your healthy world.

Minggu, 28 Januari 2018

Our Food Habits are in Disarray

Our Food Habits are in Disarray

Image source: http://www.oureatinghabits.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/IMG_7535-1024x768.jpg

The average American's diet is out of control.

Walk into any restaurant and you will see the kinds of food we love as a nation - lots of pasta, red meat and sugary sweets. The American way of eating is very self-indulgent and unhealthy.

This is a very unnatural method of food consumption. It's a culture of extremes with extreme indulgence on one end and surprising starvation on the other end. Walk into any bookstore and you will find the shelves stacked with diet books. This is as good a sign is any that we as a country want a quick fix solution and are ready to accept fat diets and fat weight-loss schemes in the desperate hope to lose weight.

Something has to give.

The fact is, we need to pay more attention to the way we eat, what we eat, and the amount we eat otherwise we will always retain the tag of the fattest country in the world.

Everything begins and ends with diet. We have complete control over diet and this is a tremendous opportunity to improve our lifestyle. What you are about to learn will shock and surprise you because the way we eat today is not the way we were meant to eat food. As Americans we have done a phenomenal job to completely mess up our diet. It's time to go back to the basics.

Research demonstrates that genetically we are not even meant to eat a vast majority of the foods we now consider natural or healthy. Pasta, for example, is considered a refined carbohydrate and too much of it throws our insulin out of balance. In fact, many foods suggested to us as part of a healthy, balanced diet are actually completely foreign to our genetic makeup. Our diet today has changed so much over the past few decades that many of the so-called 'healthy, natural foods' may have directly contributed to most of our 'modern-day diseases'.

Case in point: Meat consumption in the United States coupled with inactivity.

Our ancestors were hunters and scavengers. From a physiological (functional) and aesthetic (visual) point of view, we are almost the same as our ancestors. We have the same bones muscles and internal organs as our ancestors. However we have several chronic illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and cancer they never had.

Why? The most popular notion is that the vast majority of our existence on this planet, man has lived as a hunter-gatherer. Nomadic people in small groups lived and fed completely off their surrounding environment and they were good at it. Fossil studies show our ancestors to be lean, strong and muscular well into their 80s and 90s! They were very active, robust people that covered hundreds of miles weekly for food. Hunting, running, digging, climbing were habitual, daily activities. We survived this way (as hunter-gatherers) through six ice ages. This was more than a primitive existence. It was in fact a very sophisticated method of survival, one we lack in today's times.

Basically, we have been eating meat a long time, but the difference between us and our ancestors is that we barely move our behinds compared to them and we eat a lot more processed meat filled with saturated fat and cholesterol.

We are eating too much meat, exercising too little and storing too much fat.

My Bambino - The Virtual Baby Online Game

My Bambino - The Virtual Baby Online Game

Image source: http://apk-dl.com/detail/screenshot/SMInc8_AjS2Lnpb0CAb-Y2VxirbS8Uzk-1Bk2OJ1TyRcpyADFXcPLhMCtXr5cX7BDg=h900.png

No wonder that today virtual games have become the part and parcel of social and professional network. Most of the people today are much influenced with this kind of network and has also become the source to communicate and build the relations in more better way.Although it is just the virtual world,but has vast impact in the real world.

Exploring Internet worldwide by the browers now is very common and another common aspect is without Internet the leading life has become tough.It has become the effective machine for the means of communication in sending and receiving.Internet is user friendly in searching and to get quick and fast updates on any happenings and coming to the part of entertainment we can find many interesting games for kids and adults in internet world. And now the trend of games has become virtual in that scenrio the virtual game has intorduced for the palyers the most waited virtual gaming named My Bambino with all the new and creative thoughts keeping players satisfication as a target.

MY BAMBINO is one among the games in virtual world with all the new features which defintely attracts the interest of the players, as it is designed keeping in the view the customers interest. MY BAMBINO gives an oppurtunity to the players to adopt a baby virtually and grow the baby in accordance to their desires, we can say that it is an open window who would wish for virtual parenting and through these u can experience the joy how the real parenting would be ? In My Bambino site you can find so many interesting aspects like it would be more of learning,fun as well as challenging to the players.

Unlike other virtual games, My Bambino is giving the palyers to play something very new in this Virtual Game world with unique and contemporary features. This game has all special effects which drags the players interest. It is designed and created in sense where you will experience the passion for the game as well you get edicted(chage the word)day after day, and this is sure . No doupt My Bambino will accomplish with more number of players to its credit as it is very very interesting as well it is fun cum competetive game to you and to the fellow palyers that who would be the best in parenting task. For may it be anyone the task of parenting would very difficult is the well known fact as it is not that easy going. Parents as to undergo and accomplish many challenges while performing the parent role where the parents, from the born baby to till the growth of the child although it may be virtual but the player has take care more specifically the virtual baby as a real baby and has to satisfiy all the needs of the baby from time to time.

Get ready palyers to play such an interesting game which is few seconds way which you can own it jus t by clicking www.mybambino.com for all the further information in regards to My Bambino game.

Author Bio:

John Summers is an experienced game reviewer, popular for his up to date reviews on online games. His articles enlightens the readers with a quick sneak peak into the latest and unique virtual games, his reviews are popular among the gaming industry.For more information please visit: http://my-bambino.com/

Models For Stress Management

Models For Stress Management

Image source: https://endingastigma.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/principles-svm.gif

Stress management is a coping technique to deal with the stresses of daily life. Most stress management methods intend to equip a person with effective coping mechanisms to deal with stress. For many people they are unable to deal with stress and ignore it, bottle it up, or dont deal with it at all. Unfortunately, in most cases this doesnt eliminate the stress, rather it makes it worse. Learning ways to cope with stress effectively will lead to a happier, and healthier life.

Stress is a part of everyones life, whether it is positive or negative, short or long-term stress. However, not everyone has the ability to cope with stress in a positive health way. Ones ability to cope with stress is learned thru life experiences, by personal expectations and with the resources that are available. Effective coping mechanisms include time management, cognitive therapy, conflict resolution, exercise, meditation, etc. Effective stress management is healthy and helpful at reducing stress. Ineffective ways to cope with stress are usually unhealthy, unproductive and act as a diversion to dealing with stress. These methods include smoking, drinking, over or under eating, zoning out in front of the TV, withdrawal, pills/drugs, over sleeping, procrastinating, and taking stress out on others.

Stress management improves stress to restore everyday functioning. How a person is affected by stress is determined through their perception, capacity and understanding. Richard Lazarus a psychologist who studied stress developed the cognitive appraisal model that argued in order for a situation to be considered stressful it first must be appraised as stressful. If a person assesses a situation as harmful, threatening or challenging then it can be considered a stressor. First evaluation is influenced by personal and environmental factors, which also determine coping strategies. There is a choice between problem-focused coping, which manages the problem, and emotion focused coping, which manages ones negative emotions. Once a problem has been appraised and a coping mechanism has been chosen, a secondary assessment will determine if there are enough resources available to cope with the situation. Insufficient resources can change the primary assessment of a stressful situation.

The cognitive appraisal model sets up the basis for Lazarus stress management model, The Transactional Model, which focuses on the transaction between a person and their environment. If a person doesnt appraise a situation as stressful, then stress is eliminated. Additionally if one possesses the adequate resources and ability too cope then stress can be dismissed. Changing ones perspective of a situation can avoid the development of stress. Learning ways to change ones perspective can decrease stress and improve the quality of life.

Although the transactional model is based upon the transaction between a person and the environment, the Health Realization/Innate Health Model examines the nature of ones thoughts in regards to these transactions. This model summates that a persons thought processes could determine ones response to stress. Therefore if we evaluate our negative thought processes and insecure thinking we can disengage from it. We can learn to use a mental filter to appraise oneself (resources) and ones circumstances (environment). Therefore we can change insecurity and negativity into positivity, which will reduce stress. Understanding the nature of thought through a quiet mind, inner wisdom and common sense will reward you with feelings of well being rather than stress.

These models of appraisal, transaction and nature of thought can all be learned through several sessions with a psychologist. In addition they will teach you coping skills and techniques to use when caught off guard. Most stress management techniques include setting limits, refusing demands and learning to relax. Some effective stress management techniques include time management, biofeedback, talk therapy, conflict resolution, relaxation, meditation, deep breathing, cognitive therapy, yoga, and exercise. Being able to uses effective stress management techniques will reduce stress, decrease anger and hostility, improve health and improve your life.

Sabtu, 27 Januari 2018

Miracles Are Your Own Responsibility

Miracles Are Your Own Responsibility

Image source: http://www.beth-tzedec.org/upload/events/3980/poster_embed.jpg

You have a responsibility to create miracles in your own life. The responsibility lies on your shoulders. You cant blame anyone else, and you cant look outside of yourself for someone else to create the miracles for you. In this article, Im going to break down the word Miracle, because each of you have a responsibility. As you know, my Why is to impact others and change the world one heart at a time. As you read this today, my goal is for you to take responsibility and realize that you have the innate ability to create miracles. So lets get started!

The letter M means Momentum, which is created by you. You must create Momentum in your life for yourself, for your Why, for your family, for your success, for your nances, for your health...YOU create Momentum! No one else will do it for you. You arent a surfer waiting for the next wave to come in. You and only you must create your own Momentum to drive you toward creating your Miracle!

The letter I stands for Incentive. You must have something inciting you to action...your ultimate Why. Why are you doing what you are doing? Why do you want to begin that business? An Incentive builds the foundation that keeps you focused on your Miracle. No doubt about it! But again, it is your responsibility to determine what your incentive is and how it will drive you toward your Miracle.

The letter R stands for Revelation. As you read this today, get a Revelation! Its your responsibility...no one elses. It doesnt matter who you are, where you came from, how much money you have...get a Revelation. YOU can and will create Miracles!

The letter A stands for Action. I know youve heard this before, but read this today, print it out and decide that you are going to take Action to create Miracles. Take the Action that you know that you need to take to create your Miracle.

The letter C stands for Commitment. Finally...once and for all...dive right into it...get Committed to your Miracle! Its your responsibility. Inside you is a reason for why you are here... your Miracle...so Commit to it. Go for it!

The letter L stands for Love. You must Love what you do. You must Love the Miracle that you are focused on creating. If your Miracle is all about money...you will fail! Your Miracle cannot be based on money. Your Miracle must be based on what you can do to impact the world, which will produce everlasting results. You will produce true Miracles! Dont let anyone else tell you what you must do for money. Love what you do and create your own Miracles.

The letter E stands for Energy. Your gonna need Energy to create your Miracle. Theres no such thing as it falling in your lap, luck or winning the lotto in a success mindset. It takes hard work! You need the Energy to take those daily action steps to create your Miracle. It is your responsibility to maintain your Energy to create your Miracle. Motivating champions worldwide!

Medicinal Mushrooms and the Immune System !

Medicinal Mushrooms and the Immune System !

Image source: http://www.motherearthliving.com/~/media/Images/MEL/Editorial/Articles/Magazine%20Articles/2003/11-01/Medicinal%20Mushrooms%20Powerful%20Immune%20Enhancers/medicinal-shiitake-mushrooms.jpg?h=825&la=en&w=550&hash=A4233A1C75D9730B9F10FD8C24B50D5F2B4CBA22

The polysaccharides and other active compounds in certain medicinal mushrooms may help relieve or possibly remove the painful symptoms and/or causes of some cancers and many autoimmune disorders.
Are Diet Foods Healthy? Let us hear the one major answer, after first asking another question.- How many so-called Diet Foods contain 'aspartame'? 4,000 , maybe 6,000, of the food and drink items offered thru-out an average large grocery supermarket. Now, let us keep this little article 'dangerously sweet and low to the point'. What is aspartame? Some know it by the name of Equal, NutraSweet, Spoonfull, or another dozen or so, made up, safe and healthy sounding diet promoting superlatives. But here is what it really is made up of: 3 chemicals, and they are 'aspartic acid', 'phenylalanine', and 'methanol'. Thus, I would most definitely call it a Chemical Poison. Without great technical detail, it is by far the most dangerous food additive placed in our grocery / food supply today. Aspartame causes over 70% of adverse reactions to food additives reported to the U.S. FDA,- including headaches, siezures, nausea, numbness, depression, fatigue, hearing and vision loss, anxiety, breathing problems, memory loss, joint pain, and believe it or not, weight gain. Ha! But not funny at all. Some chronic illnesses that can be worsened or triggered by eating aspartame include: epilepsy, brain tumors, chronic fatigue syndrome, M.S., lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, Sjogren's Syndrome, diabetes, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's. The amino acids, aspartic acid, and phenylalanine, ingested in much quantity can cause serious problems alone. But what of the ingredient 'methanol'? Methanol-(wood-grain alcohol), is a deadly poison! In the body it breaks down into 'formic acid' and 'formaldehyde'- a deadly neurotoxin! - - Why is this neurotoxin - Aspartame allowed to be placed in so much of our food supplies? Is it really safe? Of course not. What is going on here, that our Federal government and the Food and Drug Administration would allow this? Imagine,- cancer diabetes birth defects emotional and serious mood disorders autoimmune disorders, etc. The findings and proofs are out there. And, artificial sweeteners will not only NOT help you to lose weight, but will actually make you fat! Yes, maybe a very few diet foods may be o'k, but safe? At least not the money pumping adulterated Aspartame foods. Most people do not associate their symptoms with the long-term use of aspartame, and since I am trying to be brief this time, anyone seeking more information or directions to the facts and findings, may contact me. How aspartame was approved is a lesson in how chemical and pharmaceutical companies can manipulate our government agencies and health related organizations. It might be best if we tried to eat more natural live foods, unprocessed, and without the poisonous fantasyland additives, which actually destroy proper health maintenance. - 'Peace', - Joe Ward (naturopath / herbalist) - p.s.- and remember: "Gorillas-Dont-Cook"


Mb2-712 Real Exam

Mb2-712 Real Exam

Image source: http://s1.dmcdn.net/gYD5G/526x297-dpR.jpg

Question: 1

You import a managed solution that contains a custom entity named Loan. Loan is enabled for customization.
You need to add a new field to the Loan entity.
What are two possible ways to achieve the goal? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.

A. Open the imported solution, locate the Loan entity, and then add the new field.
B. Create a new solution, add the existing Loan entity, and then add the new field.
C. Modify the Managed Properties of the Loan entity in the imported solution.
D. Open the default solution, locate the Loan entity, and then add the new field.

Answer: A,B

Question: 2

You are adding a sub-grid to the Account form that displays data from a custom entity related to the account.
You need to identify which items you can use to display the data.
Which two items should you identify? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.

A. a fist
B. a chart
C. a dashboard
D. an iFrame

Answer: B,D

Question: 3

You have a Dynamics CRM organization.
You have a team named Team1. All of the members of Team1 have identical security roles.
A user named User1 has a personal view to display the records owned by Team1.
You need to ensure that all the members of Team1 can use the view.
What should you do?

A. Instruct User1 to assign the personal view to the owner of Team1.
B. Instruct the owner of Team1 to configure the filter criteria.
C. Instruct User1 to assign the personal view to Team1.
D. Instruct User1 to configure the filter criteria.

Answer: A

Question: 4

You modify the Account form to contain the contain the tabs configured and ordered as shown in the following table.

You need to identify which tabs will be displayed by default on Dynamics CRM for tablets.
Which tabs should you identify?

A. only General. Address Info, and Reseller Info
B. only General, Address Info, Reseller Info, and Additional Info
C. only General, Details, Address Info, Reseller Info, and Additional Info
D. only General, Details. Address Info, and Reseller Info

Answer: C

Question: 5

You have a Dynamics CRM organization.
You set an option that contains the values configured as shown in the following table.

What is the default sort order of the labels?

A. Four, One, Three, Two
B. Two, One, Three, Four
C. One, Two, Three, Four
D. Two, One, Four, Three

Answer: A

Question: 6

You have a Dynamics CRM organization. The organization does not use CRM for marketing.
You need to prevent Marketing from displaying on the Account form navigation.
What should you do?

A. Delete all of the items in the Marketing group.
B. Hide the Marketing group.
C. Minimize the Marketing group.
D. Delete the Marketing group.

Answer: B

Jumat, 26 Januari 2018

Manhood Pain and Urination What Could It Be

Manhood Pain and Urination What Could It Be

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/df/75/93/df7593cf8f7ba4435f2ba86e836e053e--urinary-tract-infection-kidney-health.jpg

For most lucky souls, urination is more of a relief than anything else. But for some, manhood pain might pop up while urinating and that can easily ruin a guys day. Besides making him quite hesitant to heed the call of nature, a man might even start doing other things to avoid the pain, such as drinking less water, which can be tough on the body. Its important to figure out where the manhood pain is coming from in order to ensure the best possible member care and overall health - and of course, to make that awful pain go away!
Where is the manhood pain coming from?

Sometimes manhood pain can be quite diffuse, meaning that it occurs all over the member and the surrounding area. Other times it can be quite sharp and targeted, such as coming from the tip of the male organ during urination. Here are a few of the most common reasons men might suffer from pain during urination.

1) Urinary tract infections. These infections of the urinary tract can cause pain anywhere in the member, but it might be especially severe right at the tip. These are very common infections that occur when bacteria somehow makes its way up the urethra. One of the most common signs of a urinary tract infection is the constant urge to urinate, even if only a few drops come out each time - and even those few drops can cause a painful burning sensation. Antibiotics can take care of this within a matter of days.

2) Kidney stones. The pain of kidney stones often begins in the lower back, but it might suddenly present anywhere along the member and midsection. Kidney stones are especially painful when passing through the member and out the urethra; some of them are too big to pass, and that means they wind up blocking urine. Thats an emergency situation. The pain of kidney stones is usually enough to send a man to the doctor rather quickly. The good news is that a variety of treatment options are available.

3) Socially shared diseases. Some socially shared diseases cause serious manhood pain, including pain upon urination. The worst culprits are chlamydia, gonorrhea and herpes. Though there are often other signs, such as redness, bumps and discharge, in some cases its simply manhood pain that wont go away and either appears during urination or gets worse as a man tries to pass urine. The only way to know for sure what is going on is to visit a doctor and get tested.

4) Prostate issues. A man who suffers from prostate issues, especially an enlarged prostate, might also suffer from urination problems. The pain is usually diffuse, throughout the entire urinary tract, and can often lead to slow urination that makes the problem even worse. The good news is that there are many options for men with prostate problems, and most of them will result in a good outcome that ends the manhood pain and gets a guy back to a normal life.

A man can take steps to keep his member as healthy as possible, whether he has manhood pain during urination or not. One of those steps is using a high-quality male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on a daily basis. A man should look for alpha lipoic acid, which helps fight against free radicals, as well as vitamin A, which is known for fighting infections. Shea butter and vitamin E can also help ease the member that has suffered pain or medical issues by keeping the skin smooth, supple and well-moisturized.

Visit www.menshealthfirst.com for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Managing your Sales Leads Through The Sales Cycle

Managing your Sales Leads Through The Sales Cycle

Image source: https://thebitterbusiness.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/sales-process.jpg

The Sales Cycle is a great model to use to help you to plan, to set goals and to increase success in sales. Success comes from managing each stage of the sales cycle effectively. This involves having a personal management system, where you sit down at least once every week to review, plan your next sales activities and set goals for the following week that will ensure increased sales.

Indentify Your Sales Cycle

Identify each stage of the sales cycle, there may be from five to seven stages in your cycle. Make a chart of this with nice big circles, and give each circle a meaningful name. For example:

1. The first circle is Leads, these will include all prospects and some unqualified prospects.

2. The Contact stage, where you email or telephone a lead and make contact with them. Your group of leads will now reduce to qualified prospects.

3. The Meeting or Presentation stage. Some of these meetings will lead to new business, some may require further action.

4. Active Stage, these are prospects you have met and you are working on. Some will convert to new business

5. New business, you have your first order

6. Existing Customer, the customer continues to order, and will buy other products or services

7. Advocate, the Customer will recommend you to others and will give you referrals.

Manage your Sales Cycle

Having identified your Sales Cycle, the focus now is to maximise on your sales potential at each stage. You do this by managing the your processes and activities at each stage of the sales cycle to ensure that you are in control of your sales pipeline.

You do this by:

Carefully managing and tracking each prospect, so that no activity gets overlooked. Keep a record for each one, with every activity and future action carefully flagged

Measure the number of prospects that are at each stage, ensuring that there is a continuous flow through the pipeline. Remember that it will reduce at each stage, so you must be continuously feeding new prospects in, and working at each phase.

Set goals on a weekly basis that will ensure you are working on every stage of your sales cycle. Plan your week carefully to maximise on time, effort and energy.

Use conversion rates to set targets for activities, goal achievement and improvement at each stage. Take, say, 40 names and your aim is to make telephone contact with each. Set yourself the target of making contact with 10 and converting at least four of these to a meeting. If you are successful, you will have achieved a conversion rate of 10 per cent. Increase this next time to a target of 12 per cent conversion rate. Do this at each stage, contact to meeting, meeting to new business and so on. The higher your conversion rate at each stage, the higher the number of sales you will get.

Review our Sales Cycle Management System

At least once every month, review how you are managing your sales cycle, and make improvements. Review:

Your sales management processes

Your sales activity recording systems

Your goals and targets

Your conversion rates at each stage

Maggi Noodles is Very Healthy Food for Kids As well As Elders

Maggi Noodles is Very Healthy Food for Kids As well As Elders

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgtCsNT0UpOOfZZsAdFNmHGtaWXmFKLwlm1WXqQ5BA9zGzh3COpGfJwP1gVQtWlqkOp-Pg9rlka3T9Wz-tBu_UsSP0pNJ8d871Lf_ts5-WfhYQ1roXrs_7LCaLc7znh97APYpeB-w94MGQ/w1200-h630-p-nu/Maggi1.JPG

Maggi noodles have always been a popular breakfast and snack item all around the world. There are very few people who would have never tasted maggi noodles in their life. Even the Nestle, the organization manufacturing the maggi noodles, has taken many steps to make their, one of the most selling product, as nutritious as possible.

The organization is pouring more money on the further research and development of maggi noodles. However, many positive outcomes have already taken place. The maggi noodles that is now available in the market is more delicious, stupendous and also rich in many required vitamins, minerals and proteins. Presence of such important constituents has made the product a very healthy option for being regularly used by both kids and elders of all age groups.

Initially Maggi Noodles was developed considering only kids and medium aged children in mind. But the organization never thought that their maggi noodles will be acceptable to kids and people of every age group. However, things changed dramatically, and maggi noodles started being used for breakfast and snacks in almost every household. Gain in popularity of this product also raised the expectation of the customers. They now required this frequently eaten breakfast product in many different flavors.

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Nestle, the manufacturing organization of maggi noodles never though that the popularity of their recently introduced breakfast product will become so viral. So when the customer started putting their expectation and requirements, it was not so easy for the organization to handle it. They were left with very less time and they have to deliver the expectation vested by the customers in them. In such situation, the research and development department of the organization arrived as a savior. They did and tried many things and came up with attractive flavors without causing any damage to the ultimate taste of the maggi noodles.

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It's been a long since the time maggi noodles were for the first time launched in the market. However things never slowed down for the people working in research and development department of the Nestle. They still try hard to make maggi noodles tastier while also enhancing the health benefits of the products. It is due to the hard work done by the people working there that the organization has been able to introduce maggi noodles in host of different options. Now you can get maggi noodles in almost every flavor you ever though of. Even the organization is experimenting lots of things. Last heard they were doing something with chocolate malt and maggi noodles. However, trying out this kind of things will appear funny, but with maggi noodles there is nothing impossible.

Kamis, 25 Januari 2018

Losing Weight While Detoxing Your Body

Losing Weight While Detoxing Your Body

Image source: http://positivemed.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/1-Make-Your-Weight-Loss-Effortless-with-THIS-Detoxing-Drink-e1471554755558.jpg

Do you want to lose weight? Although exercise and a healthy diet are the best approaches to take, many are starting to turn to body cleanses, also known as body detoxification. In recent years, multiple celebrities have brought weight loss and cleansing to attention. As nice as it is to hear from a celebrity that you can lose weight with a body cleanse or detox, you may be wondering if this is true. So, is there is a connection between detox and weight loss? Yes and no. It all depends on a number of important factors. These factors include:
The detox diet used. You may be surprised to hear how many ways there are to detox your body. Before you start a body detox plan, it is important to know your options. These options include water fasting, juice fasting, the Master Cleanse, the use of detox pills and patches, the consumption of all-natural foods, and exercise.

Water fasting, juice fasting, and the Master Cleanse are three popular detox diet methods. These methods are popular as they allow for the most weight loss. This is due in part to the elimination of consumption of solid foods. As enticing as it is to lose the most weight, fasting is not right for everyone. Those who are overweight, those who have become dependent on foods, and those with certain medical conditions may not only find it extremely difficult to fast, but dangerous to your health too.

Organic only foods are an easy way to detox your body, as you are still able to eat, unlike with fasting. The detoxification process will be slower, but when you stop putting unnatural foods and chemicals into your body, it can begin to repair itself. If on an organic only detox diet, you may notice a slight weight loss. This is because all-natural foods are healthier.

The length of your detox diet. How long you detox for will impact your results, including weigh loss. Generally speaking, the longer you detox, the more weight you will lose. However, before you start a month long detox plan, it is important to know the risks.

When consuming organic only foods, your body still receives needed nutrients, for that reason cleanses can last much longer. With the Master Cleanse and juice fast, your body will lack nutrients, but it will still receive some. That is why detox lengths vary. Most recommend a week to two weeks, but always listen to your body and its warning signs. As for water fasting, extreme caution is advised. Your body will receive no nutrients at all. Too long, such as five days or more, and the risk of health complications arise.

Your weight. Your current weight will also impact your weight loss success on a detox diet. The more you weigh, the easier it will be for you to lose weight. For example, if you are 20 pounds overweight, you may lose weight on a detox diet. However, if you are at a healthy weight, you may not lose any weight at all.

Your lifestyle changes. As you can see, it is possible to lose weight with a body detox or cleanse. With that said, your weight can return just as easily as you lost it. When you start adding solid foods into your diet, you will automatically start to gain weight. You can, however, make healthy choices. By eliminating foods high in sugar, fats, and calories, or by making the switch to organic, you can maintain a healthy weight for years to come.

You can lose weight on a detox diet, but your results will vary. The main goal of a detox diet should be to improve your overall health and well being. If you are solely interested in losing weight, this approach is not right for you. Remember, your weight loss may be significant, but it will only be temporary. Instead, rely on a combination of healthy eating and exercise.

Detox Body Detox offers helpful information and guide on body detox. If you have been living on planet earth, you absolutely must start to detoxify your body now!

Living Together In Divorce - The Need To Set Boundaries

Living Together In Divorce - The Need To Set Boundaries

Image source: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/121210095913-inlaws-story-top.jpg

Like so many divorcing couples throughout the world you have made a decision to stay together until what you both think is a suitable time to divorce and part for good. This can be because you want to sell your house, settle your combined debts or just live together so you can both raise your children.

In order to create a harmonious environment to co-exist in you will need to set some boundaries. Imagine an invisible line drawn around you which determines what you let in or out. The line is your boundary and if you're ex husband or wife walks over it carelessly you will need to tell them it is not acceptable.

A situation where having clear boundaries in place could be your sleeping arrangements. If you have separate bedrooms and one partner thinks it is okay to come into your room when they feel like it you will have to firmly let them know they have crossed your boundary line. Make it clear you do not want to have to put a lock on your door but if your ex does not stop stepping over your boundaries you will be forced too.

Mutual respect is the name of the game here and never will it be as important as two ex married people living in the same house. You will have to define your boundaries at the beginning of your new living arrangement so there is confusion or unnecessary conflict.

Going from husband and wife to roommates is a huge adjustment so I have no doubt that at times you will challenge each other's boundaries.

If the word BOUNDARY was not been recognized in your marriage then the both of you could be in trouble as the lack of any boundary setting could be the reason you broke up. In some homes there is a more dominant partner who calls the shots while the more submissive partner does as they are told. If this was the status quo of your marriage then staying together will not work.

When verbalizing your feelings on a subject such as the sleeping arrangements talk gently but be assertive. Getting angry and saying things that are hurtful will only make the situation worse. Good communication is based on listening to what a person has to say and then them allowing you to do the same. It is not about name-calling and control tactics.

Another area you will need definition is in the continued raising of your children. If there is any debate you should take it away from the children who have possibly seen enough upset at the end of your marriage. You cannot get into heated arguments in front of your kids otherwise they will be better off living with one parent. The reasons you have chosen to stay together may be based on financial survival but please do not forget that your children will become victims if their parents chose to carry on a war in front of them. It is also abusive if you allow it to continue.

Remember you are getting a divorce eventually so try to relax.

No one said living together during a divorce would be easy but a level of maturity is needed to make it work. Each ex partner has to rise above any petty issues and respect each other's boundaries.

This could be a lesson for you both as you learn how to appreciate each other's right to their own way of thinking and doing things. Boundary setting in any kind of relationship is essential for a healthy and happy atmosphere. You need to understand that we all have our own unique ways of how we look at the world and our place in it.

In any relationship there has to be give and take but there also has to be forgiveness. `

Learn About The Literal Meaning Of Social Work

Learn About The Literal Meaning Of Social Work

Image source: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/socialmediaforprofessionalservicesdontwaittobefoundjune242011cerno-110623172731-phpapp01/95/social-media-marketing-for-professional-services-38-728.jpg?cb=1308935397

The word social means a community in which living organisms survive, either they survive themselves, or depend upon other natural resources. Social work is a form of discipline that is performed by a number of communities to help bring a change within the environment. Social justice is another name for social work. It is a developmental step towards the betterment of a community or a society.

Social work as charity work

This community of social workers collects money from different organizations and groups of people, and helps poor people deal with poverty. Different NGO's are working and collecting funds in order to eliminate poverty from humanity. The practice of charity is an old tradition and is found in every religion being practiced throughout the world.

Who are social workers?

Social workers are professional workers, who work for the basic standard facilities provided to human beings. This includes managing their daily lives, their disabilities, and provides services and awareness about illness, death and hygiene. All the care and assistance is their moral responsibility. Social working communities depend upon legal aid, work with government assistance, and help making them a part of a healthy world.
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Social work as a profession

To become a professional social worker one requires a proper degree, and they should be professionally registered. The degree should be a Bachelor's degree or a diploma in social work. The degree can be BA, BSSW and B.Sc, while the master's degree can be MA, M.Sc, MRes and few countries offer a post graduate study in this field. It has been observed that more you feel like is not enough for helping the mankind; social workers take it as a lifelong learning process.

Role of social workers

They provide mankind a variety of services like planning different events and meetings in co- ordination with different companies. They counsel effected people and provide them services like psychotherapy. They work for social welfare policies, they make the policies co- coordinating with the government authorities and then implementing them.

Research services

Different communities came into existence because of the research done by social workers. Research depends upon the human development areas, includes theories that results in proper development of a new generation and societies. Their research takes them close to mankind's problems, and they are the people who are always there to help mankind, when even blood relations are lost.

Rabu, 24 Januari 2018

Laugh For No Reason--It's Good For You!

Laugh For No Reason--It's Good For You!

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2b/83/a9/2b83a9d97b43b7dd0d6c41d7db8c85b5.jpg

Youve heard it many timeslaughter is the best medicine. And people all over the world are experiencing the healing effects of laughter through laughter yoga, the brainchild of Dr. Madan Kataria from Mumbai.

Just what exactly is laughter yoga and what are its benefits?

According to Sebastian Gendry, World Operations Director of Laughter Yoga , founder and manager of the American School of Laughter Yoga, laughter helps us keep healthy by enriching the blood with ample supplies of oxygen, the lifeline of our system. It helps to remove the negative effects of stress, acts as a pain killer and boosts the immune system. Native and traditional healers have long believed that without an uplifted spirit there is not enough energy or vital force for a person to completely experience healing.

But there is more to laughter, he claims. Laughter puts us intensely in the moment. The ability to fully live and experience the now is of utmost importance because it is the only moment where we can experience happiness. In essence, laughter is something that can be done any time of the day, by any one. Simple, unrestrictive, it is an activity that has truly democratic values. And the positive effects of laughter are numerous.

Laughter is a stress buster. It reduces levels of stress hormones epinepherine and cortisol. Laughter strengthens the immune system. Recent research into the effects of laughter by Dr. Lee S. Berk, Professor at Loma Linda University, California, demonstrates that laughter increases the count of natural killer cells and antibody levels. Laughter therapy also helps to increase antibodies( immunoglobulin A) in the mucous of the nose and respiratory passages. Healing can be promoted through laughter.

Laughter is also anti-ageing. Laughing contractions tone facial muscles and expressions. They increase blood supply to the face, which is why people look flushed when they laugh. The influx of blood supply and nutrients nourishes the skin and makes it glow. People look younger and more approachable when they laugh. By the same token, their laughter can be infectious and generate more laughter.

Laughter is aerobic exercise; it stimulates heart and blood circulation. Dr. William Fry of Stanford University claims that one minute of laughter is equivalent to 10 minutes on the rowing machine. It contributes to a sense of well-being because more oxygen is taken in during laughter. It is also an exercise suitable for all, including those confined to a bed or wheelchair.

There is no doubt that laughter is an universal tonic.According to Henri Bergson in his essay on the meaning of the comic, laughter is not only the great equalizer, it is the great masseuse of emotions: It is the business of laughter to repress any separatist tendency. Its function is to convert rigidity into plasticity, to readapt the individual to the whole, in short, to round off the corners wherever they are met with.

We have all experienced the cathartic effect of a good laugh. Think of the last time you had a deep belly laugh and think of the way your laughter dispersed whatever tension you had in your body. An internal massage, laughter restores us to holistic wisdomeverything, even the worst and most unacceptable becomes soft and approachable within a comic perspective.

The upshot of it all is: laugh and the world laughs with you. Live life laughing. You have nothing to lose, except your grumpy corners!

Kill Obesity before Obesity Kills You

Kill Obesity before Obesity Kills You

Image source: https://jebblographica.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/obesity-kills-poster-wip-031.jpg

While heart disease ranks as the number one cause of death for men and women, because it is linked to so many other causes of death, perhaps obesity should really claim that title. Whether it is heart disease, diabetes, smoking related deaths, or even cancer, obesity is at least a causal factor that can make each one of these ailments much much worse.

The fact is obesity has now become an epidemic. More than 40 MILLION Americans are considered obese. This statistic is staggering and in my opinion, pathetic. In 1982, less than 4% of children were considered obese, but today, that number is a mind blowing 30%! People are dying from heart disease in record numbers and the number of individuals who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (which is DIRECTLY related to being overweight) is on a sharp incline. Add to that the numbers of individuals who are diabetic and who have not been diagnosed yet, and you can see we have a huge problem on our hands. The sad fact is, there is perhaps no other malady that a person can suffer that is more curable than obesity, and the cures are more than obvious, and in fact, are free.

If you are overweight, you simply must do something about it NOW before it gets out of hand. The first step you need to take is to visit your doctor. If you do have some type of disease or ailment, it is best to be diagnosed as soon as possible so treatment can occur. In addition, you will want to get your heart checked to see if you are healthy enough to begin a fitness regimen.

Once you have visited your doctor, it is time to get moving. Exercise is movement, so I dont care if all you do is walk, but you must do something, and do it every day. Sixty minutes of rigorous exercise per day is recommended. Sure, we all have time to play on the computer or watch the Simpson, I am sure that ANYONE can make time for a daily exercise routine if it means saving their life. If you dont know how or what to do, hire a fitness trainer to help get you on the right track. They can help get you started on a regular exercise program of fat loss and weight training to help get your weight under control.

The next step is the foods you eat. In order to kill obesity, you have to take control of what you put in your mouth. Natural foods, not processed ones, are the key to success here. If it didnt exist 3000 years ago, dont put it in your mouth. In addition, focus on fruits and vegetables not meats and fats. Eating less can be tough, but it is the key to a long and health life.

These admonitions should be made clear to everyone in the entire world. Prevention is the key to so many diseases, not to mention what a healthy world would do to our cost of healthcare. If you are overweight, take action now, and kill obesity before it kills you.

Is There Such Thing As A Happy Ending

Is There Such Thing As A Happy Ending

Image source: http://sayquotable.com/images/quotes-images/1-quote-about-there-is-no-happy-ending-in-life-there-is-no-image-coloured-background.jpg

After you've gotten out of a bad relationship it leaves you questioning lots of things. First off, how did you end up with that person in the first place? What did you see that led you to end up with them? If there are no kids involved it's easier to walk away and never see the person again, but kids make it a lot more difficult. For better or worse you are stuck having to deal with that person.

My wife and I were out with a friend and his date recently and the date was describing her ex as a great friend. They have three children together. She went on and on about how they are on the same page about everything, they just realized they didn't want to be married anymore. Wow, a happy ending with kids, what a concept. It left me wondering what they'd both find in the world since they were starting over but leaving their great friend behind. It's tough enough to find someone compatible to be with, if they wind up being your "great friend" you have hit the jackpot.

No one will ever accuse me and my ex of being great friends, probably the opposite, so I'm always intrigued when I hear about the "happy ending". Statistically half of marriages fail, so how many of them end well. If they ended well divorce attorneys wouldn't be driving fancy cars and living in big houses, while their clients usually lose these items.

When you make the decision to move on in a relationship it seems like fantasyland to assume that you'll both just shake hands and all will be well with the world. It's a great goal to shoot for, but more than likely one of you will be angry or bitter, and you'll fight over possessions or custody of children, and being friends will be the last thing on your mind.

I hope to get there some day but a line that always seems to ring true for me is from one of my favorite movies The Shawshank Redemption. Morgan Freeman's character says to Tim Robbins character "Hope is a dangerous thing". It's an emotion you have to wait on as opposed to being able to have some control over it. You can spend lots of hours hoping for things and they will never come. I'd rather do something proactive.

If you are one of those that can walk around feeling good about how your relationship ended consider yourself very lucky. There are a lot of us out there scratching our heads wondering how the relationship ever started in the first place, and it's always refreshing, yet hard to believe, when someone is boasting about a "happy ending".

Copyright 2006 George Siegal

How to Use Goat Milk Products for Body Care

Image source: http://www.lipstiq.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/GoatMilkLotion_175-e1477452882947.jpg With the upsurge in natural and organi...